Software Engineering Fundamentals T1 (MDA523) Assignment Help

Assessment Details and Submission Guidelines


T1, 2024

Unit Code


Unit Title

Software Engineering Fundamentals

Assessment     Type

Group Assignment (4-5 students in the group)

Assessment   Title

Assignment 2

Purpose of the assessment (with ULO Mapping)

This assignment assesses the following Unit Learning Outcomes:

b. Analyze business problems and elicit user requirements by referencing software engineering methodologies.

c. Develop software architectural models and design patterns in meeting software specifications.

d. Implement quality assurance metrics and multiple testing techniques to ensure correct, quality, and secured software.

e. Select software configuration management techniques to create modularised and maintainable software systems.



Total Marks


Word limit

2000 words or above

Due Date

Week 11 – 27th May 2024, 11:59 PM

Submission Guidelines

  • All work must be submitted on Moodle by the due date along with a completed Assignment Cover Page.

  • The assignment must be in MS Word format, 1.5 spacing, 12-pt Calibri (Body) font, and 2 cm margins on all four sides of your page with appropriate section headings.

  • Reference sources must be cited in the text of the report and listed appropriately at the end in a reference list using IEEE referencing style.


  • If an extension of time to submit work is required, a Special Consideration Application must be submitted directly on AMS. You must submit this application three working days before the due date of the assignment.

Academic Misconduct

  • Academic Misconduct is a serious offense. Depending on the seriousness of the case, penalties can vary from a written warning or zero marks to exclusion from the course or rescinding the degree. Students should make themselves familiar with the full policy and procedure available at: For further information, please refer to the Academic Integrity Section in your Unit Description.

Assignment Instructions

Students should form groups (4 – 5 students in the group) for this assignment. Students need to mention details of group members who only contributed to their assignments.

Purpose of the assessment:

The purpose of this assignment is to: 

1) Produce and submit a consolidated version of the Analysis and Design document, 

2) Develop a three-tiered software application using agile and plan-driven methods, and 

3) Plan and conduct testing for quality assurance for any project out of the following:

  1. University Library 

  2. Ecommerce

  3. Online Hotel Reservation System 

  4. Online Book Store 

  5. Online Airline Ticketing System


Each group will select ANY project out of the given systems above as a guide for your project. You need to get approval about your project selection from your lab tutor before you start. You have to submit:

  1. The SRS document (a sample template has been given) contains the following design elements (using UML notations):

    • Identify all the use cases and use case descriptions.

    • Draw the use case diagram(s)

    • State chart diagram(s)

    • Sequence diagram(s)

    • Class diagram for the entire system with all the attributes, methods, and associations.

    • ER diagram with all possible entities.

  2. Implement the design developing, using the tools and platform of your choice, a software application with a front-end GUI, a middle layer implementing the business logic, and a backend database.

  3. You also need to test your application using the test plan developed. You will document the detailed design, test plan, and evidence of testing.

Submission guidelines:

  1. This is a group assignment, so you must include a declaration of the percentage contribution of each team member in your submission.

  2. Your report should include the following:

    • The cover page must identify students’ names and numbers, teaching staff, and assignments.

    • The assignment must use 12-point font size minimum and at least single line spacing with appropriate section headings.

    • The report must include: an executive summary, table of contents, introduction, analysis/discussions (with heading/subheadings to address the given requirements), conclusions and recommendations, references, and appendices.

  3. You should submit the source files zipped into one .zip file. The zip file should include all files making the application.


  • Reference sources (minimum of 8 references) must be cited in the appropriate section of the document in IEEE style.

Marking criteria:


Section to be included in the report

Description of the section



The introduction should include an introduction, system overview, system users, and system usability


Use cases

Identify 5 major use cases


Use case descriptions

Identify 1 main scenario and 2 exceptional scenarios


State chart diagram(s)

1 diagram


Sequence diagram(s)

At least 2 diagrams for ANY 2 use cases


Class Diagram

Complete solution


ER Diagram

Complete database solution for the entire system


Model, View and Control

Correct implementation of the model, view and control


Requirement Verification

Verify the user requirements using any selected method


Report Format and Reference style

Well-presented report with good document structure and sections, paragraphs, tables/figures, and correct spelling, and grammar; and an IEEE referencing style used


Video Presentation

Video Presentation (Max-10 minutes duration): Provide a link of your recorded video presentation in the assignment document.





Marking Rubric:


Grade / Marks

HD 80% – 100%

D 70% – 79%

C 60% – 69%

P 50% – 59%

Fail < 50


Very Good





Introduction, brief

Most of the required

Generally good,

Some understanding

Poor, not acceptable


description of the

fields have been

some of the fields are

about the


system, system

discussed thoroughly.

only named.



usability and system


however not all the


users have been


fields have been






Use cases

All major use cases

Most use cases are

Generally good,

Some understanding

Poor, not acceptable


(minimum 5) are

identified (minimum

some of the use

about the use case


identified and correct

3 )and correct

cases are identified

diagrams. Quite a


notations used

notations used


reasonable number


of use cases are




Use case

All main steps are

Most of the steps are

Generally good,

Somewhat good, but

Poor, not acceptable


identified for ANY use

correct in both main

some of the steps

not very accurate


case, and 2 correct

and the exceptional

are identified


exceptional scenario



State chart

1 correct diagram, and

Mostly both

Generally good

Diagrams with errors

Poor, not acceptable


correct notations used

diagrams are correct,


but not that




Sequence diagram(s)

2 correct diagrams, and correct notations used

Mostly both diagrams are correct, but not that


Generally good

Diagrams with errors

Poor, not acceptable

Class Diagram

Most of the classes are identified, and their relationships are


Good solution, but with a few mistakes

Good solution, but with many mistakes

Somewhat good, but not very accurate

Poor, not acceptable

ER Diagram

Most of the entities are identified, and their relationships are


Good solution, relationships are good

Good solution, but with many mistakes

Somewhat good, but not very accurate

Poor, not acceptable

Model-View- Control

Correct and efficient implementation and functioning of the model

Correct implementation and functioning of the model but not very efficient

Correct implementation and functioning of the model but not as efficient

Correct implementation and functioning of the model but not efficient

incorrect implementation and functioning of the model

Requirement Verification

The correct method is selected and excellent validation

Very Good validation

Good validation

Somewhat good, but not very accurate

Poor, not acceptable

Report format and Reference style

Use of correct referencing style, references are up to


Use of correct referencing style, but with mistakes

Use of referencing style, but with mistakes

Somewhat good, but not very accurate

Poor, not acceptable

Video Presentation

Demonstrates excellent presentation and clear individual and group contribution to the analysis, design, and report preparation.

Demonstrates presentation and clear individual and group contribution to the analysis, design, and report preparation.

Good presentation with quality introduction and analysis.

Satisfactory presentation with moderate level introduction and analysis.

Very poor presentation and inappropriate delivery.