MGT9639 Organizational Psychology Assignment Help

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Get Best Assessment Help For MGT9639 Organizational Psychology Assignment Help!!

Are you scrapping with your organizational psychology assignments? Do you find it challenging to grasp the theories and concepts of organizational psychology? Then come in contact with our MGT9639 organizational psychology assignment help, the best place for supporting you.

At our assignment help service, we provide 100% unique concepts on organizational psychology through our best experts to the students. Our professional team of assignment helpers has an understanding and knowledge about all aspects of organizational psychology which will assist you in completing any type of task related to your assignments.

We know that psychological concepts are very difficult to be understood for the students. Not every student can solve the tough assignments on organizational psychology because it requires too much knowledge to understand different concepts of psychology. So our assignment services are available to those students. Our experts have all the relevant skills, knowledge, and experiences to help you to provide the assignment solution on psychology. We provide answers in a manner that is unique and easily understandable by the students which helps them to also increase their knowledge on psychology. A correct and reliable solution to assignments is important for increasing the skills and experience of the students. In this way, the students can save time in completing psychological subject assignments.

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  • Help in increasing your knowledge of organization psychological concept
  • Delivery of assignment solution of the deadline
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Here is the details of assignment:-

Description of Assessment Task and Purpose:
The assessment on this module is a 3,500-word essay which will contain theory, practice and reflection. The purpose of this assessment is to assess students’ ability to employ concepts and theory from the field of organisational psychology in the analysis of their own experiences and competencies as people managers.

The key question you must address in your essay is:

What did you learn about teamwork and about your individual strengths and weaknesses from your participation in the Scavenger Hunt and/or the Mismanaging Change activities?
Your essay should include a) an evaluation of your individual and team performance during these activities, and b) a discussion of the implications of this experience for future teamwork (i.e. how do you plan to modify your behaviour or what techniques do you plan to employ in order to maximise team success in the future). Support your work with references to academic literature.

Alternative essay question
If you were unable to take part in either the above activities, you should address the following question: What did you learn about teamwork and about your individual strengths and weaknesses from your engagement with this module?
Your essay should include a) an evaluation of your individual and team performance at work or on this module, and b) a discussion of the implications of this experience for future teamwork (i.e. how do you plan to modify your behaviour or what techniques do you plan to employ in order to maximise team success in the future). Support your work with references to academic literature.

Learning Outcomes Assessed:
LO1: Explain and critically analyse key concepts and theories from the field of organisational psychology
LO2: Discuss the individual, social and cultural factors that affect behaviour in organisations
LO3: Critically evaluate and apply ideas and techniques from organisational psychology to real world issues and problems faced by managers
LO4: Reflect on and evaluate their own strengths and weaknesses as a manager
Knowledge & Skills Assessed:
Knowledge and Understanding: the management and development of people and teams within organisations in an ethical and responsible way (PO3); topical issues in business and management informed by contemporary organisation research and practice (PO5)
Subject-Specific Intellectual Skills: assess and solve complex and unpredictable problems and make decisions based on identifying and evaluating appropriate alternatives (PO11); reflect on the behaviour of others and the self in organisational settings based on theories of psychology and leadership (PO13)

Subject-Specific Practical Skills: effectively use information and communication technologies relevant to the Management discipline (PO15); evaluate, integrate and apply theory, practice and reflection in an ethical and responsible way (PO16); acquire, evaluate and synthesise a range of information for diverse organisational purposes including new situations (PO17)
Transferable Skills and Attributes: communicate effectively according to different situations and in relation to various organisational constituents (PO21); evaluate the rigour and relevance of published research for new situations, adapting existing research approaches as appropriate (PO22); make effective decisions / conclusions through undertaking critical analysis / evaluation (PO24); develop self-awareness through reflection on their own learning within different organisations and contexts (PO25); demonstrate ability to operate effectively within a group environment (PO26).

Assessment Submission Instructions:
You are required to submit your assessment before 12 noon on Friday 4th of August 2023 using the online assessment submission facility on the Module Blackboard site. Pay careful attention to instructions provided at the time of submission.
Late submission, where an extension has not already been granted, will attract penalties at the level stipulated in the University Regulations (i.e. a reduction of 10 percentage points for each whole or partial working day late).
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