REM502 Research Methodologies (Critical Literature Review) Assignment Help



Subject Code and  Title

REM502 Research Methodologies


Critical Literature Review




Critical Literature Review: 1,500 words (+/- 10%)

Learning Outcomes 

The Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by the  successful completion of the task below include: 

a) Identify Challenges and opportunities for Research  and Development (R&D) in the Information  

Communication Technology (ICT) Sector. 

b) Critically examine relevant literature and the  industry landscape to identify gaps and formulate  research questions and objectives pertinent to the  ICT domain. 

e) Integrate ethical principles related to the design of  R&D solutions.


Due by 11:55 pm AEST/AEDT Sunday end of Module 4  (Week 4)



Total Marks 

100 marks

Task Summary 

This assessment task is designed to enhance your skills to critically assess the studies  that have been conducted on your research topic and to synthesise the findings in a  coherent manner. You will write a critical literature review, which is the base for and  will lead towards defining your Research Proposal (Assessment 3). This assessment  task is the beginning step of your research design and will play an important role in  carrying out your research. 

Please refer to the Task Instructions for details on how to complete this task.


Research is an iterative process. The abstract, research statement, research gaps,  research question(s), aims and objectives may well change depending on what is  discovered during your literature search, the methodologies chosen and proposed  methods. Feedback from the Learning Facilitator will also help you refine these  elements. 

The purpose of a literature review is to gain an understanding of the existing body of  research, current industry ICT trends and debates relevant to a particular topic or  area of study. It involves the presentation of the accumulated knowledge in the form  of a summary and a critical evaluation of the sources accessed. This summary  presents an analysis of the points presented in academic and/or professional sources  and an evaluation of their strengths and weaknesses. Therefore, by conducting a  literature review, you can acquire knowledge about the foundational and important  concepts, research methods, and experimental techniques used in your relevant field  of study. You also gain an insight into how researchers apply the concepts learnt in  the course to real world problems. Another great benefit of producing a literature  review is that, as you progress in your writing of it, you develop a better  understanding of how research findings are presented and discussed in your  discipline of study. In addition, conducting a literature review helps to strengthen the  currency of the knowledge-base in a given field of study. 

For this assessment task, you must produce a critical Literature Review. This task is  formative in nature and is the starting point in working towards your final Research  Proposal (Assessment task 3). Each assessment task in this subject is designed to  build your proficiency level in research methodologies and is not a stand-alone task.  The Critical Literature Review is designed to provide academic substantiation and  methodology rationale to your Assessment 3 Research Proposal—a report and  presentation you will deliver in Week12. 

Task Instructions 

Write a critical literature review—an analysis and evaluation of published and  unpublished materials which helps establish the current challenges and issues related  to the topic under study. It should provide the reader with an overview of the  research that has been already carried out on the topic and what challenges are yet  to be overcome. It will also help identify research gaps. 

You should address the following: 

Point out gaps in the literature or identify problems / issues to be solved. Highlight key issues essential to your ICT research. 

Summarise relevant academic/ professional resources and evaluate their  strengths and weaknesses to demonstrate your critical understanding of the  literature. 

Demonstrate that your research is rigorous and up-to-date by engaging with  seminal and current work. 

Guidelines to carry out a critical literature review: 

Browse discipline specific or area specific recent papers from reputable sources  (academic and professional). (Note: 80% of the papers reviewed must be  credible and reputable)

Current sources published within the last 5 years are the best ones to consider  since they reflect the newest discoveries and help avoid duplication of work,  theories, processes, or best practices. 

A minimum of 8 recently published peer-reviewed sources including journal articles, books, and conference papers are to be considered. (Note: 80% of the  papers reviewed must be journal articles, books, and conference papers) 

Refer to the library website to search for sources: 

On the left-hand side, go to the “All databases” link and, once there, use the  Popular Databases on the right-hand side. These links give you access to peer reviewed papers that you may use in addition to those that you can locate in  the main search area. 

Avoid using online blogs and non-peer-reviewed sources. Edited books are a good source of information because they have undergone an editorial process.  Detailed commentary on the analysis and critical evaluation presenting the  strengths and weaknesses of the work must be provided for every resource. DO  NOT JUST CUT AND PASTE THE ABSTRACT. You need to summarize the key  findings from the papers, add their interpretations where appropriate, and  emphasize the significance of their findings in relation to your topic. 

The APA 7th referencing style guidelines should be used for both in-text  referencing as well as the reference list. 

Remember, the literature review is part of the research process. Like data collection  and analysis, it should be systematic and thorough. 

This assessment task will later form part of the introduction of your final Research  Proposal (Assessment task 3). The proposal may change depending on what is found  in the literature search, and as the most suitable methodology is chosen.


It is essential that you use appropriate APA style for citing and referencing research.  Please see more information on reference here  

Submission Instructions 

Assessment Task 1 is to be submitted via the Assessment link in the main  navigation menu in REM502 Research Methodologies. The Learning  Facilitator will provide feedback via the Grade Centre in the LMS Portal. Feedback can be viewed in My Grades. 

Academic Integrity Declaration 

I declare that, except where I have referenced, the work I am submitting for this  assessment task is my own work. I have read and am aware of Torrens  University Australia Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure viewable online at  

I am aware that I need to keep a copy of all submitted material and their drafts, and  I will do so accordingly.

Assessment Rubric




(Yet to  








nal) 50- 




nt) 65- 





ed) 75- 





l) 85-100%


Selection of  

appropriate topic  based on an  

understanding of the current IT/SE issues, and the need to 

address the issue identified. 

Percentage of this criterion 


Topic provided is not relevant in the current  IT/SE context.

Topic is provided but is not clear and specific,  does not overly  

advance knowledge  and, thus, is not worth pursuing.

Topic is clear, specific and generally  

advances knowledge  in the area by  

identifying current  IT/SE challenges and  issues that are  

partially addressed  with varying degrees  of success.

Topic is clear,  

specific, and  

advances knowledge  in the area by  

identifying current  IT/SE challenges and  issues that are  

partially but mostly  successfully  


Topic is clear,  

specific, and  

advances knowledge  in the area by  

identifying and fully  and successfully  

addressing the  

current challenges in  the IT/SE context.


Choice of appropriate  sources (academic  and industry related).  Inclusion of 5-8  

relevant sources. Percentage of this  criterion 


Sources chosen are  not appropriate  

and/or relevant, have  varying degrees of  credibility and  

reliability, some may  not be peer-reviewed.  Includes fewer than 5  sources.

Sources chosen are  somewhat appropriate,  relevant to some  

extent, credible,  

reliable and peer 


Includes 5 sources.

Some sources chosen  are very appropriate,  relevant, credible,  

reliable and peer 

reviewed. Some are  not scholarly sources. 

Includes 6 or 7  


Most sources chosen  are highly  

appropriate, relevant,  credible, reliable and  peer-reviewed. 

Includes 6 or 7  


All sources chosen  are extremely  


relevant, credible,  

reliable and peer 


Includes 8 or more  sources.



Formulation of  

appropriate research  question/s based on  an identified  

research gap. 

Percentage of this  criterion 


Research question/s  is/are not provided or  insufficient, are  

unclear or not  

connected to the gap  identified through the  literature review

Research question/s  could be more clearly  formulated, are not  specific enough and  are loosely connected  to the gap identified  through the literature review.

Research question/s  is/are clearly  

formulated, specific  and somewhat  

connected to the gap  identified through the  literature review.

Research question/s  is/are clearly  

formulated, specific  and closely  

connected to the gap  identified through the  literature review.

Research question/s  is/are clearly  

formulated, specific  and very closely  

connected to the gap  identified through  

the literature review.


Analysis and  

evaluation of  


Percentage of  this criterion =  30%

Literature reviewed  has weak or no  

connection to the  topic under study.  Previous works’ main  ideas, strengths and  weaknesses are not  summarised and  

evaluated and many  areas of pertinent  literature are not  covered. 

A clear rationale for  the study aim/  

purpose is not  


An account of the  position of research or  project is not included  or is very poorly 


Literature reviewed  

somewhat relates to the  topic under study. 

Previous works’ main  ideas, strengths and  weaknesses are  

summarised and  

evaluated adequately  but a few areas of  

pertinent literature are  not covered. 

The rationale for the  study’s aim/purpose is  expressed in a basic  manner or is poorly  articulated. 

Satisfactory account of  the position of research  or project.

Literature reviewed  relates to the topic  under study. 

Previous works’ main  ideas, strengths and  weaknesses are well  summarised and  

mostly critically  

evaluated but some  may not be covered in  great depth or a few  areas of pertinent  

literature are not  

covered. The rationale  for the study’s  

aim/purpose could be  further developed and  a gap in the literature  better articulated. 

Effective account of  the position of  

research or project.

Literature reviewed  clearly relates to the  topic under study. 

Previous works’ main  ideas, strengths and  weaknesses are very  well summarised  

comprehensively and  critically evaluated. 

The rationale for the  study’s aim/purpose is  well developed and  clearly identifies a gap  in the literature. 

Strong account of the  position of research or  project.

Literature reviewed  explicitly relates to the  topic under study. 

Previous works’ main  ideas, strengths and  weaknesses are  

effectively summarised  and meticulously and  critically evaluated. 

The rationale for the  study’s aim/purpose is  very well developed  and clearly identifies a  gap in the literature. Compelling account of  the position of research or project.

Knowledge and  

understanding of  appropriate peer reviewed  

references and  



Percentage of  this criterion =  10%

Limited understanding  of required concepts  and knowledge. Key  components of the  assignment are not  addressed. 


conflates/confuses  assertion of personal  opinion with  


substantiated by  

evidence from the  research/course  


Demonstrates a lack of  capacity to explain and  apply relevant  


Knowledge or  

understanding of the  field or discipline. 

Resembles a recall or  summary of key ideas. 



assertion of personal  opinion with  


substantiated by  

evidence from the  



Demonstrates a basic  capacity to explain and  apply relevant 


Thorough knowledge  or understanding of  the field or  



between assertion of  personal opinion and  information  

substantiated by  

evidence from the  research/course  

materials most of the  time. 

Demonstrates a good  capacity to explain  and apply relevant concepts.

Highly developed  

understanding of the  field or discipline/s. 



between assertion of  personal opinion and  information  

substantiated by  

robust evidence from  the research/course  materials and  

extended reading. 

Demonstrates a very  good capacity to  

explain and apply  

relevant concepts.

A sophisticated  

understanding of the  field or discipline/s. 

Systematically and  critically discriminates  between assertion of  personal opinion and  information  

substantiated by  

robust evidence from  the research/course  materials and  

extended reading. 

Demonstrates an  

excellent capacity to  explain and apply  

relevant concepts.

Correct use and  

citation of key  

resources and  


Percentage of this  criterion = 10%


inconsistent use of  sources to support  and develop ideas. 

Citation and  

referencing are  

omitted or do not  follow APA guidelines for  most in-text citations  and/or reference list  entries.

Demonstrates use of  sources to support and  develop some ideas. 

Most in-text citations  

and/or reference list  

entries follow APA  

guidelines. Some errors  are present

Demonstrates use of  sources to support  and develop most  


Almost all in-text  

citations and reference  list entries follow APA  guidelines; only a few  citation and referencing  errors are present.

Demonstrates use of  sources to support  and develop almost all  ideas. 

Almost all in-text  

citations and reference  list entries follow APA  guidelines; only one or  two citation and  

referencing errors.

Demonstrates use of  sources to support  and develop all ideas. 

All in-text citations and  reference list entries follow  APA guidelines; no citation  or referencing errors.


Presents information  which is not clearly

Communicates in a  

mostly readable

Communicates in a  coherent and


coherently and





Percentage of  this criterion =  20%

organized or easy to  follow. 

Meaning is repeatedly  obscured by errors in  the communication of  ideas, including errors  in structure and logical  

sequence, that render  information, arguments  and evidence unclear  and illogical. 

Specialised language  and terminology are  rarely or inaccurately  employed. 

Many errors in spelling,  grammar, and/or  


manner that largely  adheres to the given  format. 

Meaning is sometimes  difficult to follow. 

Information, arguments  and evidence are  

structured and  

sequenced in a way  that is not always clear  and logical. 

Generally employs  specialised language  and terminology with  accuracy. 

Some errors in spelling,  grammar and/or  


readable manner that  adheres to the given  format. 

Meaning is mostly easy  to follow. Information,  arguments and  

evidence are well  structured and  

sequenced in a way  that is clear and  


Accurately employs  specialised language  and terminology. 

Occasional errors  present in spelling,  grammar and/or  


concisely in a  

manner that adheres  to the given format. 

Meaning is mostly  

easy to follow. 


arguments and  

evidence are  

structured and  

sequenced in a way  that is, clear, logical  and persuasive. 

Engages audience  


Accurately employs a  wide range of  

specialised language  and terminology. 

Occasional minor  

errors present in  

spelling, grammar  

and/or punctuation.

coherently, concisely  and creatively in a  manner that adheres  to the given format. 

Meaning is always easy  to follow. Information,  arguments and  

evidence are insightful,  persuasive and expertly  presented. Engages and  sustains audience’s  


Discerningly selects  and precisely employs  a wide range of  

specialised language  and terminology. 

No errors in spelling,  grammar and  


The following Subject Learning Outcomes are  


in this assessment task



Identify challenges and opportunities for Research and Development (R&D) in the Information Communication Technology (ICT) Sector.



Critically examine relevant literature and the industry landscape to identify gaps and formulate research  questions and objectives pertinent to the ICT domain.

SLO e) 

Integrate ethical principles related to the design of R&D solutions.