Fundamentals of Programming Assessment-2 (TECH1200) Assignment Help

Subject Code: 


Subject Name: 

Fundamentals of Programming

Assessment Title: 

Online Tasks Analysis

Assessment Type: 


Word Count: 1000 Words (+/-10%)


40 %

Total Marks: 




Due Date: 

Week 9

Your Task 

This assessment is to be completed individually. In this assessment, you will develop a Python 3 program  that uses ChatGPT to generate at least 20 records and five fields. Your  program should incorporate all the topics covered in Weeks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 7. 

Assessment Description

The purpose of this assessment is to evaluate your ability to apply the programming concepts and  techniques covered in the course to develop a practical application in Python. You will be required  to use the ChatGPT to generate a minimum of 20 records with at least five fields (see example  below) and process the data in your program using the concepts covered in Weeks 1-7. The  outcomes that you will demonstrate in this assessment include: 

1. Developing proficiency in the Python 3 language. 

2. Applying knowledge of data structures and control flow to create a functional program. 3. Applying programming skills to develop an effective program. 

To submit your assessment, you should create a single Python file and upload it to the LMS. Your  Python file should be well-documented and include comments to explain the functionality of your  code. You should also include a report with explanation of how you utilised ChatGPT in your  program. 

This assessment aims to achieve the following subject learning outcomes: 


Interpret simple program specifications. 


Use an integrated development environment to develop, debug and test a solution written  in a programming language.

Example to generate ChatGPT Python code

1. Input to ChatGPT

Create a dataset, which should contain at least 20 records and five fields. Provide in Python 3 list and sublist format. 

2. Output by ChatGPT

This dataset contains five fields: id (integer), name (string), gender (string), age (integer), and  salary (integer). Each record is represented as a sublist within the main list. 

data = [ 

 [1, ‘Alice’, ‘Female’, 25, 50000], 

 [2, ‘Bob’, ‘Male’, 32, 75000], 

 [3, ‘Charlie’, ‘Male’, 45, 90000], 

 [4, ‘David’, ‘Male’, 21, 40000], 

 [5, ‘Eve’, ‘Female’, 28, 55000], 

 [6, ‘Frank’, ‘Male’, 39, 80000], 

 [7, ‘Grace’, ‘Female’, 52, 100000], 

 [8, ‘Harry’, ‘Male’, 31, 70000], 

 [9, ‘Isabel’, ‘Female’, 27, 60000], 

 [10, ‘Jack’, ‘Male’, 41, 85000], 

 [11, ‘Kate’, ‘Female’, 23, 45000], 

 [12, ‘Leo’, ‘Male’, 37, 75000], 

 [13, ‘Mary’, ‘Female’, 48, 95000], 

 [14, ‘Nick’, ‘Male’, 29, 60000], 

 [15, ‘Oliver’, ‘Male’, 35, 85000], 

 [16, ‘Patty’, ‘Female’, 26, 50000], 

 [17, ‘Quinn’, ‘Male’, 43, 90000], 

 [18, ‘Rachel’, ‘Female’, 30, 65000], 

 [19, ‘Steve’, ‘Male’, 50, 120000], 

 [20, ‘Tina’, ‘Female’, 33, 70000] 


Assessment Instructions 

Assessment instructions for this assessment: 

1. Use the ChatGPT to generate a minimum of 20 records with at least five fields. 2. Develop a Python program that incorporates all the topics covered in Weeks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 7  to process and manipulate the generated data. 

3. Submit your Python program and a report outlining the details of your program, the ChatGPT  details, the data generated, and the methods used to process and manipulate the data. 4. Ensure that your code is well-documented, with comments explaining the purpose of each line of  code. 

5. Your program should be efficient and error-free, with well-structured and optimised code. 6. Submit your Python 3 program code and report to the designated submission platform by the  due date. 

7. Please refer to the assessment marking guide to assist you in completing all the assessment  criteria.

Important Study Information 

Academic Integrity Policy 

KBS values academic integrity. All students must understand the meaning and consequences of  cheating, plagiarism and other academic offences under the Academic Integrity and Conduct Policy. 

What is academic integrity and misconduct? 

What are the penalties for academic misconduct? 

What are the late penalties? 

How can I appeal my grade? 

Word Limits for Written Assessments 

Submissions that exceed the word limit by more than 10% will cease to be marked from the point at  which that limit is exceeded. 

Study Assistance 

Students may seek study assistance from their local Academic Learning Advisor or refer to the  resources on the MyKBS Academic Success Centre page. Click here for this information.

Assessment Marking Guide

Marking Criteria 

F (Fail) 

P (Pass) 

C (Credit) 

D (Distinction) 

HD (High Distinction)  

_____| 40 marks 

0 – 49% 

50 – 64% 

65 – 74% 

75 – 84% 

85 – 100%

Program Functionality _____| 6 marks

Program does not  

generate at least 20  records and 5 fields  using ChatGPT.

Program generates at  least 20 records and 5  fields using ChatGPT  but is not well 

structured or does not  utilise best  

programming practices.

Program generates at  least 20 records and 5  fields using ChatGPT,  is well-structured and  

utilises best  

programming practices,  but lacks comments or  explanations of code.

Program generates at  least 20 records and 5  fields using ChatGPT,  is well-structured and  

utilises best  

programming practices,  and includes detailed  comments and  

explanations of code.

Program generates at  least 20 records and 5  fields using ChatGPT,  is exceptionally well 

structured and utilises  best programming  

practices, includes  

detailed comments and  explanations of code,  and utilises external  libraries and resources  to expand functionality  of the program.

Demonstration of  


_____| 12 marks

Program demonstrates  a lack of understanding  of the concepts  

covered in weeks 1-7 of  the course.

Program demonstrates  understanding of the  concepts covered in  weeks 1-7 of the course  but lacks application of  knowledge to the  


Program demonstrates  understanding of the  concepts covered in  weeks 1-7 of the  

course and applies  

knowledge to the  


Program demonstrates  a strong understanding  of the concepts  

covered in weeks 1-7 of  the course and applies  knowledge to the  

program in creative and  effective ways.

Program demonstrates  exceptional  

understanding of the  concepts covered in  weeks 1-7 of the course  and applies knowledge  to the program in  

innovative and  

sophisticated ways.

Use of Required  


_____| 6 marks

Less than half of  

required topics are  


At least half of required  topics are used.

Most required topics  are used.

Almost all required  

topics are used.

All required topics are  used in a creative and  sophisticated way.


_____| 2 marks

Program does not  

compile or run properly.

Program runs, but with  limited functionality and  errors.

Program runs with  



Program runs with  

advanced functionality  and minimal errors.

Program runs with  

exceptional functionality  and no errors.

Code Quality 

_____| 2 marks

Code is disorganised,  difficult to read, and not  well-documented

Code is organised,  

readable, and  



Code is well-organised,  readable, and well 


Code is very well 

organised, highly  

readable, and  



Code is exceptionally  well-organised,  

extremely readable,  and meticulously  



_____| 2 marks

Program is unoriginal  and lacks creativity.

Program is somewhat  original and shows  

some creativity.

Program is fairly  

original and shows  


Program is very original  and shows significant  creativity. 

Program is  

exceptionally original  and shows exceptional  creativity.


_____| 10 marks

Poorly presented with  little or no attention to  formatting, style, and  design.

Acceptable report with  some attention to  

formatting, style, and  design. .

Good report with  

appropriate formatting,  style, and design.

Very good report with  excellent formatting,  style, and design.

Exceptional report with  outstanding formatting,  style, and design.

Feedback and grades will be released via MyKBS