MN692 Capstone Project Assignment Help


Assessment Details and Submission Guidelines


T2 2024

Unit Code 


Unit Title 

Capstone Project

Assessment Type 

Individual and Group Assessments

Assessment Title 

All assessment marking guides are attached herewith

Purpose of the 

assessment (with ULO Mapping)

At the completion of this unit, students will be able to: 

a. Demonstrate the ability to conceptualise, research, design, plan and execute a substantial capstone project. 

b. Adapt and apply the knowledge and skills acquired over the core units of the course in planning and executing a capstone project in an area related to Networking. 

c. Orally present the research background, design, implementation, results and conclusionsto an audience of peers and academic staff. 

d. Through written reflective journals and project reports, demonstrate communication and technical research skills to justify and interpret problems, methodologies, conclusions and professional decisions. 

e. Demonstrate the application of knowledge and skills with a high level of personal autonomy and accountability while being part of a team-based working environment.



Total Marks 


Word limit 


Due Date 

As per assessments.



All work must be submitted on Moodle by the due date along with a completed Assignment Cover Page. 

The assignmentmust be in MS Word format, 1.5 spacing, 11-pt Calibri (Body) font and 2 cm margins on all four sides of your page with appropriate section headings. 

Reference sources must be cited in the text of the report, and listed appropriately at the end in a reference list using IEEE Transactions in  Networking referencing style.


If an extension of time to submit work is required, a Special Consideration  Application must be submitted directly in AMS. You must submit this application three working days prior to the due date of the assignment. Further information is available at:  




Academic Misconduct is a serious offence. Depending on the seriousness of thecase, penalties can vary from a written warning or zero marks to exclusion from the course or rescinding the degree. Students should make themselves familiar with the full policy and procedure available at: 

. For further information, please refer to the Academic Integrity Section in your Unit Description.


Use of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) in  


More information about the use of Gen AI in student assessment can be  found in the full policy and procedure available at  

Further support can be found in the

Further details on the type of assessment tasks, and whether Gen AI is  permitted to be used or not are provided in the assessment brief.


MN691 Research Methods and Project Design Assignment Help.


Assessment Specifications 

Project Groups: 

Students of MN691 group will NOT be continuing in MN692 on the same project. Students need to  work on implementation of proposal provided in Week 1. 

Assignment Submission and Marks:  

Assignments 1 and 2 are to be submitted as group work.  

Submission of self-evaluation (i.e. reflective journal) and peer-evaluation is individual student  responsibility.  

The marks given for Assignments 1 and 2 are calculated as the overall group marks multiplied  by individual student marks.  

The individual student marks will be based on their attendance and in class participation, as  well as self and peer-evaluation, as indicated in the table below: 

In Week 3  

(for Weeks 1- 2)

Participation and Contribution / 4 Marks

Self and Peer-Evaluation Report / 2 Marks

In Week 11  

(for Weeks 3- 10)

Participation and Contribution / 16 Marks

Self and Peer-Evaluation Report / 8 Marks


All assessments will be marked by the project supervisors. 

Assessment Task 

Due Date 





Assignment 1 Group Report: Project Detailed Design* and Individual Report 

Week 3 


a, b, e

Assignment 2 Group Report: Project 

Implementation and Evaluation Report* and  Individual Report.

Week 11 


a, b, e

Assignment 3 Individual Report: Demonstration to supervisor every week; Submission of  Reflective Journal on Professional 

Practice/Exposure; Submission of video  recording on 5 min on reflective journal on  Moodle.

Week 12 


d, e

Assignment 4 Group demonstration (Presentationin tutorial, 2 min video and poster) 

Week 10 








*Within a group task, a number of sub-tasks will be assigned to individual students by the project supervisor. This, along with an evaluation of the individual student reflective journal, will be used to assessindividual student outcomes.

Individual marks will be calculated for each assignment as follows: 

For example: 

Group 1 marks for Assignment 1 Group Report = 8/10 

Individual marks based on Participation and Contribution, as well as self and peer-evaluation: 

Member 1 = 5/6 

Member 2 = 6/6 

Member 3 = 3/6 

Member 4 = 0/6 

Total marks for each member for Assignment 1: 

Member 1 = 5/6 X 8 = 6.7/10 

Member 2 = 6/6 X 8 = 8/10 

Member 3 = 3/6 X 8 = 4/10 

Member 4 = 0/6 X 8 = 0/10

MN692 Capstone Project Marking Guideline 

Assignment 1: Project Detailed Design Marking Guide 

Due Date: Week 3 



Introduction to research project. 


Detailed project design – include block diagram of the implementation, role of  each member, weekly plan, installation of software/hardware specifications, and other related design details.


Total Marks 


Assignment 1: Individual Report  

Due Date: Week 3 

Individual Marks 

Participation and contribution (Weeks 1-2). 

(Participation and contribution marks will be marked by  project supervisors).



Total Marks 



Assignment 2: Project Implementation and Evaluation Report Marking Guide  Due Date: Week 11 

Final report sections should include the following sections: 



Step by step implementation process with appropriate references. 


Testing and troubleshooting techniques employed. 


Results and evaluation based on the research objectives. 


Comparative analysis (compare with MN691 literature review findings). 


Project innovation (individual and group contribution). 


Conclusion, limitations and future work. 




Total Marks 


Assignment 2: Individual Report  

Due Date: Week 11 

Individual Marks 

Participation and contribution (Weeks 3-10). 

(Participation and contribution marks will be marked by  project supervisors).


SparkPlus Report (Weeks 3-10) 



Total Marks 



Assignment 3: Individual Report – Reflective Journal on Professional Exposure  Due Date: Week 12 



Max Marks

Demonstration of the project implementation to the  supervisor (Weeks 2-10).


Industry exposure: Summary of overall professional exposure  with new technical skills or knowledge.


Mapping of the core units’ knowledge to your professional exposure experience.


Professional skills developed during professional industry exposure: 

Graduate Outcomes Table. 

Recommendation to become a successful networking  professional, future plans as a networking professional.


10 hours of industry exposure evidence: 

Professional exposure certificate evidence of attendance /  participation – Hurdle 

Provide a table of activities and number of hours for each  activity.



Total Marks 


Assignment 4: Group Presentation 

Due Date: Week 10 


Max Marks

Poster submission on Moodle. 



Submission of related group presentation video file on Moodle. 



Total Marks 



Individual Report for Assignment 1 and 2 

Self (Reflective Journal) and Peer-Evaluation Report 

Due Weeks 3 and 11 

Week 3 and Week 11 Report Format: 

Insert screen shot of your tutorial and supervision class attendance. 

Insert screenshot of SPARKPLUS

Assignment 3 Individual Report 

Peer Evaluation and Reflective Journal on Capstone Project Experience and Professional Exposure – Due Week 12 

Report should include the following components: 

A minimum of 1000 words report outlining your professional development during the professional  exposure. 

Report should follow the sequence listed below. 

1) The first part is a title page, your name, school and student number. 

2) The Second part is technical skills developed during your Professional Exposure. 3) The third part is a summary of professional skills developed during your professional industry exposure. 

4) The fourth part is referencing in IEEE Transactions in Networking referencing style. 5) The fifth part is the signed ‘completion of professional exposure/exposure certificate’ and/or evidence of attendance in professional events. 

Details of Report 

The report should be 1000 words long, including figures, tables, and references, as well as any  appendices originating from the actual industry report. Note the appendices mentioned here are different from the weekly diary of activities. The report should have the following sections: 

1. Screen shot of your attendance from AMS. 

2. Video recording link: Industry exposure: Summary of overall professional exposure with new  technical skills or knowledge. 

3. Technical skills developed during professional industry exposure. 

3.1 Write technical reflective journal incorporating the following points: (1 Mark) 3.2 What are the new technical skills or knowledge you gained from your industry exposure? (1 Mark) 

4. Professional skills developed during professional exposure. Map your outcome to ACS CBOK knowledge key words (4 Marks) 4.1 Identify the specific skills that your practical exposure best matches and explain why they are  the most suitable. (2 Marks) 

i. Include a relevant example from your practical industry exposure to demonstrate how you developed those skills identified.  

ii. Justify by filling in the “Graduate Outcomes Table” (Appendix A). The justification should  reflect the stage you are in your development of your professional skills. 

4.2 As you look to the future as a networking graduate, use your professional industry exposure to address the following questions below. (1 Mark) 

i. Based on your professional exposure what changes would you recommend in the way and manner you approach your study? Explain with relevant details. 

ii. What changes would you recommend to those who structure your degree program to  ensure you become a successful networking professional in the future?  

5. Professional exposure certificate / evidence of attendance / participation exposure details. (4  Marks) 

For each period of work exposure (there should only be one) list of: 

5.1. Name of employer. 

5.2. Type of business. 

5.3. Your job title. 

5.4. Dates of exposure. 

5.5. Full details of your professional supervisor (name, position, email, phone number). 

Table: List of Professional Activities Attended 

Name of the Activity 

Number of Hours Attended


Total hours 

10 hours

Appendix A: Graduate Outcomes Table 

MIT is committed to ensure a course of study is current, practical and relevant so that graduates  are “work ready” and equipped for life-long learning. In order to accomplish this, the MIT Graduate  Attributes identify the required knowledge, skills and attributes that prepare students for the  professional. 

The level to which Graduate Attributes covered in this professional exposure are as follows: 

MIT Graduate Attributes

Justify the 

coverage based on capstone project  exposure and  


Ability to 


The ability to communicate effectively and appropriately in a range of contexts to achieve high order speaking, listening,  reading, writing, numeracy and information technology communication skills.



Independent  and Lifelong  Learning

A capacity to be a self-directed learner and thinker and to study and work independently. Resulting in continuous  learning, resilience, confidence, learning transferable and  time managementskills and an ability to learn independently.



Awareness, sensitivity, and commitment to ethics and ethical  standards in personal, social, business and professional  contexts.



and Problem  Solving

The ability to collect, analyse and evaluate information and ideas and to solve problems by thinking clearly, critically and creatively to solve problems and issues using established methods of enquiry.


Cultural and  Global  


An acknowledgment of and respect for: equality of opportunity; individual and social responsibility; and a  recognition and appreciation of other cultures and times  recognizing the global context of business.



A capacity to relate to, collaborate with, and, where  appropriate lead others, and to exchange views and ideas in order to achieve desired outcomes through teamwork,  negotiation, conflict resolution, and leadership.



Knowledge of  a Field of  


Comprehensive specialist knowledge of a field of study and defined professional skills ensuring work readiness.



Below are some examples of professional exposure: 

Practical exposure in an environment outside the teaching establishment. Guest lectures. 

Use of industry visits and inspection. 

Interviewing IT professionals. 

Being mentored by a professional. 

Direct industry input of data and advice to problem-solving, projects and evaluation tasks. 


Evidence of Activity

Practical exposure in an environment outside the teaching establishmentsuch as Industry placements(paid or unpaid).

Work exposure letter from employer, students’  reflective journal.

Guest lecturers. 

Record of guest lecturer, seminar leader presentation,

Use of indus try visits and inspection. 

students’ reflective journal and e-portfolio. Letter from employer, students’ reflective journal.

Industry contacts/visit for feasibility studies. Examples: contact supplier, industry professional to gather data or  requirement.

Letter from employer, students’ reflective journal.

Seminars presented by industry professionals.

Evidence: flyers distributed to students advertising seminars; letters to quest speakers; reflective journal and e-portfolio.

Being mentored by a professional. 

Student records of mentor meetings in e-log.

Direct industry input of data and advice to problem solving, projects and evaluation  tasks.

Industry-based projects. Where possible industry mentors will have some time available to advise students and/or to have input into student assessment. This may mean e.g. An expert present for student presentations. Evidence: letter from expert agreeing to mentor project Record of contact in student diary/e-log.

Attend professional association seminar or event.

Record each contact in a student diary or e-log, certificate of attendance, email confirmation, etc.

Professional Exposure Portfolio 

The professional practice portfolio will be an evidence-based portfolio which all students will be required to develop and update during their time of project unit’s enrolment. The purpose of the  portfolio is to record all professional industry exposure students had during their enrolment
