Get Best MIS610 Advanced Professional Practice Assignment Help


Subject Code and Title

MIS610 Advanced Professional Practice


Ethics Project




1500 words (+/- 10%)

Learning Outcomes

The Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by successful  completion of the task below include:

a) Investigate and reflect on the role of a Business

Analyst (or chosen career path) in the contemporary

business environment and society more broadly.

b) Cultivate an understanding of who the student is as a professional and what their impact should be to the

enterprise, taking into consideration global ethical



Due by 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Sunday end of Module 4.1 (Week 7)



Total Marks

100 marks

Assessment Task

Write a 1500 words Ethics Project Report for an ethical dilemma scenario provided and make a  professional decision by analysing it from a range of ethical perspectives with the aim of  understanding:

a) how ethics is part of your day-to-day professional practice, and

b) how your current thinking about ethical issues influences your professional practice. Please refer to the Instructions for details on how to complete this task.


This assessment provides an opportunity for you to begin to explore how ethics relates to your  professional life. Through reflecting on your own practice, you will develop the skill to identify and  describe an ethical issue, articulate the various choices available to you and discuss how you  determined what actions you should take. You will also develop your written skills by presenting a  coherent description of an event, demonstrating the capacity to reflect on your behaviour. The  assignment will help you to develop an ‘ethical mindset’ when making workplace decisions and learn  to identify the ethical frameworks that inform those decisions.


1. Read the MIS610 Ethical Dilemma that will be in the Ethics Case Study that

will be provided in class in Week 3.

2. Reflect upon the incident discussed in the ethical dilemma scenario


3. Write a 1500 words report that comprise of:

• A short description of the workplace event. That is your interpretation of the ethical  dilemma (200 words).

• A reflection on how you would decide in response to the ethical dilemma (800 words).

The following questions need to be considered in your answer:

o What do you think is the issue in this situation?

o What would your response be to this issue?

o Justify your answer – why would you respond in this way?

o What laws, ethical codes, or personal ethical stance apply to the situation?

o Why would you choose one action rather than another?

o In what ways do you think your own cultural background influenced the way you would answer this situation?

• Identify two ethical frameworks or approaches (chosen from the the frameworks and  approaches discussed in class), that could have helped you with your ethical decision.

• Discuss how the frameworks might have helped you reach the same decision or a different decision as you identified above. This should include reference to two relevant reliable sources that are not part of the subject resources (500 words).

The following questions will help your reflection:

o What ethical framework (if any) did you use in reaching your original decision?

o How do the ethical frameworks you have chosen apply to the situation?

o How does a line of ethical reasoning arrive at your original decision?

o How does a line of ethical reasoning arrive at a different decision?

• You need to identify and apply the two frameworks, not describe them. Descriptions of the frameworks can be found in Module 3.1 (Utilitarian approach, Rights approach, Justice approach, Common Good approach, Virtue approach, and Egoism). Additional  ethics case studies will be reviewed in class.

4. You are strongly advised to read the rubric which is an evaluation guide with criteria for grading yourassignment. This will give you a clear picture of what a successful report looks like.


You are advised to include a minimum of five (5) academic references which should be textbooks or  academic journals. Appropriate websites may be used in addition to these. It is expected that you  reference any lecture notes used and five additional sources in the relevant subject area based on  sources and further research.

It is essential that you use appropriate APA 7 style for citing and referencing research. Please see  more information on referencing in the Academic Skills webpage.

Submission Instructions

Submit this assessment via the Assessment 2 link in the main navigation menu in MIS610  Advanced Professional Practice. The Learning Facilitator will provide feedback via the Grade  Centre in the LMS portal. Feedback can be viewed in My Grades.

Academic Integrity

All students are responsible for ensuring that all work submitted is their own and is appropriately  referenced and academically written according to the Academic Writing Guide. Students also need  to have read and be aware of Torrens University Australia Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure  and subsequent penalties for academic misconduct. These are viewable online.

Students also must keep a copy of all submitted material and any assessment drafts.

Special Consideration

To apply for special consideration for a modification to an assessment or exam due to unexpected or  extenuating circumstances, please consult the Assessment Policy for Higher Education Coursework  and ELICOS and, if applicable to your circumstance, submit a completed Application for Assessment  Special Consideration Form to your Learning Facilitator

Assessment Rubric

Assessment Attributes


(Yet to achieve minimum  standard)











High Distinction



Interpretation of the  ethical dilemma

Percentage for this

criterion = 10%

No description of the

workplace event and

interpretation of the

ethical dilemma.

Limited description of the  workplace event and

interpretation of the

ethical dilemma.

Provides an adequate

description of the

workplace event and

interpretation of the

ethical dilemma.

Provides a through

description of the

workplace event and

interpretation of the

ethical dilemma.

Provides a sound and well  written description of the  workplace event and

interpretation of the

ethical dilemma.

Response to the ethical  dilemma

Provides a clear and  justified response to the  ethical dilemma using  reflective skills

Percentage for this

criterion = 30%

Does not reflect upon own  professional identity and  professional

practice/responsibility to  provide a clear and

justified response to the  ethical dilemma.

Provide a response to the  ethical dilemma with limited  justification. Reflects on own  professional identity and in  relation to organisational  influences and considers  impact on professional


Provides a response to the  ethical dilemma with

adequate justification.

Reflects on own

professional identity in  relation to organisation  influences and impact on  professional practice,

modifies behaviour when  necessary in reflexive act.

Provides a clear and

justified response. Reflects  and evaluates own

professional identity in  relation to organisational  influences and how this  impact on professional

practice and professional  responsibility holistically.

Provides a clear and

justified response to the  ethical dilemma. Critically  Reflects and analyses own  professional identity in  relation to organisation  influences and ethos.

Considers how this impact on professional practice  and professional

responsibility with a

willingness to adapt and  grow.

Ethical moral reasoning

Identify and apply two  ethical frameworks

Recognises ethical and  moral issues and is able  to reason based on

these principles.

Identify two ethical

frameworks with no

application. Difficulty in  formulating own opinion  and lack of recognition of  ethical principles and

competing interests. Does  not clearly demonstrate  moral-ethical reasoning.

Limited application of the  ethical frameworks. Difficulty  in justifying conclusions

based on moral-ethical

principles but recognises  different viewpoints.

Identify and apply two

ethical frameworks.

Conclusions are justified  based on moral-ethical  principles.

Identify and apply two

ethical frameworks.

Formulates and justifies  conclusions based on

moral-ethical principles. Can recognise the

competing interests in

arguments and identify

Identify and apply two

ethical frameworks. Uses  ethical principles to identify  competing interests and  views. Sophisticated

understanding of the

ethical and moral positions. Well-articulated viewpoint

Percentage for this

criterion = 30%

ethical issues embodied in  them.

based on moral-ethical  reasoning.

Effective written


Percentage for this

criterion = 15%

Presents information.

Meaning is repeatedly

obscured by errors in the  communication of ideas,  including errors in

structure and sequence. Many spelling, grammar  and/or punctuation errors  are evident.

Communicates in a readable  manner that largely adheres  to the given format. Meaning  is sometimes difficult to

follow. Information,

arguments and evidence are  structured and sequenced in  a way that is not always clear  and logical. Some errors are  evident in spelling, grammar  and/or punctuation.

Communicates in a

coherent and readable  manner that adheres to the  given format. Meaning is  easy to follow. Information,  arguments and evidence  are structured and

sequenced in a way that is  clear and logical. Occasional  minor errors

present in spelling,

grammar and/or


Communicates coherently  and concisely in a manner  that adheres to the given  format. Engages audience  interest. Information,

arguments and evidence  are structured and

sequenced in a way that is,  clear and persuasive.

Spelling, grammar and

punctuation are free from  errors.

Communicates eloquently.  Expresses meaning

coherently, concisely and  creatively within the given  format. Engages and

sustains audience’s interest.  Information, arguments and  evidence are insightful,  persuasive and expertly  presented. Spelling,

grammar and punctuation  are free from errors.


Percentage for this

criterion = 15%


inconsistent use of good  quality, credible and

relevant resources to

support and develop

ideas. Referencing is

omitted or does not

resemble APA 7.

Demonstrates use of credible  and relevant resources to  support and develop ideas,  but these are not always  explicit or well developed. Referencing resembles APA 7,  with frequent or repeated  errors.

Demonstrates use of

credible resources to

support and develop ideas. Referencing resembles APA 7with occasional errors.

Demonstrates use of good  quality, credible and

relevant resources to


support and develop

arguments and statements.  Show evidence of wide  scope within the

organisation for sourcing  evidence. APA 7

referencing is free from

Demonstrates use of high quality, credible and

relevant resources to

support and develop

arguments and position  statements. APA 7

referencing is free from  errors.