Professional Teaching Practice 1: Assessment-2 (GDECE 104) Assignment Help

(Professional ePortfolio – 1500 words, 40% weight)


The intention of the observation report is to identify, analyse and assess the children’s area of interest, and use the analysis as a starting point to  compose learning experiences or lesson plans. This assessment will examine students understanding of evidence-based learning and how to  interpret observations into meaningful and play-based teaching moments to foster children’s learning and development. Therefore, strong  connections between observation analysis and children’s area of interest must be addressed. 

In analysing the observations, it is essential and expected that students make frequent reference to the relevant learning frameworks to support  and form the analysis. Students are also expected to use academic literature and relevant theories to support their assessment of the observation.  An effective and accurate use of APA 7th referencing style is also required in this assessment. 

Task description: 

Following the early years learning framework planning cycle (Australian Government Department of Education [AGDE], 2022), develop 2 lesson  plans or learning experiences for children based on assessment of an observation report. Drawing on principles and practices of early childhood  pedagogy (AGDE, 2022), plan the learning experiences with emphasis on play-based learning with intentionality, adopting holistic approaches of  children’s learning and development. 


Task Instruction: 

Write an observation report using a particular method of observation (the report is an appendix, not included in word count). Choose one of  the following methods of observation (Arthur et al., 2020; Irving & Carter, 2018): 

Running records 

Anecdotes (Anecdotal records) 


Learning stories


Work samples (artefacts) 

Time samples 

Event samples 


Assess the observation report, using references from documents of learning frameworks (EYLF/VEYLDF/NQF/NQS), theories of children’s  learning and development, and a range of relevant research and literature. 

Plan 2 learning experiences (lesson plans) based on assessment and analysis of the observation report. 

Provide rationale that includes critical reflection and justification of the learning experience with focus on play-based learning with  intentionality, and holistic approaches of children’s learning and development. 


write an observation report using a particular method of observation and assess the observation report with in-depth analysis. Develop 2 lesson plans (student can use provided lesson plan template but welcome to write in paragraphs)  Each lesson plan should be developed for teaching one topic, for example “colourful shapes”; “colouring monkey”; “vegetable man”; “five  fingers”; “a hungry caterpillar” and so on. 

Each lesson plan should be designed with specific learning objectives that can be linked to EYLF. 

Each lesson plan needs to meet children’s learning and development needs (consider age appropriateness and relevance of the experience). Each lesson plan should include assessment strategies, learning environment arrangement, safety, and inquiry questions. 

Word count: 1500 (excluding references and appendix) 

NOTE: SCEI-HE requires its students to observe the highest ethical standards in every aspect of their academic work. SCEI-HE actively demonstrates  its commitment to academic integrity by recognising scholarly work and penalising all forms of academic dishonesty. Please refer to the Institute’s  HEPP01 Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure for further information or speak to your lecturer, Academic Support Coordinator or Librarian. 

Formatting: 12-point serif font (eg. Times New Roman). 1.5 or double line spacing.  

Referencing: APA7 (please refer to this guide for referencing guidelines) 

Due Date: Monday 16th September 2024, 11:59 PM

Extension requests must be granted in writing before the assignment due date. Contact your lecturer in writing for extensions of up to 7 calendar  days. Longer extensions may be granted but require special consideration. Special consideration applications must also be submitted before the  date and require documentary evidence, such as medical certificates.

Grading Scale: 

GDECE104 Assessment 2: ePortfolio (1500 words)




High Dis/nc/on 




Does not meet minimum standard

C1. Assess the  

observa/on with  in-depth analysis  (10 marks)

Observa/on is clearly  

ar/culated and directly  

relevant to the learning  

context, with in-depth analysis using effec/ve references from  documents of learning  

frameworks and a range of  relevant research and literature

Observa/on is  

clearly ar/culated  and directly  

relevant to the  

learning context,  with in-depth  


using effec/ve  

references from  documents of  


frameworks and  relevant research  and literature

Observa/on is  

ar/culated and  

relevant to the  

learning context,  

with analysis 

using references  

from documents of  learning frameworks  and relevant  

research and  


Observa/on is  

ar/culated but not  all relevant to the  learning context,  

with limited analysis using references  

from documents of  learning frameworks  and relevant  

research and  


Observa/on is not ar/culated or  irrelevant to the learning context  The analysis is absent or inadequate No evidence of references from  documents of learning frameworks  and relevant research and literature


Develop 2 lesson  plans based on  assessment of  observa/on  


(5 marks)

Two lesson plans are clearly  described, contain relevant  details regarding aims, target  cohort, dura/on, and  


Connec/on to EYLF clearly  explained. 

2 lesson plans are  briefly described,  contain relevant  details regarding  aims, target  

cohort, dura/on,  and materials. 

Connec/on to  

EYLF men/oned  or briefly  


2 lesson plans are  briefly described,  

contain relevant  

details regarding  

aims, target cohort,  dura/on, and  


Connec/on to EYLF  men/oned. 

2 lesson plans are  provided but not  

clearly described,  contain relevant 

details regarding  

aims, target cohort,  dura/on, and  


Connec/on to EYLF  men/oned

Lesson plans are developed with  incomplete or irrelevant details  regarding aims, target cohort,  materials, and connec/on to EYLF  provided. 



The lesson plans  clearly reflect  


learning and  



(10 marks)







learning and  development  needs, and 



with cri/cal  





clearly address  children  

learning and  

development  needs, and 



Relevant learning  ac/vi/es, clearly  address children  learning and  


needs, and clearly  described.

Relevant learning  


superficially address  children learning and  development needs, and briefly  


Learning ac/vi/es stated. Connec/on  to children’s  

learning and  

development needs  many be tenuous. 

Learning ac/vi/es provided but are  irrelevant or  

contain key  

misunderstandings  or inaccuracies.

Examples of  

prac/ce not  


C4. The lesson  plans clearly  

reflect play 

based learning  with  


adop/ng holis/c  approach of  


learning and 


(10 marks)

Ra/onale of  


learning with inten/onality  are clearly  


with cri/cal  



approach is  

jus/fied by a  range of  



Ra/onale of  


learning with  inten/onality  are clearly  


with cri/cal  



approach is  

supported by  a range of  



Ra/onale of play based learning  

with inten/onality  are clearly  

described, with  some evidence of  cri/cal reflec/on,  holis/c approach  is supported by a  range of relevant  literature.

Ra/onale of play 

based learning with  inten/onality are  

clearly described,  with limited cri/cal  reflec/on, holis/c  approach is  

supported by a  

relevant literature.

Ra/onale of play 

based learning with  inten/onality are  described, with  

limited cri/cal  

reflec/on, holis/c  approach is  

described supported  by limited literature.

Ra/onale of play based learning  

with inten/onality  and holis/c  

approach are  

described but are  irrelevant or  

contain key  

misunderstandings  or inaccuracies.

Ra/onale of  


learning with  


and holis/c  

approach not  provided.

C5. Assignment  is formaYed  

according to  


and wriYen 

C4.1 The assignment is clear  and free of typographical and  structural features that hinder  understanding. There is no  confusion between author 

C4.2 The  

assignment is  

clear with minor  typographical and  structural features 

C4.3 The assignment  is clear with  

typographical and  structural features  that may hinder 

C4.4 The assignment  has typographical  and structural  

features that  

significantly hinder 

C4.5 The assignment has  

typographical and structural features  that prohibit understanding. There is  confusion between author voice and  that of sources, or author’s voice is 


clearly and  

cohesively. APA 7  referencing is  

used. Word limit  is adhered to.  

(5 marks)

voice and that of sources. The  assignment is formaYed  

according to stated  

requirements. The assignment  is formaYed according to  

stated requirements. Accurate  mechanics of in-text and end of-text APA (7th Ed.)  

referencing style were used. Word limit met. 


that may hinder  understanding.  

There is minimal  confusion  

between author  voice and that of  sources. The  

assignment is  

mostly formaYed  according to  




mechanics of in text and end-of text APA (7th Ed.)  referencing style  were used with  minor  


(no more than 2  errors). 

Word limit met.

understanding. There  is minor confusion  between author  

voice and that of  

sources. The  

assignment is partly  formaYed according  to stated  


Mechanics of in-text  and end-of-text APA  (7th Ed.) referencing  style were used with  inconsistencies (no  

more than 4 errors).  Word limit met.


There is confusion  between author  

voice and that of  


The assignment is  minimally formaYed  according to stated  requirements.  

Mechanics of in-text  and end-of-text APA  (7th Ed.) referencing  contain several  


Word limit met.

absent. The assignment is not  formaYed according to stated  requirements. 

Mechanics of in-text and end-of-text  APA (7th Ed.) referencing style were  not used appropriately. 

Word limit not met.