BUS1006 Introduction to Business Law Assessment-3 Assignment Help

BUS1006 Introduction to Business Law  Assessment 3: Role Play 

Assessment Overview


30% of unit total. 

Due Date 

Week 9-10 during the class.

Assessment Type 

Group assessment

Word Count /  


20 minutes (15 mins for role play + 5 mins for discussion) + 500 words debriefs note

Unit Learning 


In this assessment, you will be tested on whether you have successfully met the  following Unit Learning Outcomes (ULOs):  

ULO1: Discuss the Australian legal system and the legal context in which  businesses operate. 

ULO2: Explain how Australian laws are created, changed, and applied. ULO3: Identify the laws that relate to establishing legal entities, and to the  formulation, operation, and termination of contracts. 

 ULO4: Manage operational recording and reporting management systems. ULO5: Analyse legal issues and problems as they apply to businesses and  recommend appropriate courses of action with emphasis on legal  


Submission Type  and Required  


The type of assessment you will be completing is a Role Play. It should include the  following: 

Face to face presentation like a court proceeding  

Analyse the case scenario with specific rules and regulations 

Provide arguments and counter arguments from both sides  

Judge will provide verdict 

500 words debriefs note to be submitted in the canvas space. 

Assessment Details



The purpose of this assessment is 

to improve the presentation skills through legal proceeding which they will  learn from Week 1-8 topics. 

This practise will help students to find out a solution of a legal problem. 

This task involves student’s group in the role play exercise. The aim of role plays is to help them relate a situation to their own professional and personal  lives.  

It provides them with a problem-solving situation in which they explore the  problem, alternatives available to you and the personal and social  

consequences of the proposals. 



In this assessment, you will need to complete the following issues: 

Groups needs to select one of the following situations, analyse the situation,  determine who plays what role, decide various aspects of the case, and act out  the conclusion. By acting out the role of another individual, it is easier to see  others’ points of view, including how other people think and feel and learn from  each other interactively. 

Situation 1: A business tenant is alleged to have breached the terms of the lease  and asked to vacate the property in four weeks by the landlord. The tenant  disagrees and is taking the landlord to court with a view to remaining on the  property. 

Situation 2: A group of small business operators from western Sydney are taking  the ANZ Bank to court over excessive bank fees. 

Situation 3: An employee alleges unfair dismissal by an employer and is taking  the employer to court seeking to be reinstated to the position. 

Groups need to be aware of the following matters: 

A. Know the strengths and interests of group members. 

B. Make themselves aware of the goals and expectations for each role-play in  advance. 

C. Act out the role-play as realistically as possible.  


1. Selection of the role play situation: Select one of the situations listed above for  the role play. 

2. Preparation and warm-up: Get to know each other. As a group, research and  analyse the situation or problem and consider how it impacts the different roles.  3. Select participants: Each group will assign a role to each member (or two  members to a role if there are more members than roles). 

4. Conduct the role play: Act out the role play the way you think someone in the  same situation would behave in real life. 

5. Debriefs note: Two days after the role play, each group will write a debrief note  (approximately 500 words) and submit here. This debriefs note will give you an  opportunity for students to analyse the role play and to discuss what happened  and why. 

Typical debriefing questions include the following: 

How did you feel about the role play and each of the various roles?

Was the role play realistic? 

How was it similar or different from real life? 

Was the problem solved? If so, how? If not, why not? 

What, if anything, could have been done differently? 

What other outcomes were possible? 

What did you learn from this experience?


Intelligence (AI) Use

In this assessment, the use of generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools is NOT  PERMITTED. In this assessment, you must NOT use generative artificial intelligence  (AI) to generate any materials or content in relation to the assessment task.  

This means you are NOT allowed to use any AI tools such as chatbots, text  generators, paraphrasers, summariser, or solvers to complete your  assessment. You are expected to produce your own work and cite any  sources properly.  

Engaging with AI tools for this assessment will be treated as a breach of academic  integrity. Refer to the Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure for more details.

Other Important Information



It is strongly recommended that you use the following to find academic peer-reviewed  sources of information. 

ECA Library catalogue and databases  

Unit Readings (Course Reserves)  

[https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/ecahe/detail.action?docID=30750451] For in-text citation and referencing, follow the ECA HE Student Guide to APA 7th Referencing.



Debriefs note will be 500 words. One student from the group will submit it in  the respective canvas space. 



For academic support or feedback on a draft of your assessment, please email  [email protected] 

For assistance with finding resources, such as books and journal articles, please email  [email protected]  

For information and guides on tackling assessments and developing your academic  skills, please visit in the ECA Library and Learning Support website:  

For queries about this specific assessment task, please contact the Unit Coordinator.

Assessment X Rubric

Criteria (weighted as  indicated below)

High Distinction (HD) 


Distinction (D) 


Credit (C) 


Pass (P) 


Fail (F) 


Criteria 1: Organization  and Clarity: (50%) How  viewpoints and responses are outlined

Presents viewpoints and  responses exceptionally  clearly, orderly, and  

creatively throughout  the debate

Presents viewpoints and  responses clearly and  orderly throughout the  debate.

Presents viewpoints and  responses clearly in most parts.

Presents viewpoints and  responses clearly only in  some parts but not  


Lack’s structure and  

organisation of  

viewpoints and  


Criteria 2: Use of  

Arguments and counter  arguments: (20%) How  reasons are given to  support viewpoint

All viewpoints are well  supported by reasonable  evidence and arguments.

Viewpoints are mostly  supported by reasonable  evidence and arguments.

Many relevant reasons  are given to support  viewpoints.

Only a few relevant  

reasons are given to  support viewpoints.

No relevant reasons  given

Criteria 3: Use of  

Examples and Facts:  (10%) How examples  and facts are given to  support reasons

All reasons are well  

supported by relevant  examples/facts.

Examples/ facts used to  support reasons are  mostly relevant.

Many relevant  

examples/facts are used  to support reasons.

Only a few relevant  

examples/facts are used  to support reasons.

No relevant supporting  examples/facts given

Criteria 4: Presentation  Style: (10%) The tone of  voice, use of gestures  and enthusiasm

Shows excellent  

communication skills in  using exceptional oral  and body language and  maintaining constant eye contact. The audience  are actively engaged  thorough the debate.  Visual aids are used 

Shows good  

communication skills in  good engagement with  the audience. Visual aids are used extensively and  effectively using  

effective body language,  keeping regular eye  

contact, and maintaining

Shows basic  

communication skills in  using body language,  maintaining certain eye  contact, and engaging  with the audience. Uses  regular visual aids.

Shows limited  

communication skills in  maintaining minimal  body language, eye  

contact and audience  engagement. Minimal  visual aids.

Lacks communication  skills such as body  

language, eye contact  and audience  

engagement. No visual  aids.

extensively, effectively,  and creatively.

Criteria 5: Structure,  

grammar, quality and  time management (10%)

Complete structure,  almost no errors in  

language, appropriate  quality and proper time  management.

Most complete  

structure, few errors in  language and  

appropriate quality and  good time management. 

Reasonably appropriate  structure, some errors in  language and well  

management of time.

Scope for further  



structure and some  

errors in language and  not proper time  


Poorly prepared, poorly  understandable  

structure and many  

errors in language and  lack of time  
