Computer Networks and Security Trimester-1 (ICT5250) Assignment Help

Assessment Overview 

Assessment Task 






Assessment 1:


Quizzes assess students’ ability to  understand theoretical materials. The  quiz will be either multiple choice  questions or short questions which are  relevant to the lecture materials.





4, 8

15 minutes 







Assessment 2: Laboratory Practicum Students will complete in-class 

workshop assessments including online situation analyses and practical  

applications of skills.





3, 5, 6, 7







Assessment 3: Network simulation  Construct an efficient operating  network for a small organisation within  a simulation environment.












Assessment 4: System vulnerabilities  and mitigation  

Each group will research, share, and  report to on recent information security  attacks covering different types of  attacks. The report should detail the  mode and impact and outline potential  mitigation strategies and technologies  that could have prevented such attacks.  

Students should discuss IT security, risk  threats and management to a selected  organization and implement simple  cryptography algorithms.



Week 12 





Note for all assessment tasks: 

Students can generate/modify/create text generated by AI. They are then asked to modify the  text according to the brief of the assignment.

During the preparation and writing of an assignment, students use AI tools, but may not  include any AI-generated material in their final report. 

AI tools are used by students in researching topics and preparing assignments, but all AI generated content must be acknowledged in the final report as follows: 


I acknowledge the use of [insert the name of AI system and link] to [describe how it was  used]. The prompts used were entered on [enter the date in ddmmyyy:] [list the prompts  that were used]



I acknowledge the use of ChatGPT to create content to plan and  brainstorm ideas for my assessment. The prompts used were entered on 18 March 2023: What are some key challenges in running an online business? 

Assessment 1: Quiz 

Due date: 

Week 4, 8



Word count / Time provided: 



10% quizzes

Unit Learning Outcomes: 

ULO-1, ULO-2, ULO-4

Assessment Details: 

This assessment also includes an invigilated quiz that will assess your ability to understand  theoretical materials and your knowledge of key content areas. The quiz will be either multiple  choice questions or short questions that are relevant to the lectures or lecture materials. For  successful completion of the quiz, you are required to study the material provided (lecture slides,  tutorials, and reading materials) and engage in the unit’s activities. The prescribed textbook is the  main reference along with the recommended reading materials.  

Marking information: The assessment will be marked out of 100 and will be weighted 10%. 

Assessment 2: Laboratory Practicum

Due date: 

Weeks 3, 5, 6 7



Word count / Time provided: 




Unit Learning Outcomes: 

ULO-1, ULO-2, ULO-4

Assessment Details: 

Practical exercises assess students’ ability to apply theoretical learning to practical, real-world situations on a weekly basis. The practical exercises will improve student’s ability to practice  information security using Linux/Kali Linux platform such as phishing attacks, encryption and  steganography and other functions.  

Students will be required to complete the practical exercises during the workshop and therefore,  attendance is required as part of this assessment. Students will not be assessed on work that is not  produced in the workshop, so attendance is required as part of this assessment. Students are  required to submit the work that they have completed during the workshop session only. The details  of the lab work and requirements are provided on the online learning system. 

Assessment 2 Marking Criteria and Rubric 

Multi-labs will have questions and activities to be completed for a total of 100 marks then  will be scaled to 20%. 

Assessment 2 Marking Criteria and Rubric

Marking Criteria 

Not Satisfactory  (0-49% of the  

criterion mark)


(50-84% of the  

criterion mark)


(85-100% of the  criterion mark)

Lab Screenshots  


All Necessary  

Screenshots were  


Very few  

screenshots, or  

screenshots taken  without time, day  and name shown

Not all necessary  

screenshots have  

been taken


submission, all  necessary  

screenshots were  taken.

Apply Lab  

Reflections (60%) 

Screenshots with  


Very few  



explanation or  

reflection, just  

click next

Not all screenshots  have been explained  and reflected upon


submission, all  screenshots have  been explained  and reflected  


Assessment 3: Network simulation 

Due date: 

Week 10



Word count / Time provided: 




Unit Learning Outcomes: 



Assessment Objective  

This assessment enables you to comprehend the fundamental concept of network design  and acquire the skills necessary to develop both logical and physical network designs. The simulation of a Local Area Network (LAN) using Packet Tracer enables you to  comprehend the network architecture and acquire the necessary skills to successfully set up  a LAN. 

Assessment Details

ABC is a global IT company which mainly based in USA. Recently, the company has decided to move  to the Australian market. ABC has decided to establish two main branches (Brisbane and Sydney)  with three networks as follows:  

Brisbane (in a two-story structure): 

o NET-A: 10.10.1XY.0/24, will have up to 300 employees. 

Sydney (in a three-story structure): 

o NET-B: 172.16.1XY.0/24, will have up to 200 employees,  

o NET-C: 192.168.1XY.0/24 will have up to 400 employees. 

Every department has its own server. It is recognised that employees should be able to  communicate with and access data from various servers within the two locations. You are tasked to  design a network (LAN) for the Sydney branch (enterprise campus). The Sydney branch will be  connected to the Brisbane branch. Consequently, you need to incorporate WAN access into the  design of the LAN for the two branches. 

The network will contain a data centre as well as an e-commerce edge. In addition, employees will  bring their own mobile devices to work (e.g., laptops, smartphones, tablets). Wireless  communication facilities (Wi-Fi access sites) will be used by employees to access necessary  information such as their work email, required documents, and the Internet. 


You have been recruited as an IT Administrator in the IT department and tasked with analysing,  designing, configuring, and simulating the new network for the Brisbane and Sydney branches.

There are two parts of the requirements for this assignment, network design and network  simulation.  

a) Network Design Tasks [30 marks] 

Task 1 

Develop a logical design of the Sydney network branch using the building-block network design  process. Consider the anticipated expansion of NDC. You need to consider the following elements  for the logical design:  

Network architecture components. 

Application systems. 

Network users. 

Categorizing network needs  

Task 2 

Design the network’s physical architecture based on the logical architecture completed in Task 1.  Note that you are not required to alternative design. Regarding the physical construction, you need  to consider the following: 

Designing client and servers 

Designing circuits  

Network design tools 

Note: The following drawing tools can be used to create both logical and physical layouts. Concept Draw or  



Cisco Packet Tracer or any other network design software to draw the layout of logical and  physical network designs.  


Briefly describe how you will minimise interference from Wi-Fi access points (APs) on separate  floors. 

b) Simulation [70 marks] 

You have been asked to use the Packet Tracer, as shown in Figure 1, for the simulation task.  Simulate and test the configuration using the ping command for both Local delivery (devices within  the same network) and remote delivery (devices within separate networks, such as Brisbane and  Sydney).  

You can use the Lecture notes or VLSM to subnet the networks.

Prepare a report to provide the details configuration for the network for ABC company.  

In this task, you will complete the required information using the IP network diagram shown in  Figure 1. To optimise your grade in this section, address the following points: 

List all assumptions and their explanation. 

Display each calculation for the number of subnets, IP addresses, valid hosts, gateways, and  subnet mask for Tables 1, 2, 3, and 4. 

Table 1. Sydney branch Network (Net-C)


Allocated Subnet address and Subnet Mask 


Network address 


Default Gateway address 


Valid host address range 


Broadcast address 


Table 2. Brisbane branch Network


Allocated Subnet address and Subnet Mask 


Network address 



Default Gateway address 


Valid host address range 


Broadcast address 



Table 3. Network between Sydney to ISP


Allocated Subnet address and Subnet Mask 


Network address 


Valid host address range 


Broadcast address 



Table 4. Network between Brisbane and ISP 


Allocated Subnet address and Subnet Mask 


Network address 


Valid host address range 


Broadcast address 


Place configuration of each device into a table like the one below. (40 Marks) 


(Copy and paste the device configuration, DO NOT use screenshot from  Packet Tracer)  

S1: enable.  

S1: configure terminal.  

S1: . . . 

Assessment submission 

Your report must include a cover page that includes the student’s name and student ID. You need to submit the design document as outlined above with a working Packet Tracer file. DO NOT ZIP THE SUBMISSION FILES. 

For successful completion of this assessment, you are required to study the material provided  (lecture slides, tutorials, and extra reading materials), engage in the unit’s activities, and in the  discussion forums. The prescribed textbook is the main reference along with the recommended  reading material. Students are expected to discuss their work with the lecturer and to seek support.  In completing this assessment successfully, you will be able to develop networking skills including  design, configuration and testing of a computer network using a simulator. This assessment helps in  achieving ULO-2. 

Marking Criteria and Rubric: The assessment will be marked out of 100 and will be weighted 40%  of the total unit mark.


Criteria for  


Not satisfactory 

(0-49%) of the  

criterion mark)


(50-64%) of the  criterion mark


(65-74%) of the  criterion mark

Very Good 

(75-84%) of the  criterion mark


(85-100%) of the  criterion mark

Logical design  

(need analysis) 

(10 marks)

The design does not  meet minimum  


The design lacks in  multiple critical areas  and requires  



The design meets  some objectives but  needs improvement in  certain areas.

The design meets  most objectives  


The design exceeds  expectations in all  areas.

Physical Design  (technology design) (10 marks)

The physical design does  not meet minimum  requirements.

The physical design  lacks in multiple  

critical areas and  

requires significant  improvement.

The physical design  meets some  

objectives but needs  improvement in  

certain areas.

The physical design  meets most objectives  effectively.

The physical design  exceeds expectations  in all areas.

Minimising the  

interference from  Wi-Fi access points (10 marks)

The proposal does not  effectively address  

interference challenges  and lacks an  

understanding of the  topic.

The proposal lacks a  comprehensive  

understanding of  

interference or  

provides incomplete  or ineffective  


The proposal partially  addresses  

interference issues  but lacks depth or  innovation

The proposal  

effectively addresses  most interference  challenges with well thought-out  


The proposal  

demonstrates an  


understanding of  

interference factors  and provides  


innovative solutions.

Subnet allocations,  IP addresses, valid  hosts, gateways subnet mask 

(20 marks)

Lack of evidence of  

understanding of IP  configuration for NET A,  B and C including the  interfaces for RA, RB and  RC with many errors.

Evidence of a basic  understanding of IP  configuration for NET  A, B and C.

Good IP configuration  for NET A, B and C  including the  

interfaces for RA, RB  and RC with some  errors.

very well IP  

configuration for NET  A, B and C including  the interfaces for RA,  RB and RC.

Excellent IP  

configuration for NET  A, B and C including  the interfaces for RA,  RB and RC.



(25 marks)

Lack of evidence of  

understanding of  

Configure router RA  interfaces with many  errors.

Evidence of a basic  understanding of  

Configure router RA  interfaces

Good Configure router RA interfaces with  some errors.

Very well Configure  router RA interfaces

Excellent Configure  router RA interfaces



(15 marks)

Lack of evidence of  

understanding of routing  configuration with no  connections between  hosts

Basic understanding of routing configuration  with errors in the  routing configuration  and no connection  between hosts

Well routing  

configuration with  correct routing  

configuration and  connection between the hosts

Very weak routing  configuration with  simple demonstration  of configuration, and  full network  


Excellent explanation  and understudying of  routing protocols and  configuration with  


demonstration of  configuration, testing  and full network  



(10 marks)

No testing results were  shown or with many  errors. 

(Pinging the local area 

Some connectivity  testing results showed some errors. 

(Pinging is only 

Full connectivity  

testing results showed some errors. 

(Pinging is only 

Full connectivity  

testing results are  shown with minor  errors.

Full connectivity  

testing results are  shown with no errors. (Pinging the local area 



network and remote  network is not 


successful with local  area network packet  drops and not remote  networks)

successful with local  area network, not  remote network)

(Pinging the local area  network is successful  and the remote  

network is successful  with packet drops)

network and remote  network is successful)


Assessment 4: System vulnerabilities and mitigation 

Due date: 

Week 12



Word count / Time provided: 




Unit Learning Outcomes: 

ULO-3, ULO-4

Assessment Details: 

Your team has recently been hired by a car industry company that employs various types of robotic  systems for tasks ranging from assembly, welding, and painting to inspection. Internet of Things (IoT)  devices are utilized to control the robotic systems both locally and remotely. 

In recent years, there has been a growing focus on the risks associated with the use of simple IoT  devices in services that have access to sensitive information or critical controls. To enhance the  resilience of commercial IoT devices against cyber-attacks, security considerations should be  integrated right from the design stage of new products. However, the wide heterogeneity of IoT  devices poses challenges to the development of well-established security-by-design methods for the  IoT. Choose one of the following IoT devices: 


Raspberry PI 


ESP32 and ESP8266 

For the type of IoT device your group has selected, you will need to discuss the following: 

1. Identify and discuss three security vulnerabilities specific to the selected IoT device. 2. Demonstrate the working mechanism of two types of attacks against the selected IoT device. 3. Demonstrate two techniques or security tools that can be used to mitigate/prevent the  identified attacks in point (2). 

4. The objective of computer security is to protect the Integrity, Confidentiality, and Availability  (CIA) of information on the devices that store, manipulate, and transmit the information.  Analyze the attack methods identified in point 2 and the security tools identified in point 3  against CIA. 

5. Demonstrate the main challenges in protecting the selected IoT device. 

The importance of cryptography has increased over time, making it a key defense in securing data  from threat actors. Select one type of cryptographic algorithm that has been developed or proposed  for the selected IoT device and provide its working techniques and features.

In your report, you have to support your discussion with references from recent conferences and  articles published within the last 4 years that are related to the selected IoT device. 

In completing this assessment successfully, you will be able to investigate IS security, risk threats and  propose the suitable security controls, which will help in achieving ULO-3, and ULO-4. 

Marking Information: The applied project will be marked out of 100 and will be weighted 30% of  the total unit mark. 



Not satisfactory 

(0-49%) of the  

criterion mark)


(50-64%) of the  criterion mark


(65-74%) of the  criterion mark

Very Good 

(75-84%) of the  criterion mark


(85-100%) of the  criterion mark


(10 marks)

Poor Introduction with irrelevant details

Introduction is 

presented briefly 

with some 

relevance and 

missing elements.

Introduction is  

generally presented in good fashion,  

however missing one  element.

Introduction is well  written with clear  discussion.

Introduction is very  well written with very  clear background,  discussion.

Discuss and  

identified three  security  


(15 mark)

Poor discussion with  irrelevant information

Brief discussion about  security vulnerabilities

Generally good 

discussion about 

security vulnerabilities

Very clear security  vulnerabilities 

discussion supported  by recent references.

A very detailed 

and very clear 

security vulnerabilities discussion supported  by recent references.

The use of the  

attack tool and  working  


(10 mark)

Poor discussion with  irrelevant information

Brief discussion about  attack tool and  

working mechanism

Generally good 

discussion about 

attack tool and  

working mechanism

Very clear attack tool  and working  


A very detailed 

and very clear 

attack tool and  

working mechanism

Analysis the attack  tool and security  tool against CIA  (20 mark)

Poor analysis with 

irrelevant details.

Brief discussion of the  attack tool and  

security tool against  CIA

Generally good  

discussion of the  

attack tool and  

security tool against  CIA

Very clear discussion of the attack tool and  security tool against  CIA

In-depth and very  clear discussion of the  attack tool and  

security tool against  CIA

Main challenges in  protecting the  

selected IoT device  (10 mark)

Lack of evidence of  

understanding of the  main challenges

Very brief discussion  of the main challenges

Evidence of good  

understanding of the  main challenges that  related to the selected IoT device with limited support references. 

Very clear  

understanding of the  main challenges that  related to the selected IoT device with  


support references.


understanding of the  main challenges that  related to the selected IoT device with recent support references.


developed/propos ed. 

(30 marks)

Lack of evidence of  

understanding of  

Cryptography algorithm  related to the selected  IoT with poor working  techniques and features

Very brief description  of the Cryptography  algorithm related to selected IoT with poor  working techniques  and features.

Evidence of good 

discussion of the  


algorithm related to  selected IoT with good working techniques  and features.

Very clear discussion  of the Cryptography  algorithm related to  the selected IoT with  

very good working  techniques and  

features supported  with recent  


Excellent discussion of  the Cryptography  algorithm related to the selected IoT with  very good working  techniques and  

features supported  with recent  



(5 marks)

Summary not 

relating to the 


Brief summary of the report with some 


Generally good 

summary of the 



summarizing the 





summarizing the 

