Assessment Overview

Assessment tasks 

Learning Outcome  Mapping

Assessment ID 

Assessment Item 

When due 




Research Report 

Session 5 


2, 4


Case Study 

Session 9 


1, 2

Major Assignment 

Session 12 


2, 3, 4, 5


Exam *

Scheduled during the 

end of semester exam 



1, 2, 3

To pass the unit students are expected to achieve an overall mark of 50% or more. Additionally, students must achieve a minimum of 40% of any  assessment marked as a hurdle task (i.e. Exam in this subject).


Referencing guides 

You must reference all the sources of information you have used in your assessments. Please use the IEEE referencing style when referencing in your assessments in this unit. Refer to the library’s referencing guides for more information. 

Academic misconduct 

VIT enforces that the integrity of its students’ academic studies follows an acceptable level of excellence. VIT will adhere to its where it explains the importance of staff and student honesty in relation to academic work. It outlines the kinds of behaviours that are “academic misconduct”, including plagiarism. 

Late submissions 

In cases where there are no accepted mitigating circumstances as determined through, late submission of assessments will lead automatically to the imposition of a penalty. Penalties will be applied as soon as the deadline is reached. 

Short extensions and special consideration 

Special Consideration is a request for: 

Extensions of the due date for an assessment, other than an examination (e.g. assignment extension). 

Special Consideration (Special Consideration in relation to a Completed assessment, including an end-of-unit Examination). 

Students wishing to request Special Consideration in relation to an assessment the due date of which has not yet passed must engage in written emails to the teaching team to Request for Special Consideration as early as possible and prior to start time of the assessment due date, along with any accompanying documents, such as medical certificates. 

For more information, visit

Inclusive and equitable assessment 

Reasonable adjustment in assessment methods will be made to accommodate students with a documented disability or impairment. Contact the unit teaching team for more information. 

Contract Cheating 

Contract cheating usually involves the purchase of an assignment or piece of research from another party. This may be facilitated by a fellow student, friend or purchased on a website. Other forms of contract cheating include paying another person to sit an exam in the student’s place.


Contract cheating warning: 

By paying someone else to complete your academic work, you don’t learn as much as you could have if you did the work yourself. 

You are not prepared for the demands of your future employment. 

You could be found guilty of academic misconduct. 

Many of for pay contract cheating companies recycle assignments despite guarantees of “original, plagiarism-free work” so similarity is easily detected by TurnitIn. 

Penaltiesfor academic misconduct include suspension and exclusion. 

Students in some disciplines are required to disclose any findings of guilt for academic misconduct before being accepted into certain professions (e.g., law). 

You might disclose your personal and financial information in an unsafe way, leaving yourself open to many risks including possible identity theft. 

You also leave yourself open to blackmail – if you pay someone else to do an assignment for you, they know you have engaged in fraudulent behaviour and can always blackmail you. 


We determine your gradesto the following Grading Scheme:



80% – 100%

70% – 79%

60% – 69%

50% – 59%

0% – 49%


Assessment Details for Assessment Item 1: 


Assessment tasks 

Learning Outcome  Mapping

Assessment ID 

Assessment Item 

When due 




Research Report 

Session 5 


2, 4



In this assessment you will write a critical analysis report on an academic paper(s) approved by your lecturer in the field of Big Data, or a specific industry  case study. 


In this assessment you will have to search for a recent paper/case study about the Big Data and write a report on the paper. In the report, you need to discuss  the proposed idea, methods, findings, critiques, and your recommendations. Your report should be limited to approx. 1500 words (not including references).  Use 1.5 spacing with a 12-point Times New Roman font. Though your paper will largely be based on the chosen article, you should use other sources to support  your discussion or the chosen paper’s premises. Citation of sources is mandatory and must be in the IEEE style. 

Submission Instructions 

All submissions are to be submitted through Turnitin. Drop-boxes linked to Turnitin will be set up in Moodle. Assessments not submitted through these drop boxes will not be considered. Submissions must be made by the end of session 5. 

The Turnitin similarity score will be used to determine any plagiarism of your submitted assessment. Turnitin will check conference websites, Journal articles,  online resources, and your peer’s submissions for plagiarism. You can see your Turnitin similarity score when you submit your assessments to the  appropriate drop-box. If your similarity score is of concern, you can change your assessment and resubmit. However, re-submission is only allowed before  the submission due date and time. You cannot make re-submissions after the due date and time have elapsed. 

Note: All work is due by the due date and time. Late submissions will be penalized at 20% of the assessment final grade per day, including weekends.10 

Marking Criteria/Rubric 

You will be assessed on the following marking criteria/Rubric: 

Assessment Criteria 

Excellent (HD) 

Very Good (DI) 

Good (CR) 

Satisfactory (P) 

Unsatisfactory (Fail)

Report Structure (2  


Exceptional organization,  flow, and coherence in  the report (2)

Very good organization,  flow, and coherence with  minor improvements  

possible (1.5)

Good organization,  flow, and coherence  with noticeable  

areas for  

improvement (1)


organization and  

flow with some room  for improvement  



organization and flow,  significant  

improvements needed  (0)

Identify Issue (2 marks)

Clear identification of the  issue from the chosen  paper/case study (2)

Well-identified issue with  minor gaps or slight lack of  clarity (1.5)


identification with  noticeable errors or  gaps (1)

Partial identification  with significant gaps  or lack of clarity (0.5)


identification of the  issue (0)

Analysis (1 mark)

Thorough analysis of the  proposed idea, methods,  findings, and critiques (1)

Well-analyzed content  with minor errors or slight  lack of clarity (0.8)

Adequate analysis  with noticeable  

errors or gaps (0.5)

Partial analysis with  significant errors or  lack of clarity (0.3)

Unsatisfactory analysis (0)


Recommendation (1  mark)

Clear and well-justified  recommendations based  on the analysis (1)


recommendations with  minor gaps or slight lack of  clarity (0.8)


justification with  

noticeable errors or  gaps (0.5)

Partial justification  with significant  

errors or lack of  

clarity (0.3)


justification (0)

Conclusion (1 mark)

Concise and well 

structured conclusion  summarizing key points  (1)

Well-structured conclusion with minor errors or slight  lack of clarity (0.8)

Adequate conclusion  with noticeable  

errors or gaps (0.5)

Partial conclusion  

with significant  

errors or lack of  

clarity (0.3)


conclusion (0)

Grammar (1 mark)

Exceptional grammar,  spelling, and language  usage (1)

Very good grammar,  

spelling, and language  usage with minor  

improvements possible  (0.8)

Good grammar,  

spelling, and  

language usage with  noticeable areas for  improvement (0.5)


grammar, spelling,  and language usage  with some room for  improvement (0.3)


grammar, spelling,  and language usage  (0)

Reference Style (2  


Accurate and consistent  use of IEEE style for  

citations (2)

Well-executed reference  style with minor errors or  slight lack of consistency  (1.5)

Adequate reference  style with noticeable  errors or gaps (1)

Partial reference  

style with significant  errors or lack of  

consistency (0.5)


reference style (0)


Assessment Details for Assessment Item 2: 


Assessment tasks 

Learning Outcome Mapping

Assessment ID 

Assessment Item 

When due 




Case Study 

Session 9 


1, 2



In this assignment you will be given a small case study, and you will need to apply your knowledge to identify the main issues, prioritise, provide insights  and to discuss alternatives. 


In this assessment you will be required to write a report and present a 5–10-minute presentation on real-world applications which required big data  tools to store and process their data. You need to identify and describe the datasets in the application and discuss how the data will be handled using  at least three big data techniques from Hadoop ecosystem. The dataset can be either structured or unstructured data. 

Submission Instructions 

All submissions are to be submitted through Turnitin. Drop-boxes linked to Turnitin will be set up in Moodle. Assessments not submitted through these  drop- boxes will not be considered. Submissions must be made by the end of session 9. 

The Turnitin similarity score will be used to determine any plagiarism of your submitted assessment. Turnitin will check conference websites, Journal  articles, online resources, and your peer’s submissions for plagiarism. You can see your Turnitin similarity score when you submit your assessments to  the appropriate drop-box. If your similarity score is of concern, you can change your assessment and resubmit. However, re-submission is only allowed  before the submission due date and time. You cannot make re-submissions after the due date and time have elapsed. 

Note: All work is due by the due date and time. Late submissions will be penalized at 20% of the assessment final grade per day, including weekends.

Case Study: 

GlobalHealth Innovations Ltd, a leading healthcare organization based in Melbourne, is gearing up for worldwide expansion. As a seasoned Big Data  specialist in the company’s IT department, you have been assigned the responsibility of creating a comprehensive report. The organization is keen on  harnessing the power of Big Data to enhance healthcare delivery, optimize resource management, and improve patient outcomes. With a strategic  vision to establish a unified global health platform, the company aims to leverage advanced analytics and Hadoop ecosystem tools to process and  analyze diverse healthcare datasets. The goal is to provide personalized patient care, streamline operations, and contribute to medical research by  analyzing trends and patterns in healthcare data. Your report will be instrumental in guiding the organization’s technological strategy for the  international healthcare landscape. 

Specific requirements: 

1. Identify a big data application from your choice  

2. Explain the specification of the large dataset  

3. Discuss the reasons to use big data tools  

4. Explain how the large dataset will be handled using at least three big data tools from Hadoop ecosystem  

5. Conclusion and References 

6. Upload the video presentation to your drive, and then share the link. Copy the link into the report, ensuring that you provide access for me to  check it out. 

Marking Criteria/Rubric 

You will be assessed on the following marking criteria/Rubric:



Excellent (HD) 

Very Good (DI) 

Good (CR) 

Satisfactory (P) 

Unsatisfactory (Fail) 

Unsatisfactory layout (0) 


identification and  

description (0)

Report Layout (2  marks)

Exceptional layout,  

formatting, and visual  appeal (2)

Very good layout with  minor improvements  possible (1.5)

Good layout with  

noticeable areas for  improvement (1)

Satisfactory layout with  some room for  

improvement (0.5)

Identify and  

Describe the  

Application (1  


Clear and detailed  

identification and  

description of the  

application related to Big  Data (1)

Well-identified and  

described application  with minor gaps or slight  lack of clarity (0.8)

Adequate identification  and description with  noticeable errors or  gaps (0.5)

Partial identification  and description with  significant gaps or lack  of clarity (0.2)




Assessment Details for Assessment Item 3: 

Assessment tasks 

Learning Outcome  Mapping

Assessment ID 

Assessment Item 

When due 



Major Assignment 

Session 12 


2, 3, 4, 5


In this assessment you will work in groups on a major practical based case to leverage data by applying big data techniques to implement a solution,  provide insights on analytics performed and make recommendations.  

Submission Instructions 

All submissions are to be submitted through Turnitin. Drop-boxes linked to Turnitin will be set up in Moodle. Assessments not submitted through  these drop- boxes will not be considered. Submissions must be made by the end of session 12. 

The Turnitin similarity score will be used to determine any plagiarism of your submitted assessment. Turnitin will check conference websites, Journal  articles, online resources, and your peer’s submissions for plagiarism. You can see your Turnitin similarity score when you submit your assessments to  the appropriate drop-box. If your similarity score is of concern, you can change your assessment and resubmit. However, re-submission is only  allowed before the submission due date and time. You cannot make re-submissions after the due date and time have elapsed. 

Note: All work is due by the due date and time. Late submissions will be penalized at 20% of the assessment final grade per day, including weekends.


You will work with your group and leverage the Google Play Store Apps data set.  


While many public datasets (on Kaggle and the like) provide Apple App Store data, there are not many counterpart datasets available for Google Play  Store apps anywhere on the web. On digging deeper, I found out that iTunes App Store page deploys a nicely indexed appendix-like structure to allow  for simple and easy web scraping. On the other hand, Google Play Store uses sophisticated modern-day techniques (like dynamic page load) using  JQuery making scraping more challenging. 


Each app (row) has values for catergory, rating, size, and more. 


This information is scraped from the Google Play Store. This app information would not be available without it. 


The Play Store apps data has enormous potential to drive app-making businesses to success. Actionable insights can be drawn for developers to work  on and capture the Android market! 

The dataset can be downloaded from the Kaggle website at:

You will prepare a final report outlining the following tasks:  

Task 1: Using Tableau or any other visualization tool, explore the dataset by creating at least six different charts to visualize the attributes and the  relationship between the attributes in the dataset. It is required to interpret the figures in the report.  

Task 2: Propose a data analytics question and build a data analytic model based on this question (e.g. prediction or clustering model). Implement the  model using Python or any other programming language. It is required to cover the following subtasks:  

Propose the data analytics question.  

Describe the method used to create the model.  

Discuss the model construction.  

Create the experiments and discuss the results.  

Discuss the challenges working with the large dataset and how did you overcome these challenges? 

For Python code, you can use Python Anaconda or Google Colab. Colab is a free notebook environment that requires no setup and runs entirely in  the cloud. You need to login to google Colab to enable to use it,


Victorian Institute of TechnologyCRICOS Provider No. 02044E, RTO No: 20829 

Submission requirements: 

1) Your report should have 1500-2000 words addressing the tasks. The report structure includes the following: a cover page, introduction about the  case study, dataset description, addressing the above tasks, and conclusion.  

2) The presentation should be a maximum of 7 minutes for the whole team. Each member should talk for at least 2 minutes related to the project  and findings. The entire presentation should cover the dataset, results, and conclusion.  

General Instructions 

1. Your writing should be clear and concise and be in your own words.  

2. The report must be in the range of 1,500-2,000 words in length excluding references.  

3. Your report should be a single word or pdf document containing your report and need to be submitted through Moodle. 4.  One submission per group and make sure all group members are there with contribution table at the end of the report.  

5. One submission per group and make sure all group members are active in the video with at least 2 minutes’ talk from the project.  6. Use headings to guide the reader and include tables or diagrams that make the case clearer.  

7. The program code needs to be attached at the end of the report as an Appendix.  

8. The referencing style must follow the IEEE referencing style. 

9. Upload the video presentation to your drive, and then share the link. Copy the link into the report, ensuring that you provide access for me to  check it out. 

Marking Criteria/Rubric 

You will be assessed on the following marking criteria/Rubric: 

Assessment Criteria 

Excellent (HD) 

Very Good (DI) 

Good (CR) 

Satisfactory (P) 

Unsatisfactory (Fail)

Report Structure (2  marks)

Exceptional organization,  flow, and coherence in  the report introduction  (2)

Very good organization,  flow, and coherence  with minor  

improvements possible  (1.5)

Good organization,  

flow, and coherence  with noticeable areas  for improvement (1)


organization and flow  with some room for  improvement (0.5)


organization and flow,  significant improvements needed (0)

Introduction (2  


Exceptional introduction  providing clear context  and objectives (2)

Very good introduction  with minor  

improvements possible  (1.5)

Good introduction with  noticeable areas for  improvement (1)


introduction with some  room for improvement  (0.5)


introduction, significant  improvements needed  (0)

Findings of 

Thorough and insightful 

Well-presented findings 

Adequate findings with 

Partial findings with 

Unsatisfactory findings 

Assessment Criteria 

Excellent (HD) 

Very Good (DI) 

Good (CR) 

Satisfactory (P) 

Unsatisfactory (Fail)

Visualization Task (3  marks)

findings from the  

visualization task (3)

with minor errors or  slight lack of clarity (2)

noticeable errors or  gaps (1)

significant errors or  lack of clarity (0.5)

of the visualization task  (0)

Findings of Analytics  Task (3 marks)

Thorough and insightful  findings from the  

analytics task (3)

Well-presented findings  with minor errors or  slight lack of clarity (2)

Adequate findings with  noticeable errors or  gaps (1)

Partial findings with  significant errors or  lack of clarity (0.5)

Unsatisfactory findings  of the analytics task (0)

MapReduce Task (3  marks)

Thorough and insightful  findings from the  

MapReduce task (3)

Well-presented findings  with minor errors or  slight lack of clarity (2)

Adequate findings with  noticeable errors or  gaps (1)

Partial findings with  significant errors or  lack of clarity (0.5)

Unsatisfactory findings  of the MapReduce task  (0)

Code Provided (3  marks)

Clear and well 

documented code  

provided for tasks (3)

Well-documented code  with minor errors or  slight lack of clarity (2)

Adequate code with  noticeable errors or  gaps (1)

Partial code with  

significant errors or  lack of clarity (0.5)

Unsatisfactory code  

provided (0)

Grammar (2 marks)

Exceptional grammar,  spelling, and language  usage (2)

Very good grammar,  spelling, and language  usage with minor  

improvements possible  (1.5)

Good grammar,  

spelling, and language  usage with noticeable  areas for improvement  (1)

Satisfactory grammar,  spelling, and language  usage with some room  for improvement (0.5)

Unsatisfactory grammar,  spelling, and language  usage (0)

Reference Style (2  marks)

Accurate and consistent  use of the specified  

reference style (2)

Well-executed reference style with minor errors  or slight lack of  

consistency (1.5)

Adequate reference  style with noticeable  errors or gaps (1)

Partial reference style  with significant errors  or lack of consistency  (0.5)

Unsatisfactory reference  style (0)

Video Presentation  (10 marks)

Exceptional video  

presentation skills,  

engaging, and clear  

communication (10)

Very good presentation  with minor  

improvements possible  (7)

Good presentation  

with noticeable areas  for improvement (5)


presentation with  

some room for  

improvement (3)

Unsatisfactory video  presentation, significant  improvements needed  (0)