GDECE107 Early Childhood Assignment Help From Gradespire

GDECE 107 STEM in the Early Years Assessment 1 Rubric  

Task description: 

Review the research literature on STEM education and a range of recent (past 5 years) STEM education Apps currently available for children in the early  years. Select three (3) Apps, one from each category discussed in class (construction, experimentation, skills-based, etc.) Describe the functions of the Apps  and assess their potential to effectively engage with STEM concepts and skills and reflect the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) (AGDE, 2022). 


Present current theoretically and empirically based understandings of STEM in early childhood education 

Appraise 3 applications designed to support the learning of STEM related concepts in early childhood education 

Draw on a range of academic sources and policy documents to support your argument (set texts must be used) 

Word count: 2000  

NOTE: SCEI-HE requires its students to observe the highest ethical standards in every aspect of their academic work. SCEI-HE actively demonstrates its  commitment to academic integrity by recognising scholarly work and penalising all forms of academic dishonesty. Please refer to the Institute’s HEPP01  Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure for further information or speak to your lecturer, Academic Support Coordinator or Librarian. 

Formatting: 12-point serif font (eg. Times New Roman). 1.5 or double line spacing.  

Referencing: APA7 (please refer to this guide for referencing guidelines) 

Due Date: 24th July 2024, 11:59 PM 

Grading Scale: 



High Distinction 




N: Does not meet  

minimum standard

C1. Present current  theoretically and  

empirically based  

understandings of  

STEM in early  

childhood education (10 marks)

1.1 Current  

understandings of  

STEM in ECE are clearly  explained in detail,  

with critical reflection.  A broad range of  

relevant academic  

literature is drawn  


1.2 Current  

understandings of  

STEM in ECE are  

explained. A broad  

range of relevant  

academic literature is  drawn upon. 

1.3 Current  

understandings of  

STEM in ECE are  

described accurately. A  range of relevant  

academic literature is  drawn upon. 

1.4 Current  

understandings of  

STEM in ECE are stated  in brief and may  

contain minor  

misunderstandings.  Literature drawn upon  is relevant and from  academic sources.

1.5 Discussion of  

current understandings  contains significant  inaccuracies or  


Literature drawn upon  is irrelevant / not from  academic sources.

C2. Appraise 3  

applications designed  to support the learning  of STEM related  

concepts in early  

childhood education (15 marks – 5 marks  per app)

2.1 3 applications are  appraised. All relate to  STEM concepts  

appropriated for early  childhood education.

2.2 3 applications are  clearly explained. All  relate to STEM  

concepts appropriated  for early childhood  


2.3 3 applications are  clearly described. All  relate to STEM  

concepts appropriated  for early childhood  


2.4 3 applications are  notes in brief. All relate  to STEM concepts  

appropriated for early  childhood education. 

2.5 Less than 3  

applications are  

appraised. Applications  do not address  

required STEM foci. 

C3. Assignment is  

formatted according to  requirements and  

written clearly and  

cohesively. APA 7  

referencing is used.  Word limit is adhered  to.  

(5 marks)

3.1 The assignment is  clear and free of  

typographical and  

structural features that  hinder understanding.  There is no confusion  between author voice and  that of sources. The  

assignment is formatted  according to stated  

requirements. Accurate  mechanics of in-text and  end-of-text APA (7th Ed.)  referencing style were  used.

3.2 The assignment is  clear with minor  

typographical and  

structural features that  may hinder  

understanding. There is  minimal confusion  

between author voice and  that of sources. The  

assignment is mostly  

formatted according to  stated requirements.  

Accurate mechanics of in text and end-of-text APA  (7th Ed.) referencing style 

3.3 The assignment is  clear with typographical  and structural features  that may hinder  

understanding. There is  minor confusion between  author voice and that of  sources. The assignment  is partly formatted  

according to stated  

requirements. Mechanics  of in-text and end-of-text  APA (7th Ed.) referencing  style were used with 

3.4 The assignment has  typographical and  

structural features that  significantly hinder  

understanding. There is  confusion between  

author voice and that of  sources. 

The assignment is  

minimally formatted  

according to stated  

requirements. Mechanics  of in-text and end-of-text  APA (7th Ed.) referencing  contain several errors. 

3.5 The assignment has  typographical and  

structural features that  prohibit understanding.  There is confusion  

between author voice and  that of sources, or  

author’s voice is absent.  The assignment is not  formatted according to  stated requirements. 

Mechanics of in-text and  end-of-text APA (7th Ed.)  referencing style were not  used appropriately.


Word limit met.

were used with minor  inconsistencies (no more  than 2 errors). 

Word limit met.

inconsistencies (no more  than 4 errors).  

Word limit met.

Word limit met. 

Word limit not met.