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The study has been found to be focused on mainly the NoSQL and also its various types and models. This is mainly a reflection on all of the information which have been discussed within each of the lectures starting from week 1 to 11.


NoSQL databases are actually known to be non-tabular and can be storing data in a different manner than all of the various tables which are relational. NoSQL databases have bene found to be coming in a huge variety of several types depending on the model of data.

Lecture 1

Relational databases have been a huge advance over some of the earlier databases because they will be avoiding several inconsistencies within the data. All of the various applications which have been running upon the web needing several users are not at all very well supported properly by all of the relational databases. It has been found that the model of NoSQL has been helping a lot in overcoming several kinds of limitations of both the early databases as well as the databases which are relational. There has been a proper description of flat file, hierarchical model and also the network.

It has been found that the system of flat file management has been properly accommodating all of the various physical constraints of the different physical systems (Dan Sullivan 2015). It must be remembered that there are a number of limitations of flat files. Network databases have further enhanced on all of the databases which are hierarchical by directly allowing for several parent-multiple child relations. These are very much commonly called relations of many to many.

It must be very much well remembered that the huge growth of social media as well as e-commerce directly led to the huge need for the systems of the management of data which have been greatly available, lower cost as well as flexible.

Lecture 2

NoSQL systems of data management have been known to be solving several earlier problems of DBMS by directly providing a number of solutions. There are a number of challenges which can be addressed whenever one specific logical database will be utilizing several servers. The systems of distributed database have been known to be allowing to either add or entire remove all of the various servers as required.

Distributed systems have been known to be offering a lot help in enhancing both the availability as well as scalability but can also be making it even more tough for ensuring data consistency across several servers. The different four kinds of databases of NoSQL specifically address all of the various challenges of the systems which are distributed. All of the various types of systems of NoSQL database different in a primary way within the very basic structures of data utilized for modelling the data.

All of the various developers who have been working with the databases of NoSQL must be understanding how the specific nature of several systems which are distributed can be hugely affecting their various applications and they must also be knowing how to actually opt among all of the databases of NoSQL for their different kinds of needs.

Lecture 3

This particular lecture is about the simplest of the databases of NoSQL known as the key-value databases. It has been known that key-value are the simplest of all of the databases of NoSQL.

The specific design of this kind of store of data is actually based upon the data storage with several kinds of identifiers known as keys. One of the simplest structure of data after that of variables which are scalar is known as array. Many data stores of key-value have been known to be keeping several copies of data on a storage which will be of longer term. A specific cache of in-memory is mainly an array which is associative. One specific way of creating a new kind of unique war of each of the data is to directly concatenate a very much unique identifier with the specific name of the data.

Databases of key-value are very much simple as well as flexible and they are entirely based upon the concept of associative array. They can be possessing replication models which are masterless or rather which are master-slave. It has been known that keys within the databases of key-value are not at all very much strongly typed.

Lecture 4

This particular lecture has been found to be introducing all of the main terminologies as well as concepts which have been directly associated with all of them pertaining to the various databases of key-value. Models of data are mainly all of the various abstractions which can be offering a lot of help in directly organising the specific data which have been conveyed within all of the databases. Data models are known to be quite very much different than the particular data structures.

Some of the key terms within the databases of key-value involve namespace, partition, schemaless, key, value and so on. As per key is considered, it must be remembered that key must not at all be too longer and following a specific naming convention is very much essential whenever a key will be created. A value is mainly a specific object, typically a complete set of several bytes, that has been directly associated with a specific key. On the other hand, a namespace is mainly a collection of the pairs of key-value without any kinds of duplicates. A partition key has been known to be greatly utilized for determining which of the partition must be holding a particular value.

However, schemaless is mainly a term which is utilized for describing the database’s logical model. Some of the key topics of this lecture have been involving clusters, rings and also replications. Developers of database application must be knowing about the various terms of implementation involving hash functions, compression as well as collision.

Lecture 5

This particular lecture has been known to be offering the main tips as well as techniques for properly designing the pair databases of key-value. There are several factors which are needed to be considered while designing a specific database of key-value.

Databases of key-value have been known to be the simplest of NoSQL but they can be really hugely satisfying the various requirements of the developers of application. Designing has been known to be involving defining a specific convention for the keys and also document the various kinds of values which have been associated. All of the different values can be much larger structures of data but can be having several effects which are very much adverse upon the performance. Some databases of key-value have been known to be offering some extra features like the search as well as the secondary indexes.

It has been found that there is one specific way of enhancing the huge speed of directly fetching several values from the databases of key-value is to properly store all of the various values within the memory which are quite frequently utilized.

Lecture 6

This particular lecture has been found to be properly introducing a specific type of databases of NoSQL known as the document databases. The document databases can be properly handling even more greater structure which is complex in direct relation to all of the key pairs of value known as the documents.

Documents are mainly all of the various data structures which are flexible. They are actually organized into several sets which are related known as collections. Collections are particularly analogous to a specific relational table. Abstract entities must be utilized with huge care as they can be affecting the great performance of the databases in an adverse way. There is certainly no specific standard query language. The document databases have been known to be offering a lot of support to their own specific query language. Document databases which are mainly like the databases of key-value do not at all need one to properly define a structure which is very much common for all of the various records. However, they can be properly managing all of the various structures which are complex as per comparison is done to the key value.

Like all of the databases which are relational, filtering as well as queries can be properly applied upon the gathering of several documents.

Lecture 7

This specific lecture has been found to be mainly all about the terminologies of document database. The document databases can be properly sharing some specific terminology with the databases of NoSQL but possess their particular terminologies as well. They have been known to be sharing all of the terminologies with the databases which are relational too. Partitioning as well as mainly shading has been known to be greatly utilized for splitting all of the different larger databases over that of several servers for enhancing the performance.

Normalization, processors of query and also denormalization have been known to be playing a very much essential role within the entire performance of the various databases. Documents as well as collections are the very basic structures of data of a specific document database. They are known to be particularly analogous to both the tables as well as rows within the databases which are relational.

It has been known that an embedded document will be enabling the users of document database to directly store the data which are related within one particular document.

Lecture 8

This specific lecture has been found to have offered several guidelines upon properly designing all of the databases of document. There has been the discussion of the particular balance in between the normalization as well as denormalization.

Both normalization as well as denormalization are practises which are very much useful. Joins will be definitely be needed for several structures which are normalized for answering the various queries. One can be deciding to utilize either denormalization or rather normalization very well depending on what several queries the application will require. It must be remembered that the document databases as a specific rule do not at all properly support all of the joins. Along with several modelling aspects which are logical, several implementations which are physical must also be hugely considered. Planning for the various documents which are mutable is very much essential. Particularly deciding upon the correct number of various indexes is very much important for the specific performance as well.

It has been found that the modellers of document database mainly utilize several databases of document for both flexibility as well as scalability. While properly designing all of the various documents, one may be needing some relations which involve the relations of one to many, many to many and also the hierarchies.

Lecture 9

Within this particular lecture, the key topic which has been discussed here is MongoDB which has been known to be one of the greatest popular document databases. It has been known to be possessing its own individual language of query.

MongoDB is mainly a document database possessing collections of databases holding as well as documents of collections of holding. Documents can be directly inserted into several collections through the particular insert command. The particular command find possess a number of various selectors of query which can be directly applied. Both indexing as well as sorting can be directly applied through the sort as well as the command of ensureindex. As it has been known that MongoDB is actually schemaless, one can e directly inserting the document within a particular collection.

There are certain other kinds of operators as well which can be greatly utilized with that of update. The $inc operator has been known to be utilized for incrementing a specific field by some amount which will be either negative or rather positive (Karl Seguin 2011). So, we can say that the main thing which has been discussed here within the lecture 9 is the MongoDB.

Lecture 10

This particular lecture has been known to have properly introduced all of the basics of the databases of column family. There is also the discussion of the very basic structure of the families of column and how it can be providing the developer’s flexibility. There is even the discussion of several procedures as well as structures which are very much important for understanding the particular column family databases.

It has been known that the column family databases are the databases which are the most scalable. They have been offering the huge facility to that of the developer for altering all of the columns of a specific family of column. The basic components which are logical of a particular database of column family are the name spaces, columns, column families and also the row keys as well. The implementation which is physical need the proper understanding of partitions as well as clusters. The column family databases are known to be the solution for several larger databases.

The column families are found to be properly organized into a specific group of several items of data which are utilized altogether very much frequently. Within the specific terms of storage, all of the column families within a specific row may not at all be properly stored near to one other.

Lecture 11

This particular lecture has been known to be introducing the fourth of the models of NoSQL known as graph databases. The specific key idea of the graph databases as well as terminologies have been very well discussed. Graph has been found to be comprising of two specific components involving edges as well as nodes.

Broad variety as well as several studies have been properly conducted upon the graphs. The graph databases can be properly used for several problems which are actually very much specialised. They are very much well supported by the languages of query. There is really a very much broad choice of several databases which have been available for the various developers to opt. All of the various model which are relational and also the NoSQL models co-exist and will also be continuing towards doing so. It must be remembered that all of the various applications where consistency has been found to be prime concern needs model which is relational.

It has been found that all of the various applications which are performance intensive will be requiring the models of NoSQL. A graph database is particularly a database which is very much specialised depending upon the mathematics branch known as the graph theory.


It can be concluded that we have obtained a lot of information about the NoSQL databases. We have actually started from the earlier databases and NoSQL. Following that we came to know about the distributed data management and also the models of NoSQL. Then we got a lot of knowledge regarding the key value databases and also its designing. We also got a lot of information regarding the Document databases, its terminology and also its designing as well. We have also specifically learned a lot about the MongoDB document database.