MN506 Assignment Help

Assessment Details and Submission Guidelines
Unit Code MN506
Unit Title System Management
Term, Year Trimester 5, 2023
Assessment Type Formative Assignment 1 – Individual
Assessment Title Assignment 1 – The role of Network Administrator and Linux commands
Purpose of the assessment (with ULO Mapping) This assignment is designed to assess students’ knowledge and skills related to the following learning outcomes:

  • Analyse and compare various server management systems.
Weight 10%
Total Marks 50
Word limit Formative Assignment 1 – (500 – 800 words)
Due Date 24/Sep/2023 at 11:59PM
Submission Guidelines • All work must be submitted on Moodle by the due date along with a title Page.

• The submission must contain the video link of student’s work, as per instructions in this document.

Extension If an extension of time to submit work is required, a Special Consideration Application must  be submitted online to AMS follow the link below you may require to login. You must  submit this application three working days prior to the due date of the assignment.
Academic Misconduct  Academic Misconduct is a serious offence. Depending on the seriousness of the case,  penalties can vary from a written warning or zero marks to exclusion from the course or  rescinding the degree.

Question 1: Network Administration 

  1. a) A company is looking for a Network Administrator to maintain its on-premises data centre environment.  As you are aware of Network Administrators are responsible for maintain the smooth operations of the  data centre, list and explain the responsibilities of a network administrator.  
  2. b) What is the difference in responsibilities of a System Administrator and Network Administrator?  [5+10 Marks] 

Question 2: Linux (Managing Ownership and Access Permissions) 

  1. a) Explain the difference in chown and chmod commands, with example. Provide the details of the different  types of access permissions to be managed by chown
  2. b) Create a file in your home directory using the following command: 

touch “question_2b.txt” 

Provide the command to change the permissions of the file as _rwxr_x_w_”. Attach the screenshot of the  executed command and the output of the command “ls -l question_2b.txt”. [10+5 Marks] 

Question 3: Network Scanning 

All Network Administrators and ethical hackers use these three commands (ping, nmap, traceroute) very  extensively; Justify with reasons whether this statement is correct or not. Provide the screenshot of these  three commands in your terminal and explain the output. [15 Marks] 

Note: Must consider at least five references from journal/conference papers and books. Must follow IEEE  referencing style. [5 Marks]

Sections Description Marks
Assignment 1 24/Sep/2023 at 11:59 PM – Weight 10%
Question 1: Network Administration List and explain the responsibilities of the Network  Administrator in your own words. [5 Marks] Clear articulation with differentiating points  between the responsibilities of system  administrator and network administrator. Provide  at least one example. [10 Marks] 15
Question 2: Linux (Managing Ownership and Access Permissions) Able to identify the difference and provide example usage of two commands. Provide the details of different permissions that can be managed by chown commands. [10 Marks] A valid output screenshot with two commands. [5 Marks] 15
Question 3: Network Scanning Explain the importance of these three commands and why they are useful/not useful for the administrators/hackers. [5 Marks] Provide the valid screenshots of the three commands and explain each element in the output of these commands. [10 Marks] 15
IEEE referencing style. Must consider at least five current references from journal/conference papers and books. Must follow IEEE referencing style. 5
Assignment 1 – Total Marks 50

Marking Rubric

Grade Mark HD 80%+ D 70%-79% CR 60%-69% P 50%-59% Fail <50
Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
Question 1: Network Administration /15 very well written with very clear explanation of the technical differences well written with clear explanation of the technical differences generally presented with clear explanation of the technical differences presented briefly with some relevance and missing some of the technical differences Poorly presented with irrelevant details
Question 2: Linux (digital certificates) /15 In-depth and very clear discussion about the importance of text editors and files in Linux Very clear discussion about the importance of text editors and files in Linux Generally good discussion about the importance of text editors and files in Linux Brief discussion about the importance of text editors and files in Linux Poor discussion about the importance of text editors and files in Linux
Question 3: (nano, vim and Emacs) text editors /15 In-depth and very clear discussion about the importance of text editors and files in Linux Very clear discussion about the importance of text editors and files in Linux Generally good discussion about the importance of text editors and files in Linux Brief discussion about the importance of text editors and files in Linux Poor discussion about the importance of text editors and files in Linux
IEEE Referencing Style /5 Clear styles with excellent source of references. Clear referencing style Generally good referencing style Sometimes clear referencing style Lacks consistency with many errors