Business Strategy Management Trimester-1(BUS6001) Assignment Help
Assessment Overview
Assessment Task | Type | Weight | Length | Due | ULOs Assessed |
Assessment 1: In Class Test Submit responses to questions for 3 quizzes from Week 3 to Week 9 | Individual Invigilated | 30% (3 x 10%) | 30 minutes per quiz | Week 3 Week 6 Week 9 | ULO1 ULO2 for all Online quizzes |
Assessment 2: Case Study – Company Case Analysis Review and analyse the selected company using a contemporary methodology to identify issues with the company’s strategies. Recommend strategies that would better achieve corporate objectives. | Group | 30% | 4000 words | Week 9 | ULO2 ULO3 ULO4 |
Assessment 3: Report of a Business Marketing Strategy Case Part A, Report Working individually students are required to (a) select a business case, (b) design and implement communication and marketing strategies, (c) reflect on the role of leadership in formulating, communicating, and implementing marketing business strategy and ethical issues. | Individual | 25% | 2000 words report | Week 12 | ULO1 ULO2 ULO3 ULO4 |
Assessment 4: Verbal Presentation Part B Present the report from Assignment 3 in a verbal presentation. | Individual Invigilated | 15% | 10 minutes 1500 words equivalent | Week 12 | ULO1 ULO2 ULO3 ULO4 |
Assessment 1: In Class test
Due date: | From Week 3 to Week 9 |
Group/individual: | Individual |
Word count/Time provided: | 30 minutes |
Weighting: | 10% x 3 quizzes =30% |
Unit Learning Outcomes: | ULO1 ULO2 |
Assessment 1 Detail
The 3 online quizzes will assess your knowledge of key content areas (Week 2 & 9 lecture slides, tutorials, and reading materials) and to identify further support needs. For successful completion of the quizzes, you are required to study the material provided (lecture slides, tutorials, and reading materials) and to engage in the unit activities, and in the discussion forums. The prescribed textbook is the main reference along with the recommended reading material. By completing this assessment successfully, you will be able to identify key aspects of business strategy management as per best application of strategy in business.
Assessment 1 Marking Criteria and Rubric
The assessment will be marked out of 100 and will be weighted 30% of the total unit mark (10% X3 quizzes=30%). The marking criteria and rubric are shown on the following page.
Assessment 1 Marking Criteria and Rubric
Marking Criteria | Not Satisfactory (0-49% of the criterion mark) | Satisfactory (50-64% of the criterion mark) | Good (65-74% of the criterion mark) | Very Good (75-84% of the criterion mark) | Excellent (85-100% of the criterion mark) |
Questions are answered accurately based on accuracy of theoretical concepts. (40 marks) | Answers to questions are poor and not relevant. | Answers to questions are appropriate and are quite relevant to theoretical concepts. | Answers to questions are clear and accurate to theoretical concepts. | Answers to questions are very clear and accurate to theoretical concepts. | Answers to questions are excellent and closely aligned and accurate to theoretical concepts. |
Student provides discussion, recognition, and evaluation of theoretical concepts linked to questions. (40 marks) | Evaluation, recognition, and discussion of implementation of business strategy are not provided. | Basic discussion, recognition, and evaluation of theoretical concepts are provided but improvements are needed. Examples are needed. | Appropriate discussion, recognition, and evaluation of theoretical concepts are presented but need to be compelling. | Discussion, recognition, and evaluation of theoretical concepts are presented compellingly. | Discussion, recognition, and evaluation of theoretical concepts are presented compellingly. Other form of supports such as diagrams and recommendations are presented. |
Answers are structured properly. (20 marks) | Sentences are poorly articulated. | Sentences are basic but covey meaning of theoretical concepts. | Sentences are clear and discussion or arguments are properly structured. | Sentences are very clear, and discussion or arguments are strongly structured. | Sentences, discussions, or arguments are excellently structured. |
Assessment 2: Company Case Analysis
Due date: | Week X |
Group/individual: | Group |
Word count/Time provided: | 4000 words |
Weighting: | 30% |
Unit Learning Outcomes: | ULO2 ULO3 ULO4 |
Assessment 2 Detail
In this company case analysis, each group needs to identify and explain about an issue in business strategy management and offer solutions/recommendations. For explaining the issue in business strategy management, you will need some data/information. You can investigate a real-life case from an organisation. But you need to discuss with your group members and select and collect data from the organisation. We will not assign you to an organisation. You must discuss your choice of company with your lecturer by providing a verbal or written rationale for choosing a particular company. Your lecturer needs to approve your choice of company in written format (APIC email). Plagiarised assignments will not be tolerated.
However, if you feel, it would be difficult to collect data/information from a real organisation, you can collect data/information from secondary sources from online, company’s annual reports or related business strategy management articles and news.
You need to consider a single but significant issue. Don’t consider multiple issues as it will degrade the quality of work. You need to consider yourself being a consultant helping with the issue. We are looking for creative solutions proposed by groups
Examples of issues could be:
• Strategic change
• Strategy and organization planning
• Collaborating to compete
• Competitive forces shape strategy
• Emerging technology and strategy
• Strategic positioning
Students will need to collect data from actual organisations and/or secondary sources. Valid sources for obtaining such data may include:
• Visits to the case company and interviewing key personnel (if you choose to do this, interview questions should be included in appendices).
• Secondary data from online (it should be reliable and valid online data sources such as data from other research publications, databases and so on. (WIKIPEDIA is not a suitable one) • Company’s annual/quarterly reports.
• Related business strategy management articles and news.
NOTE: If you choose to investigate a real business strategy management problem facing the organisation with which you are employed. Remember this is a group assignment and you need to convince your group members on the topic you propose and share responsibilities. You also need to discuss this with your lecturer to make sure that the scope and scale of the problem is consistent with those of the other groups.
Structure and format of the report (Assessment 2)
The introduction should include background to the project and an introduce the topic you are researching, and its importance followed by the research objective and then the implications of the research. More specifically Introduction section shall include what are you doing? Why (importance)? How (short methodology within 2-3 lines)? What are the contributions (to managers, literature)?
Literature review
Review the literature on the topic you are researching. Review of journal articles is preferred. Please make sure that your literature review reflects the understanding of business strategy management concepts for the purpose of applying them and the application of theoretical concepts. More specifically you need to write about the topic of your interest and relevant concepts based on previous studies. You need to mention what previous studies have investigated? What previous studies were not investigated (Research gap)? What could be done? How your study addresses the gaps in the previous studies?
Here you explain the methodology or sources of data/information and how do you collect. You should also describe the type of data (qualitative or quantitative) and how collected data can be useful. You can collect data from a real-life organisation or using secondary sources. You can also use some database such as Scopus, google scholar, science direct and so on if you collect data from secondary sources. In these databases, you can find lot of published papers with their own data; you can use them but must be cited. Please make sure that your method reflects the development of feasible and effective solutions to address the complex issue(s).
Structure and format of the report, Case study findings and analysis
Provide a description of the organisation (1/2 page). Then critically analyse the results in the light of the literature and discuss the results. Please make sure that your analysis and discussion reflects the critical analysis of complex information and theoretical concepts underpinning business strategy management practice. Also make that your analysis reflects the originality of potential solutions. (New techniques, knowledge, applications & management practice). Further, your analysis shall reflect justification for innovative ideas and processes. You need to present all the tables/ figures showing the findings of your study. You also must discuss the results and compare your findings with the literature.
You need to discuss your findings and how the findings can be helpful for the business and what are the risks for implementation. You should also discuss if there any limitation of the study. Conclusion opens with a brief summary of the report and then considers the consequences of the suggestions. No new material should be introduced in this section.
Appendices (if any) Your appendices may contain, for example, detailed tables of data, details of how you did a calculation, interview records if included, or photographs if of some interest. References: The project is directed at the collection and analysis of data, if you use material from another source then references it properly. You need to cite 10-15 references from journal, report and so on. A video link for referencing style (Harvard referencing style) is available at
Other important notes:
• Use Font 12 Times new roman with 1.5 spacing, single column, justified and 2.5 cm margin in all four sides for the report body and submit a Microsoft Word file.
• All assignments must include a group cover sheet which is downloadable from APIC website. • While your experience and views are the essential components of your assignments, the appropriate use of literature is required to provide evidence-based suggestions.
• You should include a list of all references you use in writing your assignments. Note that all assignments will be checked for originality (similarities to existing sources) on Turnitin. You should follow instruction of your lecture for attaching Turnitin report with your assignment.
The criteria to assess your work will take into account:
• Relevance of your answer to the question or task set
• Clarity of expression
• Creativity/innovation
• Citations beyond the given subject material
• Logical planning and sequence
• Appropriate written and presentation of the work.
• The assessment for individual group members may be moderated by students’ peer assessment (evaluating the performance of each group member). In completing this assessment successfully, you will be able to effectively to design and apply the knowledge, tools and techniques required to build better strategies in organisational context.
Assessments 2 Marking Criteria and Rubric
The assessment will be marked out of 100 and will be weighted 30% of the total unit mark. The marking criteria and rubric are shown on the following page.
Assessment 2 Marking Criteria and Rubric
Marking Criteria | Not Satisfactory (0-49% of the criterion mark) | Satisfactory (50-64% of the criterion mark) | Good (65-74% of the criterion mark) | Very Good (75-84% of the criterion mark) | Excellent (85-100% of the criterion mark) |
Literature Review (25 marks) | No research conducted to develop a literature review. | Evidence of a basis attempt at developing a literature review. One of two academic publications are mentioned with basic discussion. | Good attempt at developing a literature review with a basic discussion of the publications. One of two academic publications are mentioned with basic discussion. | Very good attempt at developing a literature review with a convincing discussion of the publications. Four to six academic publications are mentioned with convincing discussion. | Excellent attempt at developing a literature review with an in-depth discussion of the publications. Seven or more academic publications are mentioned with in-depth discussion. Literature gap in publication is mentioned. |
Methodology (20 marks) | No evidence of how a methodology was conducted. | Basic description of the steps involved in conducting a methodology. Basic mention of databases and publications. | Strong description and discussion of steps involved in conducting a methodology. Strong reasons given for the choice of databases and publications. | Strong description and Very discussion of steps involved in conducting a methodology. Very strong reasons given for choice of databases and publications | Strong description and Very discussion of steps involved in conducting a methodology. Very strong reasons given for choice of databases and publications. |
Case study findings and analysis- showing the critical analysis of complex information and theoretical concepts underpinning business strategy management practice. Also reflect originality of potential solutions (New techniques, knowledge, applications & management practice) Justification for innovative ideas and processes (35 marks) | Lacks basic knowledge or/and skills in showing the critical analysis of complex information and theoretical concepts underpinning business strategy management practice. Also reflect originality of potential solutions (New techniques, knowledge, applications & management practice) Justification for innovative ideas and processes. | Evidence of basic knowledge and skill in showing the critical analysis of complex information and theoretical concepts underpinning business strategy management practice. Also reflect originality of potential solutions (New techniques, knowledge, applications & management practice) Justification for innovative ideas and processes. | Has good skills in showing the critical analysis of complex information and theoretical concepts underpinning business strategy management practice. Also reflect originality of potential solutions (New techniques, knowledge, applications & management practice) Justification for innovative ideas and processes. | Has very good skills in showing the critical analysis of complex information and theoretical concepts underpinning business strategy management practice. Also reflect originality of potential solutions (New techniques, knowledge, applications & management practice) Justification for innovative ideas and processes. | Excellent skills in showing the critical analysis of complex information and theoretical concepts underpinning business strategy management practice. Also reflect originality of potential solutions (New techniques, knowledge, applications & management practice) Justification for innovative ideas and processes. |
Conclusion – reflecting consideration of business strategy management practice in the broader environmental context (10 marks) | Lacks basic knowledge or/and skills in reflecting consideration of business strategy management practice in the broader environmental context. | Evidence of basic knowledge and skill in reflecting consideration of business strategy management practice in the broader environmental context. | Has good skills in reflecting consideration of business strategy management practice in the broader environmental context. | Has very good skills in reflecting consideration of business strategy management practice in the broader environmental context. | Excellent skills in reflecting consideration of business strategy management practice in the broader environmental context. |
References (Use at least ten academic references & consistent in style) (marks 10) | Academic references are not adequate and not consistent in style. | Number of academic references & style is satisfactory | Good number of academic references & style is satisfactory. | Very good academic references are used, and style is consistent. | Excellent academic references are used, and style is also highly consistent. |
Assessment 3: Report of a Business Marketing Strategy Case
Due date: | Week 12 |
Group/individual: | Individual report |
Word count/Time provided: | 2000 words |
Weighting: | 25% |
Unit Learning Outcomes: | ULO1, ULO2, ULO3, ULO4 |
Due date: | Week 12 |
Group/individual: | Individual presentation |
Word count/Time provided: | 10 minutes, 1500-word equivalent |
Weighting: | 15% |
Unit Learning Outcomes: | ULO1, ULO2, ULO3, ULO4 |
Assessment 3 Detail
You are required to complete this assessment on an individual basis. For the purposes of this assignment, you must (a) select a business case which can be from media channels, journal articles or textbooks (b) design and implement communication and marketing strategies, (c) reflect on the role of leadership in formulating, communicating, and implementing marketing business strategy and ethical issues (d) present the outcomes. You are required to conduct an extensive research on the business case and on the literature of business strategy by accessing and citing industry reports and academic articles. A minimum of 8 academic references is needed to support your evaluations, recognitions, recommendations, and reflections.
Assessments 3 Marking Criteria and Rubric
The report will be marked out of 100 and will be weighted to 35% of the total unit mark. The marking criteria and rubric are shown on the following page.
The presentation will be marked out of 100 and will be weighted to 15% of the total unit mark. The marking criteria and rubric are shown on the following page.
Assessment 3 Report Marking Criteria and Rubric
Marking Criteria | Not Satisfactory (0-49% of the criterion mark) | Satisfactory (50-64% of the criterion mark) | Good (65-74% of the criterion mark) | Very Good (75-84% of the criterion mark) | Excellent (85-100% of the criterion mark) |
Evaluation of internal and external factors impacting an organisation and formulating strategies for sustainable competitive advantage. (25 marks) | Poor evaluation of internal and external factors and poor formulation of strategies for sustainable competitive advantages. No connection to theoretical concepts. No references for support. | Basic evaluation of internal and external factors and basic formulation of strategies for sustainable competitive advantages. Improvements are needed. Basic connection to theoretical concepts. 2 references for support. | Appropriate evaluation of internal and external factors and appropriate formulation of strategies for sustainable competitive advantages. Appropriate connection to theoretical concepts. 4 references for support. | Strong evaluation of internal and external factors and strong formulation of strategies for sustainable competitive advantages. Strong connection to theoretical concepts. 6 references for support. | Professional evaluation of internal and external factors and professional formulation of strategies for sustainable competitive advantages. Very strong connection to theoretical concepts. 8 references for support. |
Recognition of strategic decisions that present ethical challenges. Recommendations for ethical decision making. (25 marks) | Poor recognition of strategic decisions of ethical challenges. Poor recommendations for ethical decision making. No connection to theoretical concepts. No references for support. | Basic recognition of strategic decisions of ethical challenges. Basic recommendations for ethical decision making. Basic connection to theoretical concepts. 2 references for support. | Appropriate recognition of strategic decisions of ethical challenges. Appropriate recommendations for ethical decision making. Improvements in the form of stronger recognitions and recommendations are needed. Appropriate connection to theoretical concepts. 4 references for support. | Strong recognition of strategic decisions of ethical challenges. Strong recommendations for ethical decision making. Strong connection to theoretical concepts. 6 references for support. | Professional recognition of strategic decisions of ethical challenges. Professional recommendations for ethical decision making. Very strong connection to theoretical concepts. 8 references for support. |
Design and implementation of communication and marketing strategies aligned with organisational goals. (25 marks) | Poor design and implementation of communication and marketing strategies aligned with organisational goals. | Basic design and implementation of communication and marketing strategies aligned with organisational goals. Basic connection to theoretical concepts. 2 references for support. | Appropriate design and implementation of communication and marketing strategies aligned with organisational goals. Appropriate connection to theoretical concepts. 4 references for support. | Strong design and implementation of communication and marketing strategies aligned with organisational goals. Strong connection to theoretical concepts. 6 references for support. | Professional design and implementation of communication and marketing strategies aligned with organisational goals. Very strong connection to theoretical concepts. 8 references for support. |
Reflection on role of leadership in formulating, communicating, and implementing marketing business strategy. (25 marks) | Poor reflection on role of leadership in formulating, communicating, and implementing marketing business strategy. No indication of internalisation and experiential learning from student. | Basic reflection on role of leadership in formulating, communicating, and implementing marketing business strategy. Basic indication of internalisation and experiential learning from student. | Appropriate reflection on role of leadership in formulating, communicating, and implementing marketing business strategy. Appropriate indication of internalisation and experiential learning from student. | Strong reflection on role of leadership in formulating, communicating, and implementing marketing business strategy. Strong indication of internalisation and experiential learning from student. | In-depth and personal reflection on role of leadership in formulating, communicating, and implementing marketing business strategy. In-depth indication of internalisation and experiential learning from student. |
Assessment 3 Presentation Marking Criteria and Rubric
Marking Criteria | Not Satisfactory (0-49% of the criterion mark) | Satisfactory (50-64% of the criterion mark) | Good (65-74% of the criterion mark) | Very Good (75-84% of the criterion mark) | Excellent (85-100% of the criterion mark) |
Effective communication and argument during the debate (20%) | Inadequate understanding of the importance of content of Marketing Report during the presentation. | Basic knowledge of the importance of Marketing Report during the presentation. | Exhibits breadth and depth of understanding of the importance of Marketing Report during the presentation. | Exhibits accurate and detailed breadth and depth of understanding of Marketing Report during the presentation. | Displays exceptional ability in and understanding of the importance of Marketing Report during the presentation. |
Presentation of findings and analyses supported by research (20%) | Inadequate understanding of the findings and no analysis and no research. | Basic knowledge of the importance of findings, limited analysis and research. | Exhibits breadth and depth of understanding of the importance of findings, analyses and research. | Exhibits accurate and detailed breadth and depth of findings, analyses, and research. | Displays exceptional ability in and understanding of the importance of findings, analyses, and research. |
Clear and convincing argument (40%) | Poorly articulated, unconvincing argument | Basic communication of some facts in support of findings, analyses, and research. | Evidence of both presenting of findings, analyses, and research. | Above average use of evidence to support findings, analyses, and research. | Sophisticated use of evidence to support of findings, analyses and research. |
Presentation and referencing (20%) | Poor presentation including report format. Poor writing skills with grammar and spelling errors. Fail to follow Harvard referencing style. | Satisfactory presentation format and writing skills with some grammar and spelling errors. Fail to follow Harvard referencing style. | Good presentation format and writing skills with spelling errors. Fail to follow Harvard referencing style. | Excellent presentation format and writing skills without spelling errors. Follow Harvard referencing style | Distinguished presentation format and writing skills. Following Harvard referencing style completely. |
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