GDECE106 ASSESSMENT-3 Curriculum Design Assignment Help

  • Task Description:  

Design a one-week curriculum that incorporates inquiry-based approaches to human culture. Base your curriculum on  themes from human culture such as history, philosophy, geography or religion. Use theoretical concepts from different  perspectives discussed in the class and critically reflect on the relationship between theories and pedagogy. 


A design of a one-week curriculum that incorporates inquiry-based approaches to human culture. 

Clear basis of curriculum on themes from human culture such as history, philosophy, geography or religion. Critical reflection of the relationship between theories and pedagogy. 

Due Date: 10th of August, 2024, 11.59 PM 

Word count: 2000 words equivalent +/- 10% (excluding references) 

NOTE: SCEI-HE requires its students to observe the highest ethical standards in every aspect of their academic work. SCEI-HE actively  demonstrates its commitment to academic integrity by recognising scholarly work and penalizing all forms of academic dishonesty. Please  refer to the Institute’s HEPP01 Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure for further information or speak to your lecturer, Academic Support  Coordinator or Librarian. 

Formatting: 12-point serif font (eg. Times New Roman). 1.5 or double line spacing.  

Referencing: APA7 (please refer to this guide for referencing guidelines) 

Extension requests must be granted in writing before the assignment due date. Contact your lecturer in writing for extensions of up to 7  calendar days. Longer extensions may be granted but require special consideration. Special consideration applications must also be submitted  before the date and require documentary evidence, such as medical certificates.


Grading Scale


High Distinction (HD) 

Distinction (D) 

Credit (C) 

Pass (P) 

Not meeting  


requirement (N)

C1. A design of a one week curriculum that  incorporates inquiry based approaches to  human culture.  

(10 marks)

C1.1 A relevant  

curriculum design is  clearly explained,  

how to incorporates  inquiry-based  

approaches to  

human culture is  

explained, including  critical reflection.

C1.2 A relevant  

curriculum design is  clearly explained,  

how to incorporates  inquiry-based  

approaches to  

human culture is  


C1.3 A relevant  

curriculum design is  described, how to  incorporates inquiry based approaches to  human culture is  


C1.4 curriculum  

design is relevant,  how to incorporates  inquiry-based  

approaches to  

human culture is  


C1.5 the curriculum  design is incomplete,  or irrelevant. 

C2. Clear basis of  

curriculum on  

themes from human  culture such as  

history, philosophy,  geography or  


(10 marks)

C2.1 Basis of  

curriculum on  

themes from human  culture such as  

history, philosophy,  geography or religion is clearly explained in  detail and in depth,  with critical  


C2.2 Basis of  

curriculum on  

themes from human  culture such as  

history, philosophy,  geography or religion is clearly explained.

C2.3 Basis of  

curriculum on  

themes from human  culture such as  

history, philosophy,  geography or religion  is clearly described.

C2.4 Basis of  

curriculum on  

themes from human  culture such as  

history, philosophy,  geography or religion  is outlined.

C2.5 Basis of  

curriculum on  

themes from human  culture such as  

history, philosophy,  geography or religion  is barely mentioned  or absent.

C3. Critical reflection  of the relationship  between theories  

and pedagogy.  

(10 marks)

C3.1 The relationship  between theories  

and pedagogy is  

explained in detail  and in depth, with critical reflection. 

C3.2 The relationship  between theories  

and pedagogy is  

clearly explained  

with relevant details.

C3.3 The relationship  between theories  

and pedagogy is  

clearly explained.

C3.4 The relationship  between theories  

and pedagogy is  

discussed, a clear  

attempt has been  made to analyze  

through the theories.

C3.5 The relationship  between theories  

and pedagogy is  

absent or inaccurate,  with no reference to  the theory.

C4. Draw on relevant  academic literature  to support your  


(5 marks) 


C4.1 A broad range  of relevant academic  sources cited.  

Sources effectively  support claims /  


C4.2 A range of  

relevant academic  sources cited.  

Sources effectively  support claims /  


C4.3 Relevant  

academic sources  cited. Sources  

effectively support  claims / arguments. 

C4.4 Minimal  

academic sources  

cited. Sources do not  effectively support  claims / arguments. 

C4.5 No academic  sources cited  

/irrelevant academic  sources cited. 

C5. Assignment is  

formatted according  to requirements and  written clearly and  cohesively. APA 7  

referencing is used.  Word limit is adhered  to.  

(5 marks) 


C5.1 The assignment  is clear and free of  topographical and  structural features  that hinder  

understanding. There  is no confusion  

between author  

voice and that of  

sources. The  

assignment is  

formatted according  to stated  


Accurate mechanics  of in-text and end-of 

C5.2 The assignment  is clear with minor  typographical and  structural features  that may hinder  

understanding. There  is minimal confusion  between author  

voice and that of  

sources. The  

assignment is mostly  formatted according  to stated  


Accurate mechanics  of in-text and end-of 

C5.3 The assignment  is clear with  

topographical and  structural features  that may hinder  

understanding. There  is minor confusion  between author  

voice and that of  

sources. The  

assignment is partly  formatted according  to stated  


Mechanics of in-text  and end-of-text APA 

C5.4 The assignment  has typographical  

and structural  

features that  

significantly hinder  understanding. There  is confusion between the author’s voice and that  of sources. 

The assignment is  minimally formatted  according to stated  requirements.  

Mechanics of in-text  and end-of-text APA  (7th Ed.) referencing 

C5.5 The assignment  has  

typographical and  structural features  that prohibit  

understanding. There  is confusion between  author voice and that  of sources, or  

author’s voice is  

absent. The  

assignment is not  

formatted according  to stated  



text APA (7th Ed.)  referencing style  

were used. Word  

limit met.

text APA (7th Ed.)  referencing style  

were used with  

minor inconsistencies  (no more than 2  


Word limit met.

(7th Ed.) referencing  styles were used with  inconsistencies (no  more than 4 errors).  

Word limit met.

contain several  


Word limit met.

Mechanics of in-text  and end-of-text APA  (7th Ed.) referencing  style were not used  


Word limit not met.

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