DATA4800 Assignment Help

Subject Code: DATA4800
Subject Name: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Assessment Title: Individual Evaluation Activity (Evaluating Neural Network Models)
Assessment Type: Individual Report
Choose an item.: 1000 Words (+/-10%)
Weighting: 30%
Total Marks: 30
Submission: Turnitin
Due Date: Individual report via Turnitin due Tuesday, Week 10, 11.55PM AEST

Your Task

Evaluate the Neural Network based predictive modelling capability in the Orange Data Mining  Application. 

The report is worth 30 marks (see rubric for allocation of these marks). 

Assessment Description

There has been a recent advent of Neural Networks including applications in deep learning. Analytics professionals can run basic Deep Learning applications via the browser and no-code  platforms as the algorithms use hardware accessed via the cloud to provide the required  performance. 

Assessment Instructions  

You have been introduced to the Orange Data Mining application in class. Please ensure you have  downloaded it and are familiar with its operation. You will also be provided with a dataset containing  images. Well-reasoned use of Generative AI is encouraged. However, generic and irrelevant  content will be heavily penalised in the marking. 

  • Image Classification 
  1. Construct a predictive model using the Image Analytics widgets in Orange.
  2. Create a test data set if it does not exist. 
  3. Classify the images using your model
  • Re- analyse dataset used in Assessment 1 
  1. Construct a predictive model using the Neural Network widget in Orange.
  2. Classify the outcomes using your model.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness in both cases in terms of 
  1. Accuracy  
  2. Utility  
  3. Method used 
  4. ease of use 
  • Recommend improvements or suggest other applications.  
  • Summarise your findings. 
  • Include a list of references that is directly related to the content. Each reference needs to  be linked to at least one specific point in the content of your assessment. It is expected  that you will have at least 3 relevant references. 
  • Upload the file that contains your prediction model in Orange to the dropbox provided on  the assessment page. 
  • Investigate the use of Generative AI (eg: chatGPT) to enhance your analysis. Clearly  state the prompts and steps undertaken. 
  • Submit report in Turnitin.

Important Study Information

Academic Integrity Policy 

KBS values academic integrity. All students must understand the meaning and consequences  of cheating, plagiarism and other academic offences under the Academic Integrity and Conduct  Policy. 

What is academic integrity and misconduct? 

What are the penalties for academic misconduct? 

What are the late penalties? 

How can I appeal my grade? 

Word Limits for Written Assessments 

Submissions that exceed the word limit by more than 10% will cease to be marked from the point  at which that limit is exceeded. 

Study Assistance

Students may seek study assistance from their local Academic Learning Advisor or refer to the resources on the MyKBS Academic Success Centre page. Click here for this information.

Standards for this Task Points
Prediction Results

  • Loaded data into Orange and identified relevant widgets.
  • Identified information that is relevant to building the required models.
  • Able to identify information relevant to facilitate the understanding of Neural Networks.
  • Developed model and classified images.
  • Compared results with algorithms used in Assessment 1.

  • Provided actionable recommendations based on obtained results.
  • Recommendations are fully justified in the context of the analytics problem.
  • The recommendations are within the scope of the subject and assessment.
Report and Summary:

  • Structured such that the reader can grasp key points from the analysis.
  • Key headings are included.
  • Justification of assumptions and interpretations are clear and concise.
  • In-line referencing used and references are relevant and genuine.
  • Visualisations are used to convey key arguments.
  • Appropriate and relevant investigation of GenerativeAI with clear statement of steps.