ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE HT1 Assignment 3 (COIT20277) Assignment Help

Assignment 3 – Written and Programming Assessment

Due date: 11:55 pm AEST, Friday of Week 12 (31 May 2024)

Weighting: Mode: 45% 

Group (2-3 students) 

Length: Written Report (40 marks) – Maximum 2,000 words (Group Submission) Reflection (5 marks) – Maximum 500 words (Individual Submission) 

Full Mark: 45 


This assignment is designed to reinforce the knowledge and skills acquired from Week 6 to  Week 11. The assessment task relates to Unit Learning Outcomes 1, 3 and 4.  

Problem Description 

This assignment is related to age estimation across ages from face images. It is a challenging yet  significant task with many real-world applications, such as security, entertainment, marketing,  healthcare, and human-computer interaction. Traditional approaches to age estimation often relied  on manual feature extraction followed by machine learning algorithms. However, with the  advancements of deep learning and convolutional neural networks (CNNs) in recent times, age  estimation has seen remarkable progress.  

At the same time, transfer learning which we have discussed in Week 9 and Week 10, is a practical  technique where a CNN model trained on a large dataset is fine-tuned on a smaller dataset for a  specific task. This technique can improve the performance of CNNs, including for age estimation. 


In this assignment, you will apply transfer learning to predict the age of individuals based on face images trained on your choice of deep learning models. Specifically, this assignment aims to  achieve the following learning objectives: 

1. Deepen Understanding of Transfer Learning: You will gain a deeper understanding of  transfer learning and its utilisation in leveraging pre-trained models for age estimation  tasks. You will attempt to adapt pre-trained CNN architectures for age estimation by  training on a dataset of face images. 

2. Data Preprocessing and Model Modification: You will perform data preprocessing in  preparing the face image dataset for model training. You will practice modifying the output  layer of pre-trained CNN models to predict continuous age values instead of discrete  classes or categories.

3. Training and Evaluation: You will implement the training pipeline for the modified CNN  models chosen and evaluate their performances using appropriate loss metrics such as  mean absolute error (MAE) or mean squared error (MSE).  

4. Analysis and Interpretation of Results: Through experimentation, you will analyse the  performance of the trained models and interpret the results obtained. 

Face Image Dataset: 

A dataset of face images is provided with the assignment, in the form of a zip archive in the same  folder as this assignment specification. The dataset has the following main characteristics: Contains a total of 996 face images across 57 ages. 

Images of the same ‘age’ are stored in the same sub-folder identified by the ‘age’. For  example, ‘00’ is the name of the sub-folder that contains face images of individuals under a  year old, ‘01’ refers to the one-year-old, ‘02’ refers to the two-years-old, so on and so forth. 

For some individuals, the dataset includes face images across several ages to facilitate  model training and evaluation. 

The filename of each face image is constructed by concatenating the folder name, an  underscore (_), and a number between 1 and the number of images in the folder. All face images are in the JPEG format.  


Your group will complete the following tasks in this assignment: 

1. Data Preprocessing: Prepare the dataset for model training, which might include resizing,  normalisation, and other image processing operations. Detail the data preprocessing steps applied, and the decisions made in the report. 

2. Model Selection and Modification: Choose a minimum of two pre-trained CNN models  to apply transfer learning. Compare the chosen models and make necessary modifications to their architectures for age prediction (output layer, loss function, etc). 

3. Model Training: Discuss the model training process, including the creation of the training  and testing sets, hyperparameter tuning, and optimization techniques. Report the training  and validation metrics obtained on each trained CNN model and discuss their metrics in  the written report. 

4. Model Evaluation: Explain the performance metrics used to evaluate each trained model’s  accuracy, such as Mean Absolute Error (MAE), Mean Squared Error (MSE), etc. Visualise  each trained model’s predictions when compared to actual ages on the testing set. Analyse  the results in relation to overfitting, underfitting, and generalizability. 

5. Model Interpretation: Interpret the evaluation results, key findings, and potential future  improvements. Discuss the factors that might influence the CNN models’ performance and  potential limitations. 

6. Written Report (Group Submission): A maximum of 2,000 words, which should cover: o Data Preprocessing 

o Model Selection and Modification 

o Model Training and Evaluation 

o Model Interpretation 

o Conclusions and Insights 

7. Reflection (Individual Submission): A maximum of 500 words, which should include: o In this assessment, what were the tasks that you have contributed to in the group? How has the completion of these tasks help reinforced your own understanding of deep learning, CNNs and the transfer learning approach?

o Evaluate member(s) in your team in relation to the tasks they were assigned. o Describe any challenges encountered during group work and how they were addressed. 


The assignment submission has two parts: 

1. The Written Report and the Python program (.ipynb) are two separate files. Please do  not combine them into a single zip archive. Only one member in the group needs to submit the two files via the group submission link on Moodle on behalf of the group. 

2. The Reflection should be submitted individually by each student. A separate submission  link on Moodle will be available, just next to the group submission link. 

Marks will be deducted for not following these instructions. Late submission will incur a late  penalty (5% of the total mark per day) as per the university’s Assessment Policy and Procedure. 

Marking Criteria (maximum 45 marks) 






Data Preparation  and  


Code clarity & adequate  comments

Well-structured and documented code  for data preparation and preprocessing.

Model Selection  and  


Model selection 

Choose a minimum of two pre-trained  CNN models to apply transfer learning. Output the architectural details of the  chosen pre-trained models.

Model Modification 


Make necessary modifications to the  pre-trained model architectures to  achieve age prediction (output layer, loss  function, etc).

Model Training 

Model Training 

Creation of the training and testing sets,  carry out hyperparameter tuning, and  perform gradient descent optimization.


Evaluation and  Interpretation 

Model Evaluation 

Compute the performance metrics used  to evaluate each trained model’s  

accuracy. Visualise each trained model’s  predictions when compared to actual  ages for the testing set.

Model Interpretation 


Analyse the model evaluation results  and interpret key findings.

Written Report 

Organization & clarity 


Well-organized, logical, and easy-to understand report structure.

Content &  


Covers all required aspects of the  assignment, including analysis, results,  and discussion, including references.

Visualizations &  



Effective use of visualizations and  formatting to clearly convey findings.


An individual reflection on  the experience acquired in  completing the assignment.

Reflection on what challenges, lessons  and knowledge that have been gained.

Note: You must follow the APA 7 or the latest version for citation and referencing guidelines when writing your report. 

Marking Rubric 





Good (70%) 






Preparation and  





and efficient

Mostly correct  



Some errors or  


Incorrect or  


Model Selection  and  




of purpose  

and choice





Incorrect or  


Model Training 

Clear, well 


and correct

Mostly clear  

and correct

Some errors or  



Incorrect or  



Evaluation and  





and efficient

Mostly correct  



Some errors or  


Incorrect or  


Written Report 

Covers all  


aspects of the  




results, and  


Covers most 


aspects of the  




results, and  


Covers some 


aspects of the  




results, and  


Incorrect or  





the student’s  


from the  


Cover the key  



above, but it  

might lack  

depth or detail  

in some areas.

Attempt to  

address the  

required points  but might be  

incomplete or  

lack clarity.

Missing crucial  

aspects or is not  

relevant to the  


Academic Integrity 

Students must write the report, the reflection, and the Python program themselves. You may be asked to prove that you have written these items.You should keep evidence that you have written  them yourself, for example, early drafts of your report and the Python code. 

ALL assignments will be checked for plagiarism (materials copied from other students and/or  material copied from other sources) using TurnItIn. If you are found to have plagiarised material  or if you have used someone else’s words without appropriate referencing, you will be penalised for plagiarism which could result in zero (0) marks for the whole assignment. If you falsify  references/information you will also be penalised. In some circumstances, a more severe penalty  may be imposed such as having a plagiarism incident raised. Please refer to CQ University’s  policy and procedure on academic integrity for details. 

Once the assessment is marked, the Unit Coordinator (or nominee) may request additional written information and/or an oral discussion to clarify the student’s understanding of the submitted work. Failure to comply and/or to demonstrate an understanding of the  assignment’s submitted items could result in 0 marks for the assignment.

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