1.Purpose of this Document 

This document details the major assignment 1 and 2 requirements for ITECH2250 at  Federation University Australia. The intended audience is students and staff in ITECH2250 at  all campuses. Students are encouraged to read and review this document carefully to  understand the assignment requirements.  

2.Overview of Major Assignments 

There are 2 major assignments in ITECH2250. Each assignment is to be completed individually by each student and submitted in their Moodle shell. The contents of each assignment include project artifacts and a report. Both assignments will relate to one particular case study  chosen by each student. This requirement will be described further in section 3 of this  document.  

The first assignment is for an agile project, so artifacts that could be displayed on an agile project team room wall should be included. It can include a jpeg poster in addition to written material in a document. The components are listed in the table below and explained more in section 4. 

Assignment  1


Due Date 



artifacts (pdf  and optional  jpeg)

A Project Vision Statement 

A Project Charter 

A High-Level Roadmap 

A Team Charter 

A Stakeholder Register







Assignment  1 report (pdf)

A description of the case study adopted, including assumptions made. 

A discussion and reflection on the development process A comprehensive list of references 

A log of prompts and responses generated by ChatGPT

The second assignment is worth 25% of the final grade and is due to be submitted as one document in pdf format in Moodle. The pdf document should contain several sections as indicated in the following table. More details are provided in section 5. 

Assignment  2


Due Date 



artifact –  

PMP (pdf)

A Project Management Plan (PMP) developed for the case study assuming a hybrid approach is adopted A release plan with an epic description and user stories for the first iteration of work to be completed.



24th, 2024,  5.00pm


Assignment  2 report (pdf)

A vision statement and description of the case study adopted (from assignment 1) 

A first draft PMP 

A critique of the PMP draft 

A detailed description of the process used to develop the PMP, Release Plan, Epics and User stories A reflection and Lessons Learned Report 

A comprehensive list of references 

A log of prompts and responses generated by ChatGPT

Table 1 lists the learning outcomes in ITECH2250 (from the Course Description). The  highlighted outcomes are assessed directly or indirectly in the assignments. 



Knowledge Outcomes 

K1. Review traditional and agile approaches and lifecycles for managing information technology projects; 

K2. Appraise project management methodologies, such as the project management body of knowledge; 

K3. Establish a theoretical knowledge of the project management process groups model; 

K4. Evaluate the basic components of a project management plan and its importance in improving the success of information technology projects; 

K5. Analyse various complexities and diversity between information technology projects;

Skills Outcomes 

S1. Apply the process groups model to manage information technology projects of various complexities and 


S2. Analyse real world information technology problems and apply project management principles and 

techniques to solve these problems; 

S3. Apply a systems thinking approach to identify critical roles and stakeholders in information technology projects; 

S4. Demonstrate decision-making processes to solve a range of information technology project issues; 

S5. Utilise a range of organisational and self-management skills, emulating real world practice of information technology project managers; 

S6. Critique contemporary IT industry 

practices/presentations related to IT project management, and relate them to professional standards and your own career aspirations

Application of Knowledge and  Skills

A1. Adopt a project management framework to develop a project management plan for a simulated real world information technology project; 

A2. Undertake project management approaches to solve unpredictable and complex information technology software development problems; 

A3. Demonstrate competence in using appropriate project management software;

Table 1. Learning Outcomes in ITECH2250, Highlights indicate those assessed in assignments 

Assignments are to be submitted in Moodle. Students are also strongly encouraged to look at  the rubrics that will be embedded in the assessment submission link for each task in Moodle to  understand how the submissions will be assessed. In both assignments, students are expected  to use ChatGPT (

3.Case study- Industry Engagement 

As discussed in lectures, a project is a unique venture that involves interdependencies and resources that must be coordinated and managed. The case study project for these  assignments will be based on a real project selected from an industry showcase presentation of project use cases.  

The recording of the industry presentations at the IBM Emerging Technologies Hub, at  SMB campus central Ballarat are made available in Moodle.  

The following activities will be undertaken to prepare for completing the assignments.  

1. Student should watch the recording and select a case study project that they will use 2. Students should create some notes (to be submitted in assignment report) about the selected case study project summarising the details such as: 

a. who will benefit from this project? 

b. what are the project goals? Expected outcomes? 

c. what are the expected timelines for the project? 

d. what resources are needed? 

e. who is sponsoring/funding the project? 

f. who are the stakeholders involved? 

g. what are the major deliverables? 

3. If there are questions that are not answered in the recording, assumptions can be made. These must be clearly documented as assumptions in a student’s description of the case study. Students can also email questions to the lecturer with the subject line:  ITECH2250 case study

4.Assignment 1 Requirements 


The aim of this first assignment is to gain experience in practices associated with the initiating of  a project or project phase. The assessment is based on the creation of several strategic artifacts  and registers and the validation of their quality and appropriateness.  

These artifacts are to be created for the selected case study chosen for assignment 1 and must  be prepared and presented as artifacts suitable for an agile project. An artifact is a template,  document, output or project deliverable. The PMBOK 7th edition, section 4.6 describes  commonly used artifacts in Project Management. 


Course material: The Course Readings List in Moodle will provide direct access to many  references1. There is a list of references in the Course Description and at the end of each  lecture slide pack. Students should refer to workshops, weekly activities and portfolio activities in weeks1-6 for support with this task.  

Students may also find additional resources, but these must be added to the reference list in the  assignment.  

Students are expected to use generative AI tools such as provided at to assist  in generating material, however logs and a screenshot showing the prompts that were used and  the output generated should be provided in the report. It is expected that students will critique and expand/improve upon the output generated. An explanation of the verification process used  to establish that final artifact is appropriate, should be included in the report.  

Submission Requirements 

There are two parts to your submission – Part A and B as described as follows: 

A. Students are required to compile the following artifacts for their project and combine into one pdf file or a pdf and jpeg files to submit to Moodle: 

1. A vision statement for your selected project case study 

2. A Project Charter. The Project Charter must address the use of the Agile Project Management Framework. 

3. A High-Level agile roadmap, (not a work breakdown structure or gantt chart). 

4. A Team Charter for an imaginary team that is proposed to work on this project. 

5. A Stakeholder Register, (this should include input from a stakeholder analysis). 

As mentioned in the purpose summary above, students are expected to present the  information in this assignment tailored for an agile project. Therefore, their material must be  concise and selective in the format used. It is expected that some of the artifacts produced  would be suitable to place on a team room wall or in a virtual team space such as in  Microsoft Teams or a project wiki. Students must submit this work as either a jpeg file  and/or a pdf file. 

B. A separate report of outlining the step-by-step processes used to generate the project artifacts and a reflection must also be included. The report must contain the following: 

1. A half to one page description of the case study selected, answering the questions provided in section 3 of this document and any assumptions made. (continues on next page) 

1 Course Readings List is currently under construction in Moodle

2. Provide a detailed reflection on the generation and verification process. This should include indication of where the output was modified/improved and a justification that the final artifact developed was deemed appropriate. (For example, a student could provide comparisons to templates or other sourced examples from their references). 

3. A comprehensive list of references used for this assignment. 

4. Provide a log showing all the prompts that were used with a generative AI tool and the output generated. 

Background context  

The project vision statement is very important. It motivates the team and reminds everyone of  the benefits of the project and how it will deliver value.  

According to the PMBOK, 7th edition, strategy artifacts are documents created prior to or at the  start of a project that address strategic, business or high-level information about the project.  These artifacts do not normally change during the project.  

During the starting of a project or project phase, a Project Charter can be an important artefact.  In the case of a project, after top management determines which project/s to pursue, it is  important to then notify the organisation of the project/s about to commence. The Project  Charter can be used to formally recognize/authorise the project, provide a summary of the  details of the project and nominate/identify the project manager. This artefact can clearly  indicate to the project team and all stakeholders, the project objectives, scope and vision and  help to demonstrate the broad requirements and expectations of the project. Your charter  should include a high-level roadmap for the project and a list of expected deliverables.  

Project Charters can be created for any type of project/project phase and under any type of  Project Management Methodology. In a project managed using traditional (predictive/planned)  project management methodologies, the Charter would be a document of just a few pages  (around 3), formally outlining the key objectives, schedule, and stakeholders. In a project  managed using more adaptive or agile methodologies, the document would be of a similar size,  but perhaps less prescriptive and would reflect the different approach used. Some parts of the  charter would also be displayed in the project team room. Hybrid forms that borrow from the  traditional and agile can also exist. 

The Team Charter is different to the project charter, it is important for documenting the ways of  working in the team. In your team charter, you will socialise team values and ways of working  together. The team may adapt ways of working during a project, so this artifact will be updating  during the project lifecycle. You are expected to be a bit creative and name fictional characters  in your team. 

From the PMI PMBOK 7th edition, chapter 3: “Team agreements represent a set of behavioral  parameters and working norms established by the project team and upheld through individual  and project team commitment. The team agreement should be created at the beginning of a  project and will evolve over time as the project team continues to work together and identify  norms and behaviors that are necessary in order to continue to work together successfully.”  

One of the project management principles mentioned in the PMBOK 7th Edition is “Effectively  engage with stakeholders”. The Stakeholder register records information about project  stakeholders, including an assessment and classification of stakeholders. The stakeholder  analysis is important and will inform communications from the team to others during the project. In your stakeholder analysis, you first identify key stakeholders and then appropriate  accountability and communication responsibilities to each stakeholder. 

These artifacts are all very important to the success of the project. The work you do must  be specific to your chosen case study project and not generic in nature.

5.Assignment 2 requirements 


In assignment 2, students will use a generative AI tool, ChatGPT to create a draft Project  Management Plan, a Release Plan, An Epic and some User Stories for their chosen project case study. It will be necessary to provide detailed prompts to the tool to ensure that a detailed and accurate document artifacts are developed that is appropriate and includes the details specific to the project.  

The Project Management Plan (PMP) should be directed toward a hybrid project that will  combine some agile principles with a predictive approach to project management. Students should plan some iterative development and this should be reflected in their planned Project  Schedule. 

After the draft PMP has been created, students must then critique the PMP and improve it to  add details where needed. 

The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate that a student:  

Understands what is important to include in the PMP and 

Understands how to present a professional PMP for an industry project. 

Understands how to create a Release plan, Write Epics and User stories. 

The submitted report should include a detailed description of the process used to generate the  artifacts, the PMP critique and analysis of the PMP, the final updated PMP and a reflection on  the process used. 


Course material: The Course Readings List1 in Moodle will provide direct access to many  references. There is a list of references in the Course Description and at the end of each workshop slide pack. Students should refer to lectures, weekly activities and portfolio activities  for further support with this task.  

Additional resources may be used. These must be added to the reference list included in the  report.  

Students are expected to use generative AI tools to develop the PMP, however in the  accompanying report, students must provide in the appendix a screenshot showing the prompts  that were used and the output generated. There is an expectation that there will be a process of  critiquing and expanding/improving on the output generated and there will need to be an  explanation on how the final artifacts were deemed to be appropriate.

Submission Requirements 

There are two parts to this submission – Part A and B as described following: 

A. Students are required to compile the following artifacts for their project and combine into one pdf file to submit to Moodle: 

1. A PMP to a level of detail appropriate for the specific case study project chosen. 2. A Release plan, Epic and Selected User Stories for the first iteration of development 

B. Students are also to produce a separate report outlining the processes they used to generate the project artifacts, their personal reflection and lessons learnt 

1. A Vision statement and half to one page description of the case study selected, answering the questions provided in section 3 of this document and any assumptions made (from assignment 1) 

2. A draft PMP for their selected project, generated using ChatGPT for their selected project. 

3. A critique the PMP produced by comparing it to templates available in the PMBOK version 6 and at least one other published resource (e.g. textbook). 

4. A description of the generation and verification process. This should include a 

justification of how the final artifact produced was deemed appropriate. For example, provide comparison to templates or other sourced examples from the reference list. 5. A reflection and Lessons Learned Report 

6. A list of references used for this assignment. 

7. A log showing all the prompts that were used with generative AI tool and the output generated at each stage. 

The following questions should be considered in the reflection on the use of ChatGPT to generate the draft PMP and Lessons Learned Report – 

How was it useful to generate the draft using ChatGPT? 

What were the challenges encountered? 

What were the limitations involved in the process of developing the project artifacts using ChatGPT? 

Did ChatGPT provide sufficient and accurate detail? 

Was it possible to improve the draft PMP/other artifacts using further prompts? How was information detail chosen to use in the prompting questions? 

Did using ChatGPT save time? 

Is it recommend that ChatGPT be used in this way? What steps should be 


What process was used to verify the PMP was appropriate?


Background context  

Plans used in project management are usually written documents but may also be reflected on  visual/virtual team whiteboards. The Project Management Plan (PMP) is a document that  describes how the project will be executed, monitored and controlled and closed. The content in  the PMP depends on the application domain area and project complexity. 

The sixth edition of the PMBOK provides the following Figure:  

After the PMP has defined the project references for scope, time and cost, then the PMP is  baselined and can be referenced for comparison and performance monitoring. The PMP  provides a work breakdown structure (WBS) that becomes the scope baseline, a schedule  baseline and the approved project budget forms the cost baseline. 

The PMP components include at least (PMBOK 6th Edition):  

Scope management plan 

Requirements management plan 

Schedule management plan 

Cost management plan 

Quality management plan 

Resource management plan 

Communications management plan 

Risk management plan 

Additional components may include:  

Procurement management plan 

Stakeholder engagement plan 

Change management plan 

Configuration management plan 

Performance measurement baselines (integrated scope-schedule-cost plan/s) 

Project life cycle (phases) 

Development approach (predictive, iterative, agile, or hybrid) 

Management review schedule 

Your PMP is expected to at least include the above 6 components.  

Your analysis and critique of the PMP draft should identify the strengths and weaknesses in the  PMP generated by ChatGPT as well as a reflection on your processes, including prompts  chosen.  

Include details of all references used for comparison and evaluation of the PMP. Describe the  processes used to review the PMP and judge if it was appropriate. 

Your Release Plan can build on the roadmap you produced in assignment one. Create a theme based roadmap, provide one epic and a number of user stories associated with that epic.  

Include details of all references used for development and evaluation of the release plan, epics, and user stories in addition to the prompts used with ChatGPT. 

Rubrics for assessment will be embedded in Moodle. Before submitting, consult the following  checklist to assess if the assignment is “done” and ready to submit.  

Checklist item Completed? 

Read the assignment specification in entirety 

Identify all components that need to be submitted 

Read references and find templates/examples of each artifact that  

will be created 

Complete each component – create the artifact for the case study 

Compile a list of references 

Compile a log of interactions with ChatGPT/other generative AI  


Using references, critique the output from ChatGPT and improve  

up on it, provide evidence for this review 

Document the process and submit as an appendix 

Reflect on the process, make recommendations for future 

Combine all required components into one document to submit 

Submit to Moodle by the deadline or request an extension .