TECH2200 IT Project Management Assignment Help

Assessment 1 Information 

Subject Code: 


Subject Name: 

IT Project Management

Assessment Title: 

Project Business Case and SWOT Analysis

Assessment Type: 

Case study

Word Count: 

1000 Words (+/-10%)


20 %

Total Marks: 



Via My KBS

Due Date: 

Week 5

Your Task 

Your first assessment in this subject requires you to study a case in the assessment instruction  and create a project business case which includes key elements (such as problem statement,  project benefits, and stakeholders) and SWOT Analysis for recommendations to support your  project getting approved. 

Assessment Description 

A business case is a project management document that explains and justifies the reasoning for  initiating a project. It is often presented in a well-structured written document to the key business  stakeholders such as project sponsor(s) to get approval and funding. A thorough understanding of  how to write a business case must be demonstrated in this assessment. A SWOT analysis is a  strategic planning tool used to assess the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of  your project. Developing a SWOT analysis can help you look at your project from different  directions. It can also help you to come up with recommendations to support the project. 

The learning outcomes you will demonstrate in performing this assessment includes: 


Interpret the IT objectives and project expectations of a business stakeholder.


Predict risks and problems associated with the effectiveness and timeliness of  IT projects.


Recommend pre-emptive solutions and mitigation strategies for the risks and  problems that emerge in IT projects.

Assessment Instructions 

The Case 

Go Native Pty. Ltd. is based in Melbourne, Victoria. The business was established in 2015 to cater  for the demand for Australian native food products. The company manufactures and retails a  range of certified, organic, Australian native foods. 

Currently, the business is selling its products through several small supermarkets and health food  stores throughout Australia. The company also has a basic website that includes only four pages: 

home, about us, products and contact details. The company launched this simple website just  after opening, but there has been very little traffic to the site except during Christmas and  Mother’s Day. This is because of poor design, a limited shopping cart and no call to action or  active social media networks. 

The company’s overall business objectives for the next three years are to increase sales, create brand awareness and develop a broader product range. The company’s target market are  customers aged between 35 and 60 years old, who are looking for Australian organic gourmet  foods. 

As a contracted IT Project Manager (Subject Matter Expert in IT solutions for business problems),  you have been asked by the Operations Manager to propose an IT solution, which will be a  critical part of the company’s strategy. You will be managing the project and reporting to the  project sponsors (CEO and Operations Manager) and informing project team members of the  project’s progress after the business case is approved. 

Based on the above case, you are required to create a business case to cover the  following: 

1. Problem Statement 

a) Describe the problem that your project will overcome, and 

b) The opportunity that your project will take advantage of 

2. Project Summary 

a) Discuss what this project hopes to achieve. 

• Project benefits (at least 3) 

• Proposed IT solution 

• Brief cost, resources, and schedule  

• A 2-levels WBS.  

3. SWOT Analysis 

a) Create a SWOT Analysis Matrix for your proposed project to cover: 

• Strengths 

• Weaknesses 

• Opportunities 

• Threats 

b) Provide at least 3 recommendations based on the SWOT Analysis 

4. Stakeholders 

a) Identify key at least 5 project stakeholders and their roles 

Submission Instructions 

Name your document “Assessment 1_[Student ID]” 

Save it as a Word or PDF document format


As this assessment falls under the Amber category (Level 2) in Gen AI traffic light system, use of  generative AI is at your discretion. Unauthorized use of Gen AI is strictly prohibited, such as copy and  pasting assessment instructions into Gen AI tools. You may wish to use Gen AI to build your own  knowledge, however copy and pasting the responses from Gen AI into this assessment is considered  unauthorized without cross referencing with scholarly articles and appropriate citation.  

Important Study Information 

Academic Integrity and Conduct Policy 


KBS values academic integrity. All students must understand the meaning and consequences of cheating,  plagiarism and other academic offenses under the Academic Integrity and Conduct Policy. 

Please read the policy to learn the answers to these questions: 

What is academic integrity and misconduct? 

What are the penalties for academic misconduct? 

How can I appeal my grade? 

Late submission of assignments (within the Assessment Policy) 

Length Limits for Assessments 

Penalties may be applied for assessment submissions that exceed prescribed limits.  

Study Assistance 

Students may seek study assistance from their local Academic Learning Advisor or refer to the resources on  the My KBS Academic Success Centre page. Further details can be accessed at 

Generative AI Traffic Lights  

Please see the level of Generative AI that this assessment is Level 2 has been designed to accept


Traffic Light 

Amount of Generative Artificial Intelligence  (Generative AI) usage 

Evidence Required


assessment  ()

Level 1


No Generative AI allowed 

This assessment showcases your individual  knowledge, skills and/or personal experiences in the  absence of Generative AI support.

The use of generative AI is prohibited for this  assessment and may potentially result in  penalties for academic misconduct, including but  not limited to a mark of zero for the assessment.


Level 2


You may use Generative AI for research and  content generation that is appropriately  


See assessment instructions for details 

This assessment allows you to engage with  Generative AI as a means of expanding your  understanding, creativity, and idea generation in the  research phase of your assessment and to produce  content that enhances your assessment. I.e.,  images. You do not have to use it.

The use of Gen AI is optional for this  


Your collaboration with Generative AI must be  clearly referenced just as you would reference  any other resource type used. Click on the link  below to learn how to reference Generative AI. 

In addition, you must include an appendix that  documents your Generative AI collaboration  including all prompts and responses used for the  assessment. 

Unapproved use of generative AI as per  

assessment details during the content generation  parts of your assessment may potentially result  in penalties for academic misconduct, including  but not limited to a mark of zero for the  

assessment. Ensure you follow the specific  assessment instructions in the section above.

Level 3


You must use Generative AI to complete your  assessment 

See assessment instruction for details 

This assessment fully integrates Generative AI,  allowing you to harness the technology’s full  potential in collaboration with your own expertise. 

Always check your assessment instructions carefully  as there may still be limitations on what constitutes  acceptable use, and these may be specific to each  assessment. 

You will be taught how to use generative AI and  assessed on its use.  

Your collaboration with Generative AI must be  clearly referenced just as you would reference  any other resource type used. Click on the link  below to learn how to reference Generative AI.   


In addition, you must include an appendix that  documents your Generative AI collaboration  including all prompts and responses used for the  assessment.  

Unapproved use of generative AI as per  

assessment details during the content generation  parts of your assessment may potentially result  in penalties for academic misconduct, including  but not limited to a mark of zero for the  

assessment. Ensure you follow the specific  assessment instructions in the section above.



Assessment Marking Guide


F (Fail) 

0 – 49%

P (Pass) 

50 – 64%

C (Credit) 

65 – 74%

D (Distinction) 

75 – 84%

HD (High Distinction) 85 – 100% 




Business problem is vaguely  defined based on the provided  case. Problem statement  

described with limited evidence.

Business problem is reasonably  well defined based on the  

provided case. Problem  

the statement is reasonably well  described with some evidence.

A clear business problem is  defined based on the  

provided case. Problem  

statement is described  

backed up with enough  


A well-defined business  

problem provided with  

structured and well  

researched problem  

statement with scholarly  


A comprehensive business  problem provided with  

expertly created problem 

statement with multiple  

scholarly evidence.




Poor or no project summary. Poor  or no analysis and justification of proposed IT solutions. Provide  less than 3 benefits. Project cost,  resources, schedule and WBS are  not clearly described

Reasonably well project  

summary. Some analysis and  justification of proposed IT  solutions but not backed up with  evidence. Provide 3 benefits.  Project cost, resources,  

schedule and 2 levels WBS are  ok described

Good project summary. Good  analysis and justification of proposed IT solutions but not  backed up with enough  

evidence. Provide 3 benefits.  Project cost, resources,  

schedule and 2 levels WBS  are well described

Very good project summary.  Very good analysis and  

justification of proposed IT  solutions backed up with  some evidence by linking the  case. Provide 3 benefits.  Project cost, resources,  

schedule and 2 levels WBS  are well described

Excellent project summary.  Comprehensive analysis and  justification of proposed IT  solutions backed up with  strong evidence by linking the  case. Provide more than 3  benefits. Project cost,  

resources, schedule and 2  levels WBS are extremely  well described


SWOT Analysis

Your SWOT analysis is limited and  provides minimum context and  justification with limited  


You presented a developing SWOT analysis by identifying  the context and supporting your  justification with some scholarly  references.

You presented an adequate SWOT analysis by identifying the context and supporting  your justification with some  scholarly references.

You presented an excellent  SWOT analysis by thoroughly identifying the context and  supporting your justification  with scholarly references.

You presented a 

comprehensive SWOT  

analysis by thoroughly 

identifying the context and  supporting your justification with scholarly references.



You identified some stakeholders,  but their roles are  


You described some  

stakeholders with partially  

developed roles in the project  context.

You described most  

stakeholders with developed  roles in the project context.

You provided analysis of all  stakeholders with developed  roles in the project context

You provided comprehensive  analysis of all stakeholders  with developed roles in the  project context


Referencing and  formatting

Your writing is often disjointed but  demonstrates some structure,  thought and consideration for the  intended audience, providing only  a few in-text citations and a  

reference list, citing sources,  including Gen AI-generated  

content, used for the assessment.

Your writing is fluent but not  always connected,  

demonstrating an adequate  structure, thought and  

consideration for the intended  audience, providing many in text citations and a reference  

list, citing sources including  Gen AI-generated content, used  for the assessment.

Your writing is fluent,  

demonstrating sufficient  

structure, thought and  

consideration for the intended  audience, providing many in text citations and a reference  

list, citing sources, including  Gen AI-generated content,  used for the assessment.

Your writing is fluent,  

demonstrating a  

comprehensive structure,  thought and consideration for  the intended audience,  

providing thorough in-text  citations and a reference list,  citing sources, including  

Gen AI-generated content,  used for the assessment.

Your writing is excellent,  demonstrating a  

comprehensive structure,  thought and consideration for  the intended audience,  

providing thorough in-text  citations and a reference list,  citing sources, including  

Gen AI-generated content,  used for the assessment.


Feedback and grades will be released via My KBS 

Total: /20