Are you Looking PUBH6003 Health Systems and Economics Assignment Help?

Subject Code and Title PUBH6003 Health Systems and Economics
Assessment Report and Presentation
Individual / Group Group
Length Part A – 1000 words (+/- 10%)

Part B – 15 minutes

Learning Outcomes The Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by successful  completion of the task below include:

  1.  Critically examine key characteristics of health systems and  apply this knowledge to local and global contexts. 
  2.  Investigate and inquire into the building blocks of health  systems and interpret how it is translated globally. 
  3.  Evaluate the principles of systems thinking and promote multi sectoral collaboration for successful implementation of public  health programs. 
  4.  Analyse the key concepts and principles of health  economics.
  5.  Evaluate the factors that influence health service supply and  demand with the focus on the equitable distribution of resources.
Submission Part A –Due by Sunday, Week 10 @ 11:59 PM* (AEST/AEDT) Part B – Group presentation in class time in week 10  

Submit Copy of Presentation by Sunday, Week 10 @ 11.59* PM  (AEST/AEDT)

Weighting Total = 40%  

Part A = 20%  

Part B = 20%

Total Marks 100 marks


Health financing is a key function of health systems. The core components of health financing policies and programs include revenue collection, pooling of resources, and purchase of health  services/ interventions. The design, type and implementation of health financing policies and  programs determine the extent to which the goals of a health system may be achieved for a given  country.

Assessment 2 is a Group Assessment. It requires critical analysis of the of National Health Accounts  data for any country of choice from the link below: 


data from any OECD country from the link below: 

The analysis should follow the “Conceptual framework for analysing health financing systems and  the effects of reforms” (chapter 1: Figure 1:2) developed by Kutzin (2010). The conceptual  framework is a guide for assessing health financing policies and programs of countries for the  achievement of health system goals. The link for the framework is available here:  

The key focus of the assessment is a critical analysis of the health financing policies and programs  of a selected country based on the given conceptual framework and how that translates into the  achievement of health system goals. 

Task Summary 

You will be allocated to a group and required to regularly communicate and collaborate with your  group members. A record of your group communication and collaboration will be maintained in the  allocated group area in Blackboard. You may communicate with your group on other platforms as  an additional method e.g., zoom, Microsoft Teams, telephone, mobile application and email; but  the records must be transferred to blackboard as proof of your contribution. 

You will work closely with your group to develop a Group Report and deliver a Presentation to the  class. 

Assessment 2 consists of two parts: 

  1. Part A: Group Report = 1000 words (+/- 10%) 
  2. Part B: PowerPoint Presentation in class (15 minutes) 

The Group Report and PowerPoint Presentation will be developed through group discussions and  workshops with your group in class and through the learning tools available in your group area in  Blackboard. 


Conduct a critical analysis of the health financing policies and programs of a selected country and  determine how that translates into the achievement of health system goals for the chosen country. You are required to use data from the National Health Accounts or data from the OECD countries,  guided by the conceptual framework proposed by Kutzin (2010).

PUBH6003_Assessment_2_Brief_Group Report and Presentation _14 July 2023 Page 2 of 10 

Follow the steps below with your group to develop assessment 2: 

  1. Critically review the health financing policies and programs of a selected country utilizing the database of the National Health Accounts or the database for the OECD  countries, guided by the conceptual framework developed by Kutzin (2010). 
  2. Use critical thinking skills to reflect your opinion/analysis/perspectives on the health  financing policies and programs of the selected country. 
  3. Review further information from authoritative textbooks, peer reviewed journal articles,  government reports or academic online sources to support the assessment 2 write-up. 
  4. Use the assessment 2 template to integrate knowledge/information to form a Group Report. 
  5. Prepare a Presentation from your Group Report to be presented in class in week 10. 6. Keep records of group communication and collaboration in the group area in Blackboard. 
  6. Update assessment 2 progression in your group area each week by following a learning  guide given by your lecturer. 
  7. Submit a preliminary draft of your Group Report in week 9, following the given template. 
  8. Provide at least 10 credible references to support your assessment, using APA 7th edition referencing style. Please see more information on referencing here:  

Submission Instructions  

Submit word document file of the Group Report via the Assessment 2 Part A and PDF file of  PowerPoint Presentation via the assessment 2 Part B links respectively, which are available in  Blackboard. Your Learning Facilitator will provide feedback via the Grade Centre in the LMS portal.  Feedback can be viewed in My Grades.  

Academic Integrity Declaration Group assessment tasks 

We declare that except where we have referenced, the work we are submitting for this assessment  task is our own work. We have read and are aware of Torrens University Australia Academic  Integrity. Policy and Procedure viewable online at