Service and Operations Management in IT Assessment-2 (TECH2300) Assignment Help

Assessment 2 Information  

Subject Code: 


Subject Name: 

Service and Operations Management in IT

Assessment Title: 

Service level agreement design

Assessment Type: 


Word Count: 


Words (+/-10%)


30 %

Total Marks: 




Due Date: 

Week 10

Your Task 

• Establish a service level agreement (SLA) contract based on a case study. 

• Provision of critical reflection of supplier relationship.


Assessment Description 

You are the CIO of the company and during the COVID pandemic the company’s business needs to  move to online. The CEO comes to you as CIO of the company to request the draft of the SLA contract. 

You have discussed with various partners in within your team and different areas of the business, and  have identified the following areas as key concerns that needs to be addressed: • Business relationship management 

• Demand and capacity management 

• Availability management 

• Access and Security management 

• Incident and problem management  

• SLA review and future changes 

This assessment aims to achieve the following subject learning outcomes:


Determine the information and technological requirements for effective IT service delivery in  diverse organizational contexts.


Evaluate the performance of partners and suppliers in ensuring the effective delivery of IT  services within organizations.


Design IT value streams and processes that underpin an organization’s products and  services.


Assessment Instructions  

You, as the CIO of the organisation, need to produce a draft SLA to the CEO, which then will be  used as drafting the final agreement between the company and system supplier. 

Students must conduct research externally and include references in order to produce a well  referenced case study. You should use at least ten (10) sources of information and reference these  in accordance with the Kaplan Harvard Referencing Style. These may include websites, social  media sites, industry reports, census data, journal articles, and newspaper articles. These  references should be presented as in-text citations and a referencing list at the end of your  assessment (not included in the word limit). Wikipedia and other ‘popular’ sites are not to be used. 

The SLA would need to include the following questions: 

Part 0 – Introduction 

• Provide an introduction and brief overview of the software, and its strategic position of the  software in the company. 

o Note: You can select a suitable case study. You will need to provide these details and  assumptions in this section. 

Part 1 – Agreement Overview  

• Provide an overview to the agreement (in the form of an Executive Summary)

Part 2 – Business relationship management  

• Identify and list 4 strategic requirements and desired outcomes of the system. • Define patterns of the business activity proposed with the system. 

• Discuss the stakeholders included in the agreement. 

Part 3 – Demand and capacity management 

• Identify and explain key peak periods where the system may experience stress from excess  demand. 

• Identify the impact of inadequate management of system capacity during high demand times. • Develop strategies to ensure sufficient capacity is maintained during times of high demand. 

Part 4 – Availability management 

• Identify key components affecting system availability. 

• Discuss strategies for both the company and supplier to maintain the availability of service. • Discuss how system upgrades and maintenance are conducted whilst minimizing the  unavailability of the system. 

Part 5 – Access and Security management  

• Discuss 4 key access control items within the system. 

• Discuss key security risks within the system and identify responsibilities between both parties  to manage these risks.


Part 6 – Incident and problem management 

• Discuss responsibilities between both parties to manage and respond to incidents and  problems. 

Part 7 – Changes to SLA 

• Discuss required intervals where the SLA is subject to review. 

• Discuss the process where the agreement is subject to amendment. • Discuss the responsibilities where the agreement is subject to review. 

Part 8 – Reflection 

• Reflect on the vendor-user relationship with the software to your company. • Identify and explain the type of supplier would you categorize it and provide  recommendations to the CEO on strategies to manage the relationship with the vendor.


Important Study Information 

Academic Integrity Policy 

KBS values academic integrity. All students must understand the meaning and consequences of cheating,  plagiarism and other academic offenses under the Academic Integrity and Conduct Policy. 

• What is academic integrity and misconduct? 

• What are the penalties for academic misconduct? 

• What are the late penalties? 

• How can I improve my grade? 

Length Limits for Assessments 

Penalties may be applied for assessment submissions that exceed prescribed limits. 

Study Assistance 

Students may seek study assistance from their local Academic Learning Advisor or refer to the resources on  the MyKBS Academic Success Centre page.


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Assessment Marking Guide


Marking Criteria 

F (Fail) 

P (Pass) 

C (Credit) 

D (Distinction) 

HD (High Distinction)  

_____| 30 marks 

0 – 49% 

50 – 64% 

65 – 74% 

75 – 84% 

85 – 100%


3 marks

Incomplete or incorrect  introduction. Lacks  

clarity and coherence in  presenting an overview  of the introduction.

Basic introduction  

provided but lacks  

clarity or conciseness.

Clear and concise  

summary provided,  effectively presenting  an overview of the  


Well-written summary  provided, effectively  presenting a clear and  concise overview of the  introduction.

Well-written summary  provided, effectively  presenting a clear and  concise overview of the  introduction.

Agreement Overview 3 marks

Incomplete or incorrect  executive summary.  Lacks clarity and  

coherence in  

presenting an overview  of the agreement.

Basic executive  

summary provided but  lacks clarity or  


Clear and concise  

executive summary  provided, effectively  presenting an overview  of the agreement.

Well-written executive  summary provided,  effectively presenting a  clear and concise  

overview of the  


Well-written executive  summary provided,  effectively presenting a  clear and concise  

overview of the  





 3 marks

Incomplete or incorrect  identification of  

strategic requirements  and desired outcomes.  Inadequate or no  

discussion of business  activity patterns and  stakeholders.

Basic identification of  strategic requirements  and desired outcomes.  Some discussion of  business activity  

patterns and  

stakeholders, but  

lacking depth or clarity.

Clear identification of  strategic requirements  and desired outcomes.  Meaningful discussion  of business activity  patterns and  





identification of  

strategic requirements  and desired outcomes.  Insightful discussion of  business activity  

patterns and  


demonstrating a  




identification of  

strategic requirements  and desired outcomes.  In-depth discussion of  business activity  

patterns and  





Demand and Capacity  Management  

3 marks

Incomplete or incorrect  identification and  

explanation of key peak  periods and impact of  inadequate capacity  management.  

Inadequate or no  

strategies for 

Basic identification and  explanation of key peak  periods and impact of  inadequate capacity  management. Some  strategies for  

maintaining sufficient  capacity, but lacking 

Clear identification and  explanation of key peak  periods and impact of  inadequate capacity  management. Well 

developed strategies  for maintaining  

sufficient capacity 

Detailed identification  and explanation of key  peak periods and  

impact of inadequate  capacity management.  Comprehensive  

strategies for  

maintaining sufficient 


identification and  

explanation of key peak  periods and impact of  inadequate capacity  management.  

Comprehensive and  well-thought-out 



maintaining sufficient  capacity during high  demand times.


during high demand  times.

capacity during high  demand times.

strategies for  

maintaining sufficient  capacity during high  demand times.



3 marks

Incomplete or incorrect  identification of key  components affecting  system availability.  

Inadequate or no  

discussion of strategies  for maintaining  

availability and  

minimizing system  

unavailability during  upgrades and  


Basic identification of  key components  

affecting system  

availability. Some  

discussion of strategies  for maintaining  

availability, but lacking  detail.

Clear identification of  key components  

affecting system  

availability. Well 

developed discussion  of strategies for  

maintaining availability  and minimizing system  unavailability during  upgrades and  


Detailed identification  of key components  

affecting system  



discussion of strategies  for maintaining  

availability and  

minimising system  

unavailability during  upgrades and  



identification of key  components affecting  system availability.  

Comprehensive and  well-thought-out  

discussion of strategies  for maintaining  

availability and  

minimising system  

unavailability during  upgrades and  


Access and Security  Management 

 3 marks

Incomplete or incorrect  discussion of key  

access control items  and security risks.  

Inadequate or no  

identification of  

responsibilities for  

managing security  


Basic discussion of key  access control items  and security risks.  

Limited identification of  responsibilities for  

managing security  


Clear discussion of key  access control items  and security risks.  

Adequate identification  of responsibilities for  managing security  


Detailed discussion of  key access control  

items and security  

risks. Comprehensive  identification of  

responsibilities for  

managing security  



discussion of key  

access control items  and security risks.  

Comprehensive and  well-thought-out  

identification of  

responsibilities for  

managing security  


Incident and Problem  Management  

3 marks

Incomplete or incorrect  discussion of  

responsibilities for  

managing and  

responding to incidents  and problems.

Basic discussion of  responsibilities for  

managing and  

responding to incidents  and problems.

Clear discussion of  responsibilities for  

managing and  

responding to incidents  and problems.

Detailed discussion of  responsibilities for  

managing and  

responding to incidents  and problems.


discussion of 

responsibilities for  

managing and  

responding to incidents  and problems.


Changes to SLA 

 3 marks

Incomplete or incorrect  discussion of required  intervals where the SLA  is subject to review,  amendment process,  and responsibilities for  review.

Basic discussion of  required intervals  

where the SLA is  

subject to review.  

Limited discussion of  the amendment  

process and  

responsibilities for  


Clear discussion of  required intervals  

where the SLA is  

subject to review.  

Adequate discussion of  the amendment  

process and  

responsibilities for  


Detailed discussion of  required intervals  

where the SLA is  

subject to review.  


discussion of the  

amendment process  and responsibilities for  review.


discussion of required  intervals where the SLA  is subject to review.  Comprehensive and  well-thought-out  

discussion of the  

amendment process  and responsibilities for  review.


3 marks

Incomplete or incorrect  reflection and  

categorisation of the  company.

Basic reflection and  categorisation of the  company.

Adequate reflection and  categorisation of the  company.


reflection and  

categorisation of the  company.

Comprehensive and  insightful reflection and  categorisation of the  company.

Formatting, grammar,  and spelling 

1 marks

Numerous errors in  written language,  

grammar, punctuation,  and formatting. Lack of  clarity and coherence.

Some errors in written  language, grammar,  punctuation, and  

formatting, but the  

overall communication  is understandable.

Mostly correct written  language, grammar,  punctuation, and  

formatting with minor  errors.

Fluent and polished  written language,  

grammar, punctuation,  and formatting. Clear  and concise  


Exceptional mastery of  written language,  

grammar, punctuation,  and formatting.  

Sophisticated and  



Research and  


 2 marks

Little or no evidence of  external research and  references. References  are incomplete or not in  accordance with the  Kaplan Harvard  

Referencing Style.

Limited evidence of  external research with  some references.  

References are  

provided but may not  be in perfect  

accordance with the  Kaplan Harvard  

Referencing Style.

Adequate evidence of  external research with  references provided.  References are in  

accordance with the  Kaplan Harvard  

Referencing Style, but  there may be minor  errors.

Thorough evidence of  external research with  references provided.  References are  

accurately and  

consistently presented  in accordance with the  Kaplan Harvard  

Referencing Style.

Comprehensive and  extensive evidence of  external research with  references provided.  References are  

flawlessly presented in  accordance with the  Kaplan Harvard  

Referencing Style.

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