ICT601 IT Project Management Semester 1, 2025 Assignment Help

Assessment Overview 

Assessment tasks 

Learning Outcome 


Assessment ID 


When due 



CLO# for 


Presentation (Individual) 

Session 5 




Case Study report (Individual) (1200 words) 

*Part A – Analysis Report (Group)

Session 8 


3, 4 

2, 4

(2500 words) 

*Part B – Presentation (Group- all  members must present their work  during presentation)

Session 12 & 

Session 13





Note: * denotes ‘ Hurdle Assessment Item’ t h at s tu d en ts mus t ach iev e a t leas t 40% in this item to pass the unit. 

ASSESSMENT ITEM 1: In this individual assignment, you will make a presentation on applying IT project management knowledge to a given case study and on  developing project management proposals and plans. 

ASSESSMENT ITEM 2: In thisindividual assessment, you will be required to analyse recent project management trends and apply appropriate techniques to  develop project plans for a case study. 

ASSESSMENT ITEM 3: In this group assessment, you will be given a real-life scenario to apply project management principles and techniques to analyse and  manage project parameters, scope, deliverables, and budget. You will also have to make appropriate recommendations for contingency plansin this case study.  Each group member is also required to complete (i) a peer review report and (ii) a self-reflective report as individual submission.

Referencing guides 

You must reference all the sources of information you have used in your assessments. Please use the  IEEE referencing style when referencing in your assessments in this unit. Refer to the library’s referencing guides for more information. 

Academic misconduct 

VIT enforces that the integrity of its students’ academic studies follows an acceptable level of excellence. VIT will adhere to its VIT Policies, Procedures and Forms where it explains the importance of  staff and student honesty in relation to academic work. It outlines the kinds of behaviours that are  “academic misconduct”, including plagiarism. 

Late submissions 

In cases where there are no accepted mitigating circumstances as determined through VIT Policies, Procedures and Forms, late submission of assessments will lead automatically to the imposition of a  penalty. Penalties will be applied as soon as the deadline is reached. 

Short extensions and special consideration 

Special Consideration is a request for: 

Extensions of the due date for an assessment, other than an examination (e.g. assignment extension). 

Special Consideration (Special Consideration in relation to a Completed assessment, including  an end-of-unit Examination). 

Students wishing to request Special Consideration in relation to an assessment the due date of which has not yet passed must engage in written emails to the teaching team to Request for Special  Consideration as early as possible and prior to start time of the assessment due date, along with any  accompanying documents, such as medical certificates. 

For more information, visit VIT Policies, Procedures and Forms

Inclusive and equitable assessment 

Reasonable adjustment in assessment methods will be made to accommodate students with a  documented disability or impairment. Contact the unit teaching team for more information. 

Contract Cheating 

Contract cheating usually involves the purchase of an assignment or piece of research from another  party. This may be facilitated by a fellow student, friend or purchased on a website. Other forms of  contract cheating include paying another person to sit an exam in the student’s place.

Contract cheating warning: 

By paying someone else to complete your academic work, you don’t learn as much as you could have if you did the work yourself. 

You are not prepared for the demands of your future employment. 

You could be found guilty of academic misconduct. 

Many of for pay contract cheating companies recycle assignments despite guarantees of“original, plagiarism-free work” so similarity is easily detected by TurnitIn. 

Penalties for academic misconduct include suspension and exclusion. 

Students in some disciplines are required to disclose any findings of guilt for academicmisconduct before  being accepted into certain professions (e.g., law). 

You might disclose your personal and financial information in an unsafe way, leaving yourselfopen to many risks including possible identity theft. 

You also leave yourself open to blackmail – if you pay someone else to do an assignment foryou, they know you have engaged in fraudulent behaviour and can always blackmail you. 

Assessment 1 

Assessment ID 


When due 




Presentation (Individual) 

Session 5 



Presentation (Individual Assignment) – 20% (Due week 5)  


This assessment relates to the unit learning outcomes as in the unit descriptor. This assessment is designed to  evaluate student’s ability to identify the key phases of projects and to successfully managethe projects by using  various IT project management tools and techniques. In this individual assignment, you will make a presentation  on applying IT project management knowledge to the given case study and on developing project management  proposals and plans. 

The following ULOs are assessed in this assessment.


Effectively evaluate and utilize various IT project management tools and techniques to  skillfully plan and manage projects.


Critically analyze project parameters and identify the key processes and communicate  to key stakeholders.


In this assignment you will use the IT project management knowledge area and the tools used in project initiation  and planning to prepare the presentation according to Case Study below. Make sure to analyze the project  management parameters and identify the actors relevant to the case study and mention the project scope,  constraints, and assumptions. 

The presentation must include: 

Project Title. 

Background (Why is the project is undertaken? Describe an opportunity or problem that the  project is to address.) 

Project Goal/s (Not more than 3

Project Scope (What will be the end result of the project?) 

Project scope description 

Product scope description 

Project and Product acceptance criteria 

Project deliverables 

Project exclusions 

Project constraints 

Project assumptions 

Project risks

Key Stakeholders 

Project Milestones (Identify/assume the significant project milestones

Submission Guidelines: 

You must submit your power point slides to the submission link in VIT e-learning portal by the deadline. You will  present your work during the lecture session sequence wise. 

Business Case: 

An Australian stock exchange organization is hiring you to prepare a project charter and high level plan for an IT  solution that serves as a dashboard for management team to track clients, their investment status and includes  monitoring stock market and run periodical predictive analysis. 

Using AI tools to enhance research experience 

You will be proactively using an AI tool to search for information that is pertinent to prepare and research for this  assignment. You will be including this information as an annexure to your submission, that includes all the phrases  you used for searching in AI tools and also content generated by AI as a result of each of the phrases you had  searched. Please do note that you are expected to demonstrate your ability to use AI tools creatively for learning and  research purposes and not directly use assignment requirements as a search phrase into AI tool.  

How did you benefit from using AI? 

You will write a reflection journal for 500 words on how did you benefit from using AI, and how could you use it  better for all you future projects. 

Marking Guide: 50 Marks 

Task Description Marks 

Presentation  layout 

Clarity, format, presentation, Q&A 10

Project Objectives Project Scope 

Discuss what the project is trying to achieve and the business value it is  meant to generate for the client organization. 

Discuss scope items, exclusions, constraints, assumptions, and risks. 



Key Stakeholders 

List all the individuals who are related to the project and how should  communication between them ideally work.


Project Milestones 

Identify or assume the significant events to complete the project. 



References and in-text references in appropriate format 


Ethical use of AI 

Phrases used for AI search demonstrate creative and constructive use of AI tools for learning purposes


Marking Criteria 




100 – 80


79 – 70


69 – 60


59 – 50




Very Good 




Background – 

Describe why the  project is  


Students need to  mention an  

opportunity or  problem that the  project is to 

address. Project

Background has  been  


phrased very  


Background has  been understood  well but  

opportunity or  

problem is just  



has been  


well but  

problem or  






Background has bee  understood but  problem or  

opportunity has not  been presented

n Background has not been clearly understood and not described.

Goal State  

maximum three  goal/s of 

the project.

Three goals are  stated very well  and presented  



Three goals  


Two goals  


Only one goal is  stated.

No goal is stated

Project Scope  

Describe the end  result of the  


Allsections ofthe  scope statement  are written and  presented very  


All sections of  


statement are  

address, but  

could be written  well

More than  


of the  





More than 3  

sections of the  

scope statement  are addressed

None, one or  

two sections of  the scope  

statement are  addressed

Key Stakeholders  List all the  

individuals who  are related to the  project.

All stakeholders  areidentified along  with their roles

Moststakeholders  are identified  

alongwith their  roles



s are  


along with  

their roles

Errorsin identifying  stakeholders and  roles

No stakeholders  identified



Identify or  

assume the  

significant events  to complete the project.

All milestones










A few milestonesare identified

No milestone isidentified



Allslides are

represented with  appropriate text  and graphics, the  

presenter was able  to detail all the  perspectives in a  completely clear  manner and all  

questions were  correctly 


All slides are



appropriate text  and graphics,  

the presenter  

was able to  

detail all the  

perspectives in 

a sufficient clear  manner and all  

questions were  sufficient  




text or  





n covered  




The layout was

partially followed,  and presentation  included some  

aspects of business  case

Slides did

include relevant  content and the  presentation  

was not  


Assessment 2 

Assessment ID 


When due 



CLO# for  


Case Study report (Individual)  

(1200 words) 

Session 8 


3, 4 

2, 4

Case Study: Project Management in the Digital Age


You are a project manager at a leading technology company, tasked with overseeing the development and launch of a new mobile health monitoring  app for elderly people. Application aims to revolutionize health care by integrating advanced AI algorithms for personalized recommendation and diet and life style  recommendation modules. 

Assignment Task: 

Asthe project manager, your task isto analyze recent project management trends and apply appropriate techniques to develop comprehensi

                                                      project plans for the successful execution of the mobile application development project. Your plans should align with the following learning outcomes: 

Critically Analyze Project Parameters and Identify Key Processes:


Evaluate the scope, objectives, and stakeholders’ expectations ofthe project. 

Identify key project parametersincluding scope,schedule, budget, quality, and risks. 

Analyze recent project management trends and methodologies applicable to the digital product development context. 

Communicate effectively with key stakeholders to ensure alignment and understanding of project goals and requirements. Generate and Analyze Project Flow, Resources, Timelines, and Budget Requirements: 


Develop a comprehensive project flowchart outlining the sequence of activitiesfrom initiation to project closure. 

Allocate resources efficiently considering team members’ skills, availability, and roles. 

Create detailed timelines specifying milestones, deliverables, and dependencies. 

Estimate budget requirements for various project phases, considering costs associated with personnel, technology, marketing, and contingency. 


Your submission should include the following deliverables: 

Project Analysis Report: 


Analysis of project parameters, including scope, objectives, stakeholders, and recent project management trends

Communication plan detailing how key project information will be shared with stakeholders (500 words).

Project Plans


Project flowchart illustrating the sequence of activities from initiation to project closure. 

Resource allocation plan specifying team members’ roles, responsibilities, and allocation percentage.

Detailed project timeline highlighting milestones, deliverables, and dependencies. 

Budget estimation for each project phase, including a breakdown of costs. 

Assessment Criteria: 

Yoursubmission will be evaluated based on the following criteria: 

Clarity and depth of project analysis. 

Alignment of project plans with identified project parameters and recent project management trends.

Effectiveness of communication plan for engaging key stakeholders. 

Completeness and accuracy of project plans, including flowchart, resource allocation, timeline, and budget estimation.

Submission Details: 

Format: Microsoft Word document or PDF. 

Submission: [via Moodle]. 


Plagiarism will not be tolerated. Ensure allsources are appropriately cited. 

In case of any clarifications or queries, feel free to reach out to the instructor. 

Using AI tools to enhance research experience 

You will be proactively using an AI tool to search for information that is pertinent to prepare and research for this assignment. You will be  including this information as an annexure to your submission, that includes all the phrases you used for searching in AI tools and also content  generated by AI as a result of each of the phrases you had searched. Please do note that you are expected to demonstrate your ability to use AI  tools creatively for learning and research purposes and not directly use assignment requirements as a search phrase into AI tool.  

How did you benefit from using AI? 

You will write a reflection journal for 500 words on how did you benefit from using AI, and how could you use it better for all you future projects. Assessment 3* Hurdle Task 

Note: * denotes ‘Hurdle Assessment Item ’ t hat students must achieve at least 40% in this item to pass the unit. 

Group Assessment:


In this group assessment, students will be presented with a real-life scenario requiring the application of project  management principles and techniques. The goal is to analyze and manage project parameters, scope, deliverables, and budget while making appropriate recommendations for contingency plans. Each group will prepare a comprehensive report with a word count of 2500 words. Additionally, each group member will submit a peer review report and a self-reflective report as individual submissions. 


Your group has been appointed by a leading software development company to manage the development and launch of a  new mobile application. The application is to help track flights and air traffic to create reports that will assist with governments plan to  use airspace for drone for local logistics needs. The company has set ambitious goals for the project, including a tight timeline and a  limited budget. The success of this project is crucial for the company to maintain its competitive edge in the market.


1. Conduct a thorough analysis of the project requirements, including scope, objectives, and stakeholders’ expectations.

2. Develop a comprehensive project plan outlining key milestones, deliverables, and resource allocation. 

3. Identify potential risks and develop contingency plans to mitigate them effectively. 

4. Monitor project progress closely, making necessary adjustments to ensure the project stays on track.

5. Prepare a final report detailing the project management process, including challenges faced, lessons learned, and  recommendations for future projects. 


1. Group Report (2500 words) 

Executive Summary 

Introduction to the Project 

Project Scope and Objectives 

Project Plan and Timeline 

Resource Allocation and Budget Management 

Risk Management and Contingency Plans 

Project Monitoring and Control 

Conclusion and Recommendations 

2. Peer Review Report (Individual Submission) 

Evaluation of each group member’s contribution to the project. 

Feedback on strengths and areas for improvement. 

3. Self-Reflective Report (Individual Submission) 

Reflection on personal learning experiences throughout the project. 

Insights gained, challenges faced, and strategies for improvement in future projects. 

4. Video Presentation (5-7 minutes) you will be asked to present live after week 12 and this live presentation is mandatory. You should  be prepared to present 

A concise summary of the group’s project management process and key findings.

Presentation of the project plan, including scope, timeline, and resource allocation. 

Discussion of risk management strategies and contingency plans. 

Highlights from the group report, emphasizing key conclusions and recommendations. 

Engaging delivery and effective communication of key points within the allotted time frame. 

Assessment Criteria:


Understanding and application of project management principles.

Clarity and coherence of the group report, addressing all components of the project.

Effectiveness of risk management strategies and contingency plans.

Quality of peer review and constructive feedback provided. 

Depth of self-reflection and insights gained from the project experience. 

Submission Guidelines:


Group Report: Submit by [Deadline]. 

Peer Review Report: Submit individually within [specified timeframe].

Self-Reflective Report: Submit individually within [specified timeframe]. 

Additional Notes: 

Encourage active collaboration and communication within the group.

Emphasize the importance of accountability and individual contribution.

Provide support and guidance to students throughout the project lifecycle.

Facilitate opportunities for peer review and constructive feedback exchange. 


We determine your grades to the following Grading Scheme:



80% – 100%

70% – 79%

60% – 69%

50% – 59%

0% – 49%