MN405 Assignment Help

Assessment Details and Submission Guidelines
Trimester T5 2023
Unit Code MN405
Unit Title Data and Information Management
Assessment Author Dr. Mohammad Dabbagh
Assessment Type Assignment 1 (Individual)
Assessment Title Data Modelling and Data Managing
Purpose of the assessment (with ULO Mapping) The purpose of this assignment is to gain understanding of data requirements of a  network. On completion of this assignment students will be able to: a. Understand the fundamental principles of the networking and data  requirements of a network.
Weight 10% of total assessment for the unit
Total Marks 10 marks
Word limit NA
Due Date Sunday 24/09/2023, 11:59PM (Week 3)
Description of this assignment: Submission Guidelines This assignment has 3 questions to answer with proper references to the sources.

  • Submit following on or before the due date 
  •  Submit MS Word document save as  
  • “MN405__Assigment1_your_name.doc” 
  • The assignment must be in MS Word format, 1.5 spacing, 11-pt Calibri (Body)  font and 2.5 cm margins on all four sides of your page with appropriate  section headings.  
  • Reference sources must be cited in the text of the report, and listed  appropriately at the end in a reference list using IEEE referencing style.
Extension If an extension of time to submit work is required, a Special Consideration  Application must be submitted directly to the School’s Administration Officer, in Melbourne on Level 6 or in Sydney on Level 7. You must submit this  application three working days prior to the due date of the assignment.
Academic Misconduct Academic Misconduct is a serious offence. Depending on the seriousness of  the case, penalties can vary from a written warning or zero marks to exclusion  from the course or rescinding the degree.

Assignment Description 

Questions (10 Marks) Understand the networking and data requirements of networks  

The application of 6G networks in the realm of the Internet of Things (IoT)  represents a significant leap forward in connectivity and data processing  capabilities. As IoT continues to expand with an ever-growing number of  connected devices, 6G networks promise to provide the infrastructure needed to  support this surge in data generation and transmission. With enhanced data rates,  ultra-low latency, and massive device connectivity, 6G networks offer an ideal  platform for IoT applications.  

The paper titled “6G Internet of Things: A Comprehensive Survey” (see complete  information listed below); which has been uploaded on the Assignment folder,  provides an in-depth discussion of the role of 6G in a wide range of IoT  applications. 

Read the paper and answer the following Questions. You also can search more about  these topics online. 

Nguyen, D. C., Ding, M., Pathirana, P. N., Seneviratne, A., Li, J., Niyato, D., …  & Poor, H. V. (2021). 6G Internet of Things: A comprehensive survey. IEEE  Internet of Things Journal, 9(1), 359-383. 

NB: it is important to reference the sources using IEEE citation style. 

Write at least 200 words with proper references. 

  1. Briefly discuss the 2 terms listed below. You can search more about these topics  online. 

      2. “6G networks” and “Internet of Things (IoT)” [2 Marks] 2. Discus the current challenges for integration of 6G and IoT. [4 Marks] 

  1. Read section 4 of the paper and answer “What are different IoT domains where  6G can be applied?” [4 Marks]

Prepared by: Dr. Mohammad Dabbagh Moderated by: Dr Deepani Guruge T5 2023 

MN405 Data and Information Management Page | 3 Marking Criteria: 

Marks are allocated for each part as below

Questions Description of the section Marks
1 Understanding of the 2 terms 2
2 Understanding current challenges  for integration of 6G and IoT 4
3 Understanding different IoT  domains where 6G can be applied 4
TOTAL marks for the assignment 10

Marking Rubric for Assignment 1



Very Good 








Question 1 

(2 marks)

Demonstrated excellent knowledge on the topic Demonstrate d good knowledge on the topic. Demonstrated reasonable knowledge on the topic Demonstrated some knowledge on the topic. Did not demonstrate any knowledge on the topic.
Question 2 – 

(4 marks)

Demonstrated excellent ability to think critically. Demonstrate d an ability to  think critically. Demonstrated reasonable ability to think. Demonstrated some ability to think critically but not complete. Did not demonstrate ability to think critically.
Question 3 – 

(4 marks)

Demonstrated excellent ability to think critically. Demonstrate d an ability to think critically. Demonstrated reasonable ability to think. Demonstrated some ability to think critically but not complete. Did not demonstrate ability to think critically.